“He said his last game on this field left a dirty taste in his mouth.”

Georgia hasn’t lost at home for two years. It carries a 12-game winning streak at Sanford Stadium into this game—the nation’s fifth longest.

The last visiting team to win in Athens? These Yellow Jackets.

Georgia hasn’t lost more than two in a row in Athens to Georgia Tech since it lost four in a row from 1950-56.

“We’re not going to disappoint,” Ledbetter said. “We’re going to come out and …give them everything we’ve got.”

I know we joke about the meme, but has anyone considered the possibility that Georgia Tech is gonna get Georgia’s best shot?


Filed under Georgia Football, Georgia Tech Football

7 responses to ““He said his last game on this field left a dirty taste in his mouth.”

  1. I would love for us to give Fech our best shot today. If that happens, 6:09 could be in serious jeopardy.


  2. ZeroPOINTzero

    The Sanks non fumble hurt. My Tech friends swear they are horribly mistreated in Athens. Never seen it. I have had a Tech fan follow me all the way into the bathroom at BD and yell in my face while I was”busy”only to scurry away as soon as my zipper went up. But my favorite was the older Tech gentleman who stood in the center of the breezeway at BD facing the crowd yelling “I dare you to smile” over and over as the GA fans streamed by. He was in his 60’s and wanted to fight the entire stadium. Stay classy GT.


    • illinidawg

      Reposted from above. “We usually go to Dodd when the Hokies play there. A few years ago they had won and we were leaving and one of them saw my Virginia Tech jacket and grabbed me and tried to give me a noogie. I turned and hit him so hard it lifted him off his feet! He was obviously a student and I’m an old man so it wasn’t fair. Fuck em.” I’m well over 60 but the hell with talking sometimes.


      • Down island way

        Talk is overrated……..Fuck em, now you’ve really said something of substance……Get After Techs Ass! GO DAWGS!


  3. Hobnail_Boot

    Vanilla today. Tape your knees and get out healthy.

    Save the best shot for next week.


  4. Busta

    Burned the ticks off our sacks today
