A tale of two programs

So, this Chuck Oliver tweet set off an interesting debate.

I questioned the use of the “by far” there.  Auburn has a couple of national title game appearances with a national title during that time, but Georgia has a better overall record and, of course, a 9-2 advantage in the series.

If you want to argue that Auburn’s highs have been greater than Georgia’s over that time frame, you’ll get no argument from me, at least as long as you also acknowledge the lows have been lower.  That’s a long way from “by far”, though.  At least it is to me.

But it leads me to a question for discussion here.  Skip the extra-curricular considerations for a minute (you know what I mean).  From a pure results standpoint, between Georgia and Auburn over the last decade or so, what’s your preference?


Filed under Georgia Football

73 responses to “A tale of two programs

  1. Castleberry

    I agree that it’s not “by far”, but give me the 2 SECs and the national title.

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    • Saxondawg

      I stopped reading at “Chuck Oliver.”

      Liked by 4 people

    • Debby Balcer

      No if I had to buy my way there no thank you $cam Newton and Nick Fairley enough said.

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      • McTyre

        I love my alma mater too much to see it devolve into a cheating slime pit like Auburn athletics. They cheat because they lack the in-state talent pool of UGA and UF and the gravitational pull of Bama (at least under Saban, Stallings and Bryant), while their fan base expects excellence . . . and apparently doesn’t care how the winning gets done. Kirby is on the cusp of confirming that it’s possible to win titles without moral compromise and that hardware will be infinitely better than Auburn’s nasty little natty.


    • 3rdandGrantham

      He’s basically arguing that the Florida Marlins were by far the better team than the Braves in the 90’s – he just can’t figure out why the Braves have the head to head edge and more total wins.

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  2. ApalachDawg

    Chuck Oliver = just because you have a loud voice doesn’t mean that you have intelligence

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  3. Derek

    I wouldn’t trade losing to Auburn 9 of the last 11 for a natty.

    I wouldn’t take losing 8 of the last 10 to our in state rival for a natty either.


  4. Got Cowdog

    Today, I’ll take 9-2 and dominance. Tomorrow I hope we have 10-2, dominance, and a shot at the SEC title, which we all know is the real national championship.:)

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  5. 92 grad

    I’ve contemplated this very thing over the years. It’s interesting. The typical “Georgian” old south shines through as does the typical “new south” culture of auburn. I think it’s like managing money, where auburn is the day trade crowd that take big gains and big losses while Georgia is the mutual fund looking for stability where too much growth is seen as unnecessary risk.

    I’ll take the consistency we have grown to accept. The all or nothing type seems kind of hollow even though I know it’s not, just feels that way but that’s a personal opinion.


    • southernlawyer11

      agreed. The sec east is your old money, the sec west is your new money. Some of it is bad (UF and UGA falling back in the arms race, probably because it’s unseemly even if reluctantly necessary) Some of it is good: we’ve usually always been good, never great but never paranoid.


  6. Hillbilly Dawg

    I’ll take the 9-2 against bitter rivals.


  7. Go Dawgs!

    I can definitely see their argument. The rings are special, and they’re the ultimate goal.

    With that said, I wouldn’t trade 9-2 over them unless it was to be 10-1 against them.


    • Go Dawgs!

      Also, Chuck Oliver can go eff himself as far as I’m concerned. Thank God for 92.9, I don’t have to listen to the “Kang” anymore to get sports talk in this town.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. Russ

    No contest for me. I’ll take our program any day with more solid, steady results. Buying one championship, and fielding a bunch of felons for another runner-up doesn’t interest me. At all.

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    • MGW

      Also, Alabama, Florida, Auburn, and LSU all had losses during that stretch when they won the SEC championship and got to play for the BCS. Richt’s two SEC Championships, there were two other undefeated teams, so we didn’t get the same shot. There’s an element of luck, or at least things totally out of the teams’ control, that is almost always completely ignored when making these types of comparisons.


    • The criminal element at Auburn is a prevalent and an accepted standard of behavior. And the condescending self righteousness of their fans is part and parcel of their idiocy and self-absorption.


  9. If we had to cheat to get the rings, I would not want the rings. I would take our record over the last 12 years, and trust that Kirby can improve on that record.


