Musical palate cleanser, Nuggets edition, day two

You get a two-fer today.  One, because both tunes are on the short side; and two, because you’ll notice they share a common theme.

First, the pride of Minneapolis, it’s the Castaways with their one hit, “Liar, Liar”.

You don’t get a lot of falsetto vocals with garage rock, but it works.

Then, there’s New Jersey’s finest, The Knickerbockers, who actually had a couple of hit singles.  This one’s “Lies”.

Pretty good Beatles ripoff.

Ah, hell, here’s a bonus track not on Nuggets.  It’s The Knickerbockers’ other hit, “One Track Mind”.


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5 responses to “Musical palate cleanser, Nuggets edition, day two

  1. And check out the pride of Hahira, Georgia. The New Beats, I like Bread and Butter!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Along with the ever popular Run Baby Run.


  3. PharmDawg

    Lies was the greatest song The Beatles never wrote.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Big ups for “Lies”. That’s some impressive lip-saxing right there.
