Accuracy is the new (red and) black.

Hey, remember those heady days when Kirby Smart was laser-focused on explosive plays?  Now, he’d just be happy seeing his quarterbacks throw passes in places where guys can actually catch them.

Bennett and Mathis have combined to throw 9 interceptions and complete 52.4 percent of their passes. Only nine FBS teams have thrown more interceptions out of 122 teams, according to Bennett and Mathis also fumbled snaps on Saturday.

Georgia’s completion percentage is the worst in the SEC and ranks 111th nationally.

“We always say you’ve got to make your layups,” Smart said. “That’s the most disappointing things the last couple of games, really, is just the accuracy and the ability to hit the open guys.”

Bennett was 5 of 16 for 78 yards with a touchdown and interception against the Gators. Mathis was 4 of 13 for 34 yards with a touchdown and two interceptions.

“Accuracy comes with experience,” Smart said. “Accuracy comes with timing. Accuracy comes with consistency in who’s out there. If it’s one receiver, he might be running 21 miles an hour, and another receiver might be running 22. …You’ve got to be accurate. That’s probably the number one when you define the quarterback position, accuracy ranks right up there with managing it and not turning it over. Accuracy is probably the defining factor of that position.”

Now he tells us.

“The quarterbacks were a little bit off,” redshirt sophomore wide receiver Kearis Jackson said on Monday. “I don’t know what to say. It was just one of those days where we weren’t completing many balls through the air. It’s something that we have to work on. Has this been a problem all season? No. In practice, we do our things. We just have to translate it over to the game.”

If only practices counted in the standings.  Unfortunately, the Florida game counted ($$).

Stetson Bennett

• A little too far for running back Kendall Milton, who was covered, in the first quarter.

• Missed receiver Jaylen Johnson on a sideline pass in the first quarter.

• Overthrew receiver Matt Landers on a deep pass in the second quarter.

• Overthrew receiver Jermaine Burton near the sideline in the second quarter. Bennett threw on the run rather than setting his feet and firing.

• Overthrew receiver Kearis Jackson on a deep pass downfield in the second quarter. Just a step ahead of him.

• Threw slightly behind Washington over the middle near the end of the second quarter. The freshman tight end could have caught it.

• Overthrew Landers on a sideline pattern late in the second quarter. Would’ve had to be a nice fit.

• Overthrow tight end Tre’ McKitty over the middle.

• Threw behind Jaylen Johnson, resulting in an interception.


• Overthrew Robertson on a deep pass.

• Overthrew McKitty on a sideline pass that would have gone for a long gain.

• Underthrew Landers on a deep sideline pass.

• Threw the ball into double coverage on third down, incomplete.

• Pressured and threw a duck downfield (because he couldn’t take a sack on fourth down) that was intercepted.

• Again on fourth down, threw the ball downfield into coverage and was picked off.

You know what “a little bit off” reminds me of?

Of course, Kirby’s not remorseful about this just for the sake of the passing game.  Nah, he’s got his eyes on the real prize.

“We missed out on some opportunities there, and a lot of that can help a good run game. We have shown the ability at times to run the ball on some hard boxes, and Missouri gives you hard boxes almost every single snap. It’s one of those challenges that we have to improve on.”

Hells, yeah — in the end, it’s always about running into a loaded box successfully.


Filed under Georgia Football, Strategery And Mechanics

68 responses to “Accuracy is the new (red and) black.

  1. Frustrating, but I really do hope Monkin stays. He has been a breath of fresh air, open receivers everywhere.

    Liked by 7 people

    • Monken is also responsible for making sure the QBs can hit the broad side of a barn, and that isn’t happening.


      • I mean, sure. But I’m not sure how you fix that if there are talent limitations. Idk what’s up with Daniel, but this can’t be the QB situational thought he’d be working with.


      • Monken is also responsible for making sure the QBs can hit the broad side of a barn…

        Easy peasy!

        If if really were, there would be QBs with passer ratings in excess of 200 all over the place.

        I guess it’s time to start an “I blame Monken” meme.

