COVID strikes again.

And it isn’t some lowly mid-major backing out, either.

Week 15 just got a little more crowded, methinks.


Filed under ACC Football, Notre Dame's Faint Echoes, The Body Is A Temple

12 responses to “COVID strikes again.

  1. DawgStats

    Hold the Mayo?


  2. NotMyCrossToBear

    Do they nor want to play 13 players down, or is it something else? I know they say it’s athlete safety but if that was it there would be no season.


    • Generally when talking about stats — and especially when talking about the spread of disease — you’re not looking at numbers in isolation and drawing conclusions, you’re looking for trends. I’m guessing they had a metric in mind of when they’d press the pause button if they were trending in a direction they didn’t want to go. And they hit whatever threshold they’d set, so they hit the pause button.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Previously Paul

      I believe they’re 23 players down. I don’t think the quarantined players can play.

      Liked by 1 person

    • tiredofidsearch

      I could be wrong but the way I read it was the 13 were positives and they are still determining total number of “contacts” that will have to quarantine (if that is accurate they are thinking a lot of contacts wont be able to play, otherwise if it’s a total of 13 who cant play you are right, doesnt seem to make sense).

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Granthams Replacement

    What’s the difference in isolation and quarantine?



    Did I see where they both had a bye next week…tee it up.


  5. “Pulling out” has long been a staple move in the Catholic arsenal (Baptist too).

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