  10. Gene Simmons

    I guess the “better” program also means routinely firing coaches and living under the constant shadow of scandal. Hey, it’s the AU way. I’ll take the 9-2 record and I, for one, am PROUD we didn’t have sCAM or Nick playing for us. Ours will come and it will be sustainable and unblemished. AND we will keep our coach afterwards. BURN DOWN THE BARN! GO DAWGS!


    • PTC DAWG

      I don’t think he meant to trade players…..


      • Gene Simmons

        I am not saying trade. I am just saying that AU is proud of things that I (as a UGA fan) would not be. The checkered past of their heroes is one of those things. Yes, I want to win, but not “at all costs.”


  11. WF Dawg

    Nuanced answer: I’d take a decade like AU’s just had, if I could get a natty out of it, and then return to more decades like UGA’s last one. I was born in 1981, about a month after our last championship, so I’d trade a lot for the guarantee of having one in my lifetime. I don’t begrudge the opposite answer for those of you who’ve already experienced a championship. It’s just that I’m starving for one. I’m a Cubs fan, and the exhilaration of 2016 still hasn’t worn off. As an even bigger Dawgs fan, I’m pretty sure I’d run out of years to live before a championship ran out of savor.


    • Gaskilldawg

      I understand your position. I have a different perspective since I was an alum and season ticket holder in 1980 and to date. The NC was great, but not THAT great , meaning that I enjoyed the sustained excellence of that era and of the past 17 years more than I enjoyed just that one season.

      Contrast us and Tech. Rather have our 1990-1999 results or Tech’s?


  12. PTC DAWG

    My 2005 SECC Hat is getting old. That should tell you where I stand. Championships are the goal.

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  13. I’ll take championships mixed with losing seasons over sustained better-than-average results any day. Good discussion though.


  14. MGW

    In general, I’d rather have a couple of championship wins/appearances and a couple non-bowl seasons over a decade if the alternative was consistent “goodness” and never quite reaching “greatness”.

    Not to get all “Georgia Way” on you here, but the way Auburn’s done it, I’ll pass.

    And if some Auburn fan could please go ahead and prove my point for me and reply with the whole “What exactly do you mean by that?!?”, that would be great.


  15. 202dawg

    Sorry, when I hear ‘Chuck Oliver’ this is all
    I can think of…

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  16. Chuck Oliver = sports talk idiot

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  17. Stoopnagle

    Oh please. If you’re 2-9 against another program you aren’t even close to being better “by far.” Only one of the programs in the equation got beat 45-7 and 38-0 and 34-7 in recent memory. Only one of these programs got one of its two wins on a total fluke. Plus, only one of these programs is an unrepentant cheat. Man, please.

    I don’t care for Auburn.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Stoopnagle

      That said, I’d rather be Georgia with my two (now three!) sad SEC East titles in the last 10 years than Auburn with a BCS and 2 SEC titles all day, every day.


  18. fluffytown

    Not factoring in the extra-curriculars, as you mentioned, I would take Auburn’s results over the last decade or so due to their national title and other NC game appearance.

    Not many people outside of Auburn or close SEC rivals remember their 3-9 season in 2012 or any good, average, or below average seasons before or after. People remember and celebrate championships. That’s what I want. I would trade our dominance in this rivalry and overall steadier season-to-season performance in a heartbeat if it meant we got a title and a shot at another one, as they did.


  19. Is that what you’re saying?


  20. Boz

    I would describe Auburn as Georgia’s historical peer with regards to football success, with exception to the controversial 2010 season, and the ultimate horseshoe/rabbit’s foot 2014 season. Their success in each of those years are as improbable as any I remember in my 41 years on this planet.

    I’ve had this conversation come up twice in as many days about the South’s Oldest Rivalry – I always saw the UGA v. AU as a gentleman’s rivalry, and not one that I circled as a must win until the Cam/Fairley 2010 team happened. Multiple collisions happened including: 1) AJ Green was suspended for selling one jersey, which was discovered during a witch hunt for Marvin Austin 2) Cam Newton, a POS for SO many reasons, is allowed to play amidst overwhelming evidence that his father actively shopped his son’s eligibility and his church was the recipient of 6 figures; 3) Trooper Taylors towel waving as Fairley did his thing 4) Watching a team with whom we’d shared similar success win a NC with a win at all cost mentality, from the top administration down to the towel boy. Everything about that season was dirty, and once it happened, the line was drawn in the sand and the hate became DEEP.

