Today, in journalism

This is what you get when you combine a click-bait media strategy with a lack of editorial restraint:

Only fitting to come from the same place known for “FIRST!” in its reader comment threads.


Filed under Georgia Football, Media Punditry/Foibles, Social Media Is The Devil's Playground

25 responses to “Today, in journalism

  1. W Cobb Dawg

    “We ‘prepped’ stories…” or we fabricated stories?


  2. Classic City Canine

    I don’t reflexively hate or mistrust the media like some on here, but you got to admit that journalism as a profession has really debased itself. It’s shocking how poorly run Dawgnation is but I guess we have ourselves to blame for clicking on the clickbait. I for one have dramatically cut down my clicks on Dawgnation articles this year.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Bob

    Must be nice to be so perfect Blut-snarky. The AJC is a cesspool of bad writers, but the key here is they actually have to WRITE posts. Not steal others (or suck at Seth’s left nut) and then add snark.


  4. Macallanlover

    “journalism” should be removed from Webster’s, or at least retired from usage of present day hacks posing as professionals.


    • Uglydawg

      Agree. Journalism is pretty much over.
      Have you watched Lara Logan’s show?
      She’s the real deal but one of the few.
      Almost every SOB that calls themselves a “Reporter” is grinding an ax.
      The more they taunt their fairness, the more they grind…with just a little more subtlety.


  5. First time, long time

    I have read your blog for years, and think it’s fantastic. I want to make that clear up front. But I disagree with you here. The AJC was actually trying to do the right thing. Everyone knows this decision is coming. There is no reason you have to wait until it happens and then start writing. They’re not making stuff up. They’re writing in advance. This is also done with obituaries of notable people. All of the background is written in advance so when the person dies, it’s a matter of putting two or three paragraphs at the top of a long look at the person’s life.
    The problem is that it got published. And all that takes is one person accidentally clicking on a button. That’s why we (where I work) have the stories written in advance, but we don’t have them in the publishing system. We paste the story into the publishing system when we’re ready.
    And, yes, speed does matter. It’s nice to think of the way things were 20 years ago, but we don’t live in an era when people wait for the paper to land on the driveway. We want information now. People start Googling immediately. If your story isn’t out there, it can’t get read.
    A lot of the media-bashing is justified. But in this case it’s just an accident. A humiliating accident that has the guilty party waking up in a cold sweat for months and years later. Not that I’ve ever experienced that …

    Liked by 1 person

    • I don’t have a problem in the world with having the story ready to go. As you say, that’s standard.

      The problem was in the delivery, as you also note. It’s sloppy, because the AJ-C no longer pays for the cost of quality control.


    • FlyingPeakDawg

      Good response, but I still take exception. While the need to be FIRST! is part of the new economic model for news organizations to get internet ad revenue, and while the stories may well be ready in advance for most of the facts, actual events may alter the story enough that there will be inaccuracies in what is published (not just publishing at the wrong time). That’s a slippery slope for journalism, a profession that has lost it’s way when ad revenue via FIRST is more important that accuracy, clarity, and thoroughness. A successful news organization should be able to accomplish both goals….I’ll let you know when I find one.


  6. duronimo

    Throw in a little sobbing and the words “…. I have sinned,” and it would be just like Jimmy Swaggart’s apology. (The gold standard of apologizing)


  7. duronimo

    The folks at DawgNation do a good job of getting information to the fans as quickly as possible. While it may not be necessary to apply a standardized approach to their writing (Chicago or AP style), proper English and proof reading would improve the product. But I’m going to break fellowship over it. I’m sure they like what they’re doing better than what I’m not doing.


  8. rwphonics

    Not knowing the cavernous NCAA rules….could this actually be a recruiting violation?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. stoopnagle

    Apparently Newman is enrolled. He’s showing up (allegedly) in the UGA people search that’s only available to people at UGA (students, faculty, etc). I didn’t look him up, but someone posted a screen shot to the georgiabulldogs reddit page.

    That on top of Seth Emerson and others bantering make it pretty plain everyone knows Newman is at UGA and we’re just waiting on him/UGA to announce it.
