South Carolina’s loss is Georgia’s gain.

This, I believe, is the opposite of a cannon shot.

And look who’s minding their ABCs.

Obviously, there’s a long way to go here, but if Stockton does eventually sign and enroll, that may very well set up Georgia’s quarterback room better than it’s ever been set in my memory.  Dayum, Kirbs.


Filed under 'Cock Envy, Georgia Football, Recruiting

95 responses to “South Carolina’s loss is Georgia’s gain.

  1. Derek

    Pretty sure the same guy who said Meyer would be at USC now said we had zero chance here.

    I disagreed.

    Go dawgs!

    Liked by 1 person

    • Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2024)

      Pretty sure you’re still a passive aggressive pussy who doesn’t understand what a joke is, and is also wrong about what I said about Stockton.

      I never said we didn’t stand a chance. I said, rightly, that he would decommit from Sakerlina. There was someone else who said he wouldn’t because his family loved “Jaybo Shaw.” (meaning Connor)

      So… not only are you a jackass, you’re doubly wrong, and you still have no self control, like a toddler.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Greg

        Good Lord man, you remind me of that annoying gnat that never goes away.

        You have to be the most rude & annoying person on here. Grow up….

        Liked by 16 people

        • Biggen

          Yeah, I tried yesterday to have some what of a civil conversation with him. But then I just decided I didn’t care enough any longer to even deal with him and moved on with the rest of my day. I really wish there was an ignore button for WordPress.

          Liked by 8 people

      • Get a room, you two.

        If everyone hasn’t already gotten the message that I’m getting fed up with all the personal acrimonious crap around here, here’s a clue: I’m getting fed up with all the personal acrimonious crap around here.

        If you can’t make a point without taking a shot at someone who will inevitably respond in similar fashion, take your fingers off the keyboard and take a deep breath first.

        I banned someone yesterday and have no problem lopping off a few more heads if necessary. I would suggest some of y’all try very hard not to make it necessary.

        Liked by 28 people

        • Anon

          Who got booted?


        • mg4life0331

          Perhaps you shouldnt have let Derek pop off at the mouth relentlessly for months. Because you didnt decide to crack down until he got it back. Im sure its just coincidentally people that disagree with you politically.
          Seems like Corch has some and yall can get it if you want to.


          • Most commenters here disagree with me politically.

            What’s your point?


            • RangerRuss

              I’m still trying to figure out how a guy with a 0.0 GPA and described as “a P-I-G” was ever elected to the Senate.
              Oh. That’s right. Simply because the Senate has high standards doesn’t mean the members have to meet them.
              Never mind.


        • “If you can’t make a point without taking a shot at someone who will inevitably respond in similar fashion.” This coming from the guy who told me not to “get my panties in a wad” just last week. Pot meet kettle. The hypocrisy….it burns.


          • Gosh, you’re right. I totally forgot how that comment of mine ignited a flame war between the two of us, generating dozens of bitch slap posts over a number of comment threads.

            Oh, wait. That didn’t happen.

            I know I’m repeating myself here, but I’ll say it again because I assume you don’t get it. I like a freewheeling comments section. Lively debate is good for a blog. In the end, though, commenters are like guests in someone else’s house. You wouldn’t go to a party and shit on the rug. And you wouldn’t go to a party, make bigoted remarks in front of others, or engage in a shouting match in the middle of a room full of people and not expect to be called out on it or asked to leave, if it were bad enough. That’s a very different thing than an exchange of sarcastic remarks. And you know what? We took our shots at each other and moved on. I’m okay with that.

            You think the problem is my hypocrisy. I think the problem is that I have a few commenters who hide behind the cover of anonymity to behave here in a way they never would face to face. I guess we’ll have to agree to disagree about that.

            Liked by 6 people

      • ben

        Would you two just get a private chat and leave whatever this is off the comment thread?

        Liked by 3 people

      • Russ

        Get a room, you two.


        • Russ

          Oops. Guess I should have scrolled down before posting.

          Liked by 2 people

        • Greg

          I get it…..but 1 thing I will say about Derek, he is a Dawg imo.

          No denying that.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Derek

            I’m ride or die.

            I felt really good about Gunnar coming through for us here:

            Meanwhile, in Knoxville…

            Having two qbs who can run and throw equally well is really going to give us a chance to do special things in the years to come.

