The Knoxville exodus begins.

One day of spring practice, one less defensive lineman on the roster.  Jeremy Pruitt’s magic is already at work.


Filed under Because Nothing Sucks Like A Big Orange

16 responses to “The Knoxville exodus begins.

  1. The other Doug

    Picou wasn’t going to contribute other than depth, so Pruitt will just move an OL guy over for this season. Fake news.


  2. ChiliDawg

    Wes Rucker posted an article yesterday about Pruitt being “pleased with the number of bodies available for spring practice.” I’d hate to see the number he’d be disappointed with.


  3. Hogbody Spradlin

    Pruitt must have read Sun Tzu. Execute one of the group early and you’ll have the undivided attention of the others.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Chi-town Dawg

    “There’s still plenty of time, though, as the spring practice session just got underway.” as in he’s just the first of what will be many as CJP creates extra space for the class of 2019;-)


  5. Uglydawg

    This may have more to do with roster management (see, “The Process”) than discipline..or a tad of both. It’s a pretty good move really. Accomplishes two things with one move.
    Pruitt is looking at one or two “throw away years” while he hopes to be building his own house, brick by brick (as they say in Knoxville). Booch’s bricks are under scrutiny and are expendable until.
    Meanwhile, down in Georgia, CKS gives extra chances for a defensive player to get straight. (One wonders what would have been his fate under CJP.) I hope that pays off. Maybe “The Process” has varying degrees of patience to match varying degrees of talent. Or maybe CKS is honestly concerned with the kid’s life and future, a’la CMR. That would be nice.
    Different strokes for different folks, huh?
    But it’s unfair for me to compare apples to oranges, as the two coaches inherited very different situations.


    • ChiliDawg

      I don’t think you know Tennessee fans if you think Pruitt is getting a pass on “two throw away years.” Good coaches have a track record for success in year 2, if Tennessee is still sucking in 2019, expect the denizens of Rocky Top to start clamoring again.

      Hell, some of them will start up by mid-season this year if it’s not going well.


      • Got Cowdog

        Yeah, it’s gonna be fun to watch. I think CJP is can coach well enough to beat UK and Vandy with the talent he has, and UF will be fun to watch because one of them has to lose. If he goes 2-6 or 3-5 his fan base will be calling for his head.


  6. Macallanlover

    For different reasons, it will be interesting to see how many depart Athens after UGA’s spring game. There are many guys with talent who may not see a way they get much playing time in their remaining college time. We have some serious depth at a few positions. Not a wholesale exit, but some guys who could easily find themselves stuck behind younger players.


    • W Cobb Dawg

      Yep. I believe we still need to free up a couple roster slots for the rest of the incoming freshman class.


    • Cojones

      UT has a good chance to permit openness and clarity of their situation if they take their fans seriously. Why not let everyone join in and pull with the team until they get past the mound of horseshit created by their ADs? This would be a great opportunity to galvanize players and fans together as big underdogs against the world who have to work their way out of this falderal and the impetus for forming teamwork between fans , coaches and team shouldn’t be allowed to go fallow. It would be a motivational tool that embraces the reality of what they face and, by pulling together, can enhance the players and the fan base in recruiting and field play this year.

      Or not, unless the UT fans can get over themselves.


  7. Kdawg

    Screw the Sister Kissers and Pruitt, let’s hang half a hundred on them and watch all the inbred fans cry in the Sanford stadium stands on 09/29/2018!


  8. Kdawg

    And don’t let them score again!