        Liked by 9 people

        • I am just wondering why he gets a pass because “receivers are open”. His job is much more than getting people open. His job is to score points with the talent he has, and guess what? BTW, Bennett seems to be regressing under his tutelage, not progressing – granted he got nailed in the 1st quarter – that is true. Mathis has such poor accuracy, I cannot even imagine how poor Beck looks in practice, and Daniels is an enigma. Forgive me if I ain’t impressed so far. Remind me how much he is getting paid to score 14 points against Todd Grantham’s defense – in the 1st half?


          • Bennett, who came into the preseason as the team’s fifth-string quarterback, is regressing (?) because he collapses under the pressure of trying to keep up with quarterbacks who are better.

            Clearly you feel you know how to get things clicking with Georgia’s passing game. Feel free to share here with the class.

            Liked by 7 people

            • Clearly you think the only problem with our offense is a lack of talent at the QB position, and we have 3 blue chips on the roster.


              • Apparently those ratings are bad or Kirby sucks at QBs…..hmmm.


              • Nice dodge, but, yeah, an accurate quarterback would lead to a significant improvement.

                As far as your “we have 3 blue chips” goes, two of them are recovering from serious injuries, but don’t let me stop your roll now.

                Liked by 1 person

                • That wasn’t a dodge, but let’s be real, asking me to enlighten everyone on how to fix Georgia’s offense because I disagree with you was a pretty LAME retort on your part. I don’t know how. I also don’t get paid millions to know. Monken does. I am not advocating for his removal, etc. Just pointing out that he seems to be getting free pass on the QB play, and you know what….you damn sure didn’t give Coley one when Jake looked like shit last year. Oh, and Mathis is healthy enough to play, so I assume he isn’t recovering from his injuries anymore.


              • spur21

                I’d say yes it’s the QB’s. Saturday we completed about 30% of our pass attempts – hardly something to hang your hat on. If I were the coach I’d run on every play if my QB’s were less successful than an average minor league baseball player batting last.


          • Bennett is regressing bc defensive coordinators finally got game tape on him. Not that complicated.

            Liked by 2 people

      • Monken is very likely the guy that was telling kirby to go suck up every QB he could get from the portal.

        Liked by 1 person

      • armydawg

        In all fairness to the QB’s, the receivers have dropped passes that were right on the numbers. Why aren’t we raising hell about the WR coach?


        • Down Island Way

          Footballs sliding through or bouncing off the multi fingered appendage called “hands” will not be blamed on anyone other than the offender….


        • 69Dawg

          With George out we no WR’s willing to layout for the close ones. Certainly not #5 and #86. It takes a team to screw up as bad as the UF game, not just one position.


    • W Cobb Dawg

      I’ve been impressed by Monken. We aren’t going to find an OC who can dial up a better attack. We have/had open WRs all over the place. Seemed like we could’ve hit a dozen deep passes if only we had a QB who could throw it in the same zip code the WR was in. That’s what is so frustrating about the game.

      Liked by 8 people

  2. theotherdoug

    It’s like Bennett and Mathis didn’t take snaps with the first string offense all summer.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Russ

      Yeah, mentioned this in the other thread, but pundits were saying our lack of spring training with a new offense/QBs would be a problem. We all blew it off.

      Apparently, it was kind of a big thing (with apologies to Ron Burgundy).


  3. lvilledawg

    Broadsides of barns never had it so good at UGA.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. gastr1

    I will never not blame Kirby Smart for not having recruited better players. This is an abomination that isn’t even SEC worthy.


    • spur21

      Are you serious – really.


    • theorginaldawgabides

      In hindsight, you may be right about recruiting better QBs for the ‘19 and ‘20 cycles. Fields leaving left very little time to get a guy on board in ‘19, and nearly all of the top QBs lock in early with their respective teams. The only option was a low 4-star rated project in Mathis. Who, ironically, was only available because Fields transfered to the team to which he was committed. Also, there is no chance we give a last minute scholarship to Bennett on signing day if Fields doesn’t leave.
      I think the staff can be held even more responsible for the ‘20 recruiting cycle. We locked in on Beck early and didn’t really go after anyone else at the time. He actually regressed his senior year and plummeted in the ratings until he ended up a low 4 star. I believe Beck was a bad assessment by the staff. There is a reason we went hard after CJ Stroud after Monken came on board, but it was too late to swing him.


