Today, in oh, you were serious about that?

This is some question.

And some of you think I troll.  Jeez.


Filed under Gators, Gators..., Georgia Football, Social Media Is The Devil's Playground

37 responses to “Today, in oh, you were serious about that?

  1. Short Answer: No.
    Next Question.


  2. Gators… they honestly think that because they are the Florida Gators that they have some type of birth right of having the better player – especially if it is Georgia. Yet they have lost 5 of the last 8 and were flat out whipped the last two times they played. Noticed the QB whisperer doesn’t have a ‘stud’ QB in his class. Best he could do is the 9th best ‘dual threat’ QB. Wasn’t Mullen going to make UF – QB U?

    They really need to stop it…


  3. 81Dog

    Overtake him? You mean on the freeway or something? Because in football, uh… This is starting to sound like the annual S Carolina bleating about (fill in the name of this year’s QB) IS GOING TO TAKE US TO ATLANTA!!!!! Or maybe the annual AU bleating about GUS IS AN OFFENSIVE GURU (fill in the name of this year’s QB) IS GOING TO WIN A HEISMAN, JUST LIKE CAM!!!!

    Bitches, please.


  4. ASEF

    Franks is taller, by a good 4 inches, which means he has better sight lines in the passing game. He’s 20 pounds heavier, which means he can absorb more hits. He runs a better 40, so he’s going to pick up more yards on broken plays. His hands are bigger, which means he’s going to fumble less, and a little QB coaching will turn that hand size into tighter spirals, which means his throws will be more catch-able.

    So, yes, Franks overtaking Fromm is inevitable.


    Liked by 1 person

  5. Biggus Rickus

    I am utterly confused by the emerging Gator narrative that they’re closing the gap on Georgia. They’ve compiled another mediocre recruiting class by SEC standards, they return less than Georgia does, and they’ve lost the last two games by a combined score of 78-24. Maybe it’s the same overhyping of bowl outcomes that has depressed the Georgia fanbase.


  6. Bigshot

    Fromm has to be the most disrespectful QB in the nation.


    • Russ

      If you mean disrespected, then yes. Otherwise, he seems very respectful. 😉

      And I think Franks has already overtaken Fromm. He’s taller than Fromm. Isn’t that what they’re talking about?


  7. Charlottedawg

    Franks still sees tyrique mcghee in his nightmares (Over the last two cocktail parties #26 has intercepted Franks once and forced two fumbles at the gator goal line.)


  8. mg4life0331

    Trolling, Trolling, Trolling,
    Get them memes posted

    Liked by 2 people

  9. 86BONE

    No Siiiiiiiiiirrrrrrrrrrr!


  10. Milledge Hall

    Naw Senator!! We know you don’t troll. Trolling takes work. Why work when the shit comes to you!!!


  11. ApalachDawg

    There are oyster beds in Apalachicola bay that could beat Out F.Franks.


  12. J-DawG

    Maybe if he got rid of those funky chin whiskers he might at least “look” like a QB.


  13. mwo

    Franks is no Jake Bentley but he can dream!


  14. When crunch time comes around, you can see the “deer in the headlights” look on Franks face.


  15. The Truth

    So there’s another QB out there named Feleipe Franks we didn’t know about? Damn, what are the odds?


  16. Dylan Dreyer's Booty

    I have watched Franks play some this past year because he was a 5* recruit by at least some services. What I see on some plays is an athletic, tall guy with a big arm, so I can see why he was thought to be a 5*, but for every good thing he can do physically it seems like there is a bad decision that is soooo bad it ruins it. Maybe Mullen can get inside his head and fix it, but I wouldn’t predict it.


    • 81Dog

      wasn’t he a top rated, if not THE top rated, dual threat QB in his class? Perfect for the spread/RPO game? Big, strong, fast, huge arm that can make all the throws. Uber athletic!!!!!

      hmmm. Cant pass one read, easily confused, gets frustrated when things aren’t going his way……..that has a familiar ring to it.


  17. Doug

    Can Feleipe Franks overtake Jake Fromm? Is South Carolina the new rising power in the East?

    Some of these questions are like asking whether Turkmenistan is poised to put a man on Mars. Maybe one day, sure . . . but maaaaan, they got a whole lot of stuff to take care of first. I mean, my six-year-old niece might one day run a Fortune 500 company, but maybe she should focus on nailing those multiplication tables first, you know?


    • stoopnagle

      Mizzou has the best shot at finishing second IMO. They’ve smoked UF two years in a row, get us off a bye after we play the Gators, and have a favorable West draw (Ole Miss and Arkansas). They also have a good QB (again).


  18. CPark58

    He’ll be riding past the metaphorical skeletons of Eason and Fields to overtake Fromm…..nah


  19. stoopnagle

    Yes, Smithers! FEED THE GATOR HYPE!
