Musical palate cleanser, Van the Man edition

This year marks the fiftieth anniversary of Van Morrison’s epic Astral Weeks album.  (Insert “geez, I’m getting old” observation here.)  Evidently there’s a new book out that makes it sound like getting the record out was a helluva wild ride.

Anyway, in honor of the occasion, here’s one of my favorite Morrison songs, not just from Astral Weeks, but his entire career, “The Way Young Lovers Do”.


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11 responses to “Musical palate cleanser, Van the Man edition

  1. Red Cup

    Great article and album. Thanks man


  2. Mayor

    One of my favorites too. Thanks Senator. 😊


  3. Coweta Dawg

    Love it. Toss up for me between Astral Weeks and Moondance. Into the Mystic is one of the best out there.


  4. Dolly Llama

    The making of Astral Weeks sounds like it was a terrible mess that turned out well.


    • Got Cowdog

      I was encouraged by a former employer once to “Be successful somewhere else.” Turned out to be the best thing that ever happened to me and I’m still pissed off about it.
      That thought struck me after reading the artist’s comments at the end of the article.


  5. Comin' Down The Track

    Nice one.


  6. illini84

    Jim and Van at the Whiskey


  7. 209

    RE: (Insert “geez, I’m getting old” observation here.)
    If that were true, you would have one of the great Motown artist on here every Monday.. Your choices are interesting and entertaining. But give use old folks a little something something every now and then.
