Zeus is loose.

Ordinarily, I’d dismiss this as little more than preseason happy talk…

When Kirby Smart was asked whether Zamir White, the five-star Georgia tailback recruit coming off a knee injury, would be ready for fall camp, Smart acknowledged that it was hard to tell. Then he invited the media to judge for itself.

“You guys are going to see him out there,” Smart said before Georgia’s spring practice. “He’ll probably be doing some individual trials, and you make your own assessment.”

Admittedly it’s hard to say much from watching for a little more than 10 minutes. But White does appear to be ahead of schedule, considering he tore his ACL only in December.

White, wearing a brace around his right knee, is able to run during run and pass route polish drills. In those drills he was doing everything the other tailbacks were doing. But when the tailbacks went into drills when they did more – such as cutting – White sat it out, going to the side on his own. Ron Courson, the head athletic trainer, walked over to White at one point and had him jog in a zig-zag pattern up the sideline. White will also not be doing any contact drills this spring.

Still, while there are many limits to what White will do this spring, the early signs are encouraging.

… but since this is Georgia, the land of Ron Courson and Nick Chubb’s recovery, I’ve decided to keep an open mind.


Filed under Georgia Football, The Body Is A Temple

22 responses to “Zeus is loose.

  1. I believe Zeus’s injury was more of a run of the mill ACL (if there is such a thing). Given some of the experience Courson has had with Aaron Murray, Todd Gurley, and Nick, I wouldn’t be surprised to see young Mr. White available in September.

    This tailback group has the ability to be a serious wrecking crew assuming the offensive line comes together as we all think it will. Swift, Holyfield, Herrien, Cook and White … wow!


  2. Argondawg

    A friend at BM said that as far as rehab goes that Zamir is very much like Chubb. A quiet, obsessively focused young man. We will see but I have incredible faith in Ron Courson


    • The Truth

      This is the wild card — does Zeus have Nick’s work ethic? Not suggesting he doesn’t, but not many do. If he does then I need a cigarette because I’m not sure we’ve ever seen the combo of backs AND O-line we’ve got now.


  3. Derek

    A 100% Zeus on 8/1/18 would be HUGE!


  4. Bulldog Joe

    Zoom, but no zig zag yet for Zeus.


  5. ugafidelis

    I’ve been wondering how many conversations he and Chubb had about getting back in there after an injury like that.


  6. Hogbody Spradlin

    I hear from an inside source that he can zig well but the zag needs more rehab.


  7. Not to be Debbie Downer, but Chubb did not really return to form until the 2017 season from the 2015 injury. Sure the line sucked in 2016 but he improved tremendously between 16 and 17.


  8. MLB2

    Ron Courson is a rock star. Everyone talks about Chubb but don’t forget the rookie year Gurley had after tearing his.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Rampdawg

    Nick’s knee was ripped to shreds. Gurley had significant knee damage as the pain on his face showed after the play. White did not even know he had a knee injury. Played some more in the game, then went bowling the next day.
    I still would take the time and not rush it.


  10. MGW

    Glad we have a tested stable that can already be leaned on, in addition to Cook, so there’s no need to rush him. Its not a situation where we’ve got a bunch of duds on the roster and we need a “savior” type to return to health as quickly as possible.


  11. Hill Billy Dawg

    My .02 but let’s give him plenty of time. Holyfield & Co are on the job.


  12. Reggie Cunningham

    I can’t believe you busted out ‘Zeus Is Loose’ for mere preseason happy talk. I would have gone with ‘Hey Zeus, Don’t Be Afraid.’


    • ChiliDawg

      I will be severely disappointed if there’s not a bearded student in the front row this season with a red and black toga and a lightning bolt in hand.

      Liked by 1 person