  5. munsonlarryfkajim

    For everyone that bemoaned Kirby embracing manball and not “opening up the offense” – maybe now you understand why he loves his manball? After all, he sees practice and we don’t. I’m actually stunned that he had a game plan that had us slinging it around

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Ran A

    Yep… It’s been the QB position verses the other team’s QB that has been the difference in every loss Georgia has had starting with the 2017 National Championship game. It really does come down to that and it really is that simple. And that’s not taking anything away from Fromm; it’s just the guy on the other side of the ball was better and the difference maker and nothing has changed this year. Two losses this year – Georgia stacks up with Bama, giving a tip to the wide receivers (counting Waddle). Florida – Georgia wins almost every position group; but a massive difference at the QB position.

    Fix the Quarterback problem and you fix Georgia. Is that Daniels, is that Beck? Is that the 5 Star coming in next Spring. I don’t know…

    What I do know is that you start finding that out now. We all love SB4; but he isn’t the guy and the truth is that he shouldn’t find the field the rest of the year. You have to figure out what you have with the guys who are there, so that you can move forward with a plan that does or doesn’t include that group.

    This year is done. Plan for the future.

    Liked by 5 people

    • Previously Paul

      I couldn’t agree more. Unfortunately, Kirby does not. He said that Stetson will continue to play as long as he gives the team the best chance to win. I know we’ve had a lot of discussions on this blog about Smart’s stubbornness. Many, including myself, believed we had actually turned a corner and started moving in a different direction offensively with the hire of Monken. Kirby made it crystal clear this week that we are sadly mistaken. I’m beginning to feel like maybe it’s just a matter of time before we lose enough SECC games that folks start to believe maybe Kirby can’t get us over over the hump either.


      • mddawg

        I don’t think “Stetson gives us the best chance to win” is so much a sign of Kirby’s stubbornness as it is an indictment of where the other QBs are at in their development. In his first season as head coach, Kirby quickly handed the keys over to Eason once he showed he could run the offense, and Lambert never took meaningful snaps after that. If Daniels or Beck were lighting the world on fire in practice, they’d be getting their shot.


  7. mddawg

    I think it was mentioned in the Film Don’t Lie analysis the other day that Stetson’s average depth of target is really high, despite his deep-ball completion percentage being pretty low. Maybe there’s something Monken can do from a play-calling aspect to help that out. I’m not saying we give up on the vertical passing game altogether, but taking all those deep shots when it isn’t working seems like an exercise in futility.

    Liked by 1 person

    • spur21

      That almost makes sense. Stetson threw deep when he had guys wide open in the short to intermediate areas. It ain’t the coaches fault our QB’s make bad decisions. Every play has multiple options that our QB’s fail to execute.


      • The Truth

        But when your head coach and others are holding up explosive plays as the end all be all is it really surprising to take that many deep shots?


        • mddawg

          I don’t think it’s surprising, and I’ve always assumed that the passing progressions go from deep to short. So if the QB thinks the deep ball is there, he’s going to load up and throw it before he even looks to the check-down.

          But maybe just dialing up a few plays where the deepest receiver isn’t 40 yards down field would help. Or make it where the deep guy is basically a decoy to clear out a defender and get someone else open in the intermediate range. I know both of those strategies have their drawbacks, and it might be difficult to coach a QB into a new tendency midway through the season, but the alternative is to keep hitting air on the deep balls and that limits us in other ways.


  8. RangerRuss


    Liked by 1 person

  9. I wish I could blame his OL but I believe they’ve blocked pretty well all year. They did struggle some against Florida when Mathis came in but Grantham turned up the heat at that point.

    Neither Bennett nor Mathis have been good at stepping up into the pocket or finding throwing lanes. Bennett started out decent enough and got worse. That has to be some combination of player and coaching. A former walk-on and a 4 star have been bad with ZERO improvement. Meanwhile, Beck and Mr All Everything haven’t even sniffed the field. In that context, I can see why people have asked if Kirby is putting all good eggs in the vandergriff basket. A single A pocket passer. Scary thought tbh.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. Holiday Inn Bagman

    Frankly even the TD throw Mathis wasn’t remotely accurate but Jackson was so wide open it didn’t matter.

    Liked by 6 people

  11. Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)

    He just can’t fucking help himself. For fuck’s sake!


