ESPN: Signing day matters. Except when it doesn’t, Georgia.

I have some bad news for you.  Mickey has turned its crack staff on to analyzing the relationship between recruiting and winning nattys.

In an era in which star rankings define every prospect group, a top-notch recruiting class has come to separate elite teams from the rest of the pack before any games are even played. Using recruiting trends of the past 10 years, we have put together a formula to predict who will win next year’s College Football Playoff National Championship in New Orleans.

Bottom line, Georgia doesn’t make the cut.

Wut, you say?  How can that be?

Believe it or not, here’s where the Dawgs fell short.

4. Are you locking down the home state?

The five playoff champions have all landed at least one-third of in-state ESPN 300 recruits in the four years leading up to winning the title.

Georgia (39-of-136) falls short of that mark, though to be fair, the state of Georgia produced nearly twice as many ESPN 300 prospects (136) as Ohio, South Carolina and Michigan combined (74).

If you think that’s stupid, it’s only because it is.  Georgia signed more in-state recruits than any of the five other schools that made it to the next stage.  Maybe Kirby should have dumped some out of state five-star kids to get that in-state percentage up.

It may be dumb, but I suspect it’ll make for some great click bait at Dawgnation any time now.


Filed under ESPN Is The Devil, Georgia Football, Recruiting

17 responses to “ESPN: Signing day matters. Except when it doesn’t, Georgia.

  1. Russ

    Here’s a recruiting story for today

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Derek

    5 in state guys over 4 years is sure to make all the difference…


    • 81Dog


      How many of those recruits in Alabama are there each year? A third of a smaller number can be smaller than slightly less than a third of a larger number. Maths are hard, right?


  3. Russ

    Oh, and until Kirby signs the top 30 kids from Georgia each year (in addition to the national 5 stars he’s been getting) people will complain.


  4. Timphd

    With The Athletic available, I hardly check ESPN anymore. This article is one of the reasons why.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Ellis

      Second that. If you have not checked out The Athletic it is far superior to this kind of mindless “analysis” from ESPN.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Rocketdawg

        I plunked down the money for The Athletic and have been very happy with it so far. Good articles without the “spin” that ESPN, AJC, etc try to put on them


    • As is with most media outlets, espn makes up/reports headlines as to create news? in one form or another….as in with this case espn used it’s own espn 300 recruits list to formulate it’s desired topic…… appears as if Mickey is starting it’s final 4 marketing for 2019/2020…. LETS STICK IT TO MICKEY DAWG STYLE!


  5. 81Dog

    Is AOC helping ESPN with math now?

    Liked by 2 people

  6. Hogbody Spradlin

    Talk about contriving a way to back into the conclusion you wanted! Oy!


  7. MGW

    They forgot to mention that Smart stepped on a crack in the pavement AND once opened an umbrella inside. No chance.


  8. KornDawg

    300 in 4 years. So we’re supposed to get 25 of those players yearly, with a signing limit of around 25 players yearly. Go home ESPN, you drunk.


  9. 1smartdude

    I think locking down the state is extreamly important for those states that don’t produce great numbers and don’t have the brand to recruit nationally. It becomes a silly statement when you talk about the states of Florida, Texas, Georgia and those top producing states. It’s simply not possible to give a scholarship to that number of players. There is a part that gives me pause though, we look to sign only two of the states top 10 guys. Only three of the top 20. That, IMO, does matter in the quest for a title. As good as this class might be, I can’t remeber a time we signed only two of the top 10 in the state. That one fact leaves me thinking what might have been for this year’s class.


    • Otto

      UGA has the #1 recruits from:

      #1 and #2 from

      So yah they can say what they want about UGA only signing whatever percentage of the Georgia top whatever.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. CB

    Please don’t share whatever horseshit article Connor Riley comes up with off of this. I feel betrayed every time I get tricked into giving them clicks. You at least owe us a disclaimer, that goes for Dean Legge as well.