    Dawgs are going to tee up another coach to get fired. We’ll break CGM’s knees and UA will finish him off.

    F Auburn.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Gaskilldawg

      Auburn, in its response to the NCAA, admitted Cecil Newton was asking for money in exchange for Cam (as you noted.) Auburn said, with a straight face, that Cam’s statement to the Miss State coaches that “Auburn paid more” or words to that effect proved that he did not know Daddy was asking for money. The NCAA did not want to take the luster off of Auburn and Cam so late in the season and agreed that Cam didn’t know and Daddy, who admittedly was selling Cam, sent him to Auburn for free.


  21. Tommy

    Let’s flip it around. If Auburn were 9-2 against us during a time when we’d won a natty and 2 SECs, would we ever hear the end of it? Hell, no.


  22. Gravidy

    To answer your question… If we’re solely discussing results, I’d definitely take Auburn’s over the last decade. And it isn’t particularly close.


  23. Rocketdawg

    I really want to punch Chuck Oliver in that far smug face of his. I loathe him about as much as any human on the planet.

    Having said that…..The Barn has a national title and played for another one in that stretch. They also have a winless season in the SEC and more 8-4/7-5 years than I care to count. Under Richt we were consistently above average (2002,2005,2007,2012 excepted).

    I can’t honestly say which path I would want more. Playing for Championships (and winning 2 SEC and an MNC) would be great but I can do without the trade off of the shitty season(s) that follow. After 7-5 last year we were ready to kill each other and some were ready to run Kirby out of town on a rail.


  24. athensdawg9

    As a UGA grad, I’d trade places in a heartbeat. Until the NCAA goes USC/Reggie Bush, that NC is still legitimate whether you agree or not.

    Tell me this, what scenario would you prefer?

    a) Lose to Auburn tomorrow, win the SECCG, and win the Playoff/NC.

    b) Beat Auburn tomorrow, lose to Bama in the SECCG, play in the Peach Bowl or other NY6 Bowl.

    Anyone answering Option B is a delusional homer.

    1 Natty, 2 SECs > 9-2 in rivalry game, 0 titles


    • athensdawg9

      To clarify, going forward I wouldn’t change places as I have more confidence in Kirby than Gus.

      But for 2006-2016, give me Auburn’s resume over ours.


      • Rocketdawg

        Just curious….are you under the age of 30? 40?

        It seems to me that the younger crowd that grew up on the BCS is “championship or it’s a bad season” while those of us who are older (I’m 46) think that any season ending with an SEC title is a good year. Would I like for the Dawgs to win another MNC in my lifetime? Sure, but if they win the SEC this year and happen to lose in the playoffs I’ll still be happy and consider it a great season.

        Liked by 1 person

        • athensdawg9

          “while those of us who are older (I’m 46) think that any season ending with an SEC title is a good year”

          I agree. So where was our SEC title in that ’06 to ’16 time span?


          • Rocketdawg

            Where was our 0-8 SEC record? Or the years we didn’t make a bowl game?


            • athensdawg9

              Like I said, I’d trade those down years for a natty.

              Good is the enemy of great.

              I don’t follow UGA for 9-10 wins and mediocre bowl victory. I follow for the SEC and National titles. Accepting “good” is why we were didn’t win anything of significance for a decade. Luckily, the administration didn’t reflect your reasoning and agreed with me and brought in a guy who doesn’t settle for “good.”


              • Dawgwalker07

                “Good is the enemy of great.”

                That’s a pretty interesting way to rationalize accepting a 0-8 SEC season. I have a sneaky suspicion you wouldn’t feel that way in the middle of it with absolutely no promise of payoff the next year.

                And if you’re saying our record is only good whereas Auburn’s is great because they won a national title off the back of a Heisman Trophy winning quarterback and another SEC title in a season that ended in 2 miraculous back to back wins against conference rivals I don’t get on board with that. Those are accomplishments they have that we don’t, but they were flukey, lightning in a bottle things.