    • Got Cowdog

      I posted before the game that if Georgia could get up a couple of scores early, Kirby could Manball to eat the clock and wear out Florida’s defense. Sooooo… what does he do? Gets up a couple of scores early and continues to air it out with SBIV. Thanks to turnovers, 3 and outs (2 for 12 on 3rd down?) he keeps an already depleted defense on the field until it was completely gassed then picked apart.
      It’s just my .02, but Kirby’s game plan against a very tough Kentucky team cost the defense dearly health wise.


      • So, he was wrong to use manball in the UK game and wrong not to use manball against UF?

        BTW, a big reason they started throwing the ball more was because Grantham brought his safeties up close towards the line of scrimmage, daring Bennett to beat the defense deep. That’s one reason there were so many opportunities with open receivers downfield.

        Liked by 2 people

        • Crazy basic, and yet it worked crazy well.


        • Got Cowdog

          Not quite that black and white but to a degree, yes.
          Didn’t notice the safeties, though. That makes sense.


        • 69Dawg

          100% right we were facing 8 man box with maybe an extra blitzing corner. We made 3rd and Grantham look like the second coming of the Chicago Bears, since he was in Bear front for most of the game. Mizzou will do the same thing, our only hope is we can out man them otherwise we will be screwed again.


      • Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)

        Monken is doing the right thing. Pass with numbers and run with numbers. That’s what you should always do; that’s what will give each of those plays the most success. If they drop their safeties on first or second down, you run. If they bring their safeties up on first or second down, you pass. That’s a oversimplification, but it’s basically true.

        Kirby still talks like someone who wants to run into the teeth of 8 and 9-man boxes without a lead blocker to “impose our will.” It’s bad football strategy. It’s losing football strategy.

        You have to throw the ball to win. So it’s time to see what Daniels and Beck have, because you know what? The season is over. Doesn’t matter if we make the Peach Bowl at 8-2 or the Liberty Bowl at 5-5. Play Beck or Daniels and prepare for 2021. The season is over. Time to get ready for next season.

        Liked by 3 people

  12. Grafton

    Y’all fuckin cry babies are worse that these LSU fans I have to deal with on a daily basis. They have been getting embarrassed since week 1 and cry less you tools. Y’all act like some better coachin’ could turn Socks Seibold into Greg Maddux.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Drama aside, sure, Bennett is and will be a former walk-on and coaching probably can’t fix that. Remember- Bennett was supposed to be behind a Wake Forest grad transfer everyone assumed was going to be the savior. How did a program with playoff expectations end up in this situation at arguably the most important position, though?


      • Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)

        The same way Ohio State was going to have to start Tate Martell until they got their graduate transfer.

        Sometimes you make poor evaluations in recruiting, and not just you, but the services as well.

        Where is Carson Beck and why has Kirby buried him on the depth chart?

        Liked by 1 person

  13. chopdawg

    Landers is really good at running down the field waving his arms to and fro, head on a swivel like he doesn’t see the ball coming at him.

    Of course, Pickens can’t even do that much.


  14. “That’s probably the number one when you define the quarterback position.”

    jfc. So thats why you werent into Eason, huh? lol. what a joke.


  15. Jack Klompus

    I think Crash Davis is Kirby’s media coach.

    Liked by 2 people

  16. PTC DAWG

    Run. The. Damn. Ball. Until you can’t.


  17. spur21

    Interesting – this blog is full of guys that are better coaches than the ones we have. You guys need to send your resume to the AD NLT Wednesday at close of business so we can make chicken salad out of chicken shit.

    Liked by 3 people

  18. FlyingPeakDawg

    I’ve watched the replays, read the comments, listened to the pressers, and have come to a very real conclusion….

    …we suck on offense.

    Liked by 1 person

  19. MGW

    Bama ain’t gonna make those mistakes.


  20. TN Dawg

    I don’t think anyone doubts our quarterback play sucks.

    Now if someone could do a comprehensive list of what went wrong on the 30 or so completed Florida passes for nearly 500 yards and 4 scores.


  21. David Chadwick

    Bennett simply isn’t an accurate passer. As for Mathis, the kid won’t step up in the pocket, meaning almost every throw is on the run. That’s a terrible recipe for accuracy.

    I think the experiment is done with both of them and doubt we see either on the roster in 2021.