                And finally, who was guilty of “accepting good” for the past decade? I’m pretty sure this athletic administration was complicit in a lot of it, so don’t act like they bailed out the football program in an effort to strive for greatness. They may have lucked out in a hire that was a foregone conclusion as soon as Richt was dismissed, but they aren’t some great pursuers of excellence.


            • athensdawg9


              UGA: 9.2 wins a season, 0 NCs, 0 SEC titles, 8-3 in bowls, 1 sub-.500 season
              Auburn: 8.5 wins a season, 1 NC, 2 SEC titles, 6-3 in bowls, 2 sub-.500 seasons

              Yeah, give me Auburn all day. An extra .75 win a year plus 2 meaningless bowls don’t overcome National and SEC titles IMO.


  25. ChiliDawg

    I don’t know why there’s so much hate for Chuck Oliver here. He and Matt Chernoff are the only entertaining sports people on the air in Atlanta, and I think Chuck is usually pretty good. Don’t agree with everything he says but he’s a lot better than 99% of the people that work for the national networks.

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    • athensdawg9

      Yep. I don’t always agree with Chuck, but he’s super knowledgeable in the CFB realm. And they’re entertaining. Crotchety folks on here.


      • Rocketdawg

        You think Oliver is knowledgeable? He is a complete buffoon. A mentally challenged chimpanzee could do a better job and make more accurate predictions.


        • athensdawg9

          You disapprove of him because of inaccurate predictions? Haha seriously?

          In that case, you should hate the entire CFB media because no one can predict the future. He knows an insane amount of CFB history which is more important to me than accurate predictions.


  26. Mayor

    Chuck Oliver is a worthless douchebag. Now on to the question. I interpret the question to be 2007 forward. Georgia had seasons of: 11-2 (ended the season ranked #2 in the nation); 10-3; 8-5; 6-7; 10-4; 12-2 (ended the season ranked #4 in the nation); 8-5; 10-3; 10-3; 8-5. Also Georgia won or tied for the SEC East title 3 times (4 if you count this season). Auburn had seasons of: 9-4; 5-7; 8-5; 14-0 (ended season ranked #1 in nation); 8-5; 3-9; 12-2 (ended season ranked #2 or 3, I recall); 8-5; 7-6; 8-5. Georgia won 93 games over that span. Auburn won 82 games. Auburn did win the nattie in ’10 and played for it in ’13. Auburn won the SEC West title twice and the SEC Championship twice. I think I am biased but I feel the need to mention that the Dawgs would have won 1 SEC Championship and likely would have won a nattie in ’12 if our former coach hadn’t choked at the end of the SECCG, and also the Dawgs basically got screwed out of playing in the BCSNCG in ’07 when they clearly (IMHO at least) had the best team in the nation at the end of the season. Also, Georgia won 8 out of 10 from Auburn during that time. No contest. Over that time Georgia had the superior program but just was unlucky and didn’t get to play for a nattie. Auburn did get lucky and got to play for one twice, winning once. The ’07 Georgia team finishing #2 in the nation is a wash with Auburn’s ’13 team playing for the BCSNCG and losing. The only edge for Auburn is ’10 and that is more than offset by 11 more victories during that period by the Dawgs plus the head to head record.

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  27. Is This Your Homework Larry?

    I remember thinking Chuck Oliver was a douche-nozzle when he was a coach/teacher at my high school. 20+ years later, my opinion is still the same.

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  28. BReynolds

    I enjoyed those years as a Georgia fan. I would not care for the roller coaster ride that Auburn has been on. For that matter, I don’t care for Auburn.


  29. barneydawg

    I like my trick, Auburn sucks.


  30. barneydawg

    I meant, I like my truck, Auburn sucks. I need to go to bed.


  31. 2006-2016 (or 2007-2016)……. easy question.

    1 national title, 2 appearances, 2 SEC titles, 2-9 vs rival is VASTLY superior to 0 SEC titles, 9-2 vs rival.

    I’m 40+ to answer people thinking it is all the youngsters preferring the title.


  32. rchris

    Auburn fans have had to put up with a lot of miserable seasons to pay for their one natty. And the way they got it feels really sleazy, like having sex with an extremely skanky girl. I’d take Georgia any day.


    • Mayor

      “….like having sex with an extremely skanky girl.” I hope Auburn caught the football equivalent of herpes AND gonorrea.