            If we can get a fair game called vs. bama I really think we can go on a run. I know we’re well ahead of alabama in the qb room right now and should be for awhile if these two (Vandergriff and Stockton) are what they appear to be.


            • Greg

              Understood….we don’t always agree, but a lot of people don’t. It would be a boring world if we all agreed.

              But you are definitely a Dawg.


              • Derek

                Thats the ONE thing we should agree on. Be a dawg, always.

                Nothing annoys me more than the guy who says:

                “I hope we lose to Florida so the coach gets fired.”

                Fuck that guy.

                Or “its ok to boo your team if you don’t like the way they’re playing.”

                First, no. They’re kids. Cheer, clap or stfu. Second, recruits are watching and listening to everything. No one wants to play for “boo birds.”

                I also don’t too much appreciate global indictments of the coaching staff saying “all is lost, we’ll never win and I know because I am so much smarter than our coaches.”

                Bullshit. The occasional dumb call? Of course. But the idea that any of us have a clue about the major details going on in a game or a season are fos and annoying.

                It shouldn’t be that hard to understand what being a fan is about:

                First, you don’t matter. You have zero decisions to make that impact winning or losing. You cheer. You celebrate. You suffer. You are owed nothing. So stop acting entitled to anything.

                If you get a smart, well coached team that plays hard, be grateful. You won’t always. And it won’t be your fault. And there’s not a damn thing you can do about it. Its blond stupid devotion. And if you aren’t down for it there are far more rational things for adults to be spending their time doing than letting a bunch of teenagers you don’t know impact your life.

                Liked by 2 people

                • Greg

                  Concur….been reading the same as you, it was getting old very quickly.

                  Family or the Dawgs…..that is where I draw the line. To me, he ain’t either.


                • Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2024)

                  It’s like you didn’t listen to anything the Senator said. Why do you think you’re immune? What is with the both of you that you can’t keep my name out of your mouths?

                  I never talk about either of you. I never respond to what you write. And yet the both of you continue to think it’s okay to keep pick-pick-picking away. The Senator isn’t the only one tired of it, Greg. So am I. I don’t talk to you or talk about you. So how about you return the favor?

                  Liked by 1 person

            • armydawg

              Hate to say it, but we probably lose one of them. They’re in the same class and one of them won’t spend 3 or 4 years on the bench. How do you dole out the snaps to keep both of them happy. Also, with “3” 5-star QB’s on board it looks like Beck becomes our next “mailman”.


              • Russ

                No, Gunner is a class behind BVG. JT wins the Heisman/MNC in ’21 and BVG backs up.

                JT drafted and BVG repeats Heisman/MNC in ’22 and Gunner backs up.

                BVG and Gunner fight it out in ’23 as we win our third MNC in a row. BVG drafted.

                Gunner caps off a magnificent 4 year run as Heisman/MNC winner in ’24. Enters the draft.

                Book it!

                Liked by 1 person

        • Dawg19

          Couldn’t resist.

          Liked by 2 people

  2. Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2024)

    Oh, Sakerlina…


  3. Greg

    Watched the HS matchup between Vandergriff and Stockton’s two teams this year…the only time I have watched both live.

    Of the two, Gunner was definitely the better QB on the field that day. Going to be fun watching these two guys when Gunner finally gets there.

    Dawgs are blessed….just hope we can keep both.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. When Stockton didn’t immediately change his commitment to Auburn when Bobo left Columbia, I immediately thought this was going to get interesting.

    I love how he said he couldn’t think about anything than being a Bulldog and that he couldn’t turn Kirby down twice.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2024)

      I imagine Kirby is more relentless than anyone on the recruiting trail, even more so than Saban. You know, basically the opposite of Sideshow Dan the Clown.

      The real recruiting job will come after the G-Day Spring Game and Fall Practice in 2022 when a starter is chosen between BVG and Stockton. That is gonna be precarious.

      Liked by 1 person

      • I’m betting the Smart connection at Rabun County HS also helped, but, yes, I can imagine Kirby is relentless on the trail. It sounds like Stockton (I read an article on 247) reached out to Kirby after Boom’s firing, and Kirby told him you’re still our guy in the class of ‘22.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Down Island Way

        Long term vision…Crootin’ is all this is about, has been a proven recipe that if/should an institution recruit high level QB play (where you can see it for 3-5 years) plus an OC with a working scheme, position student athletes will show up (no doubt, winning is high on that list) to sign on, then by chance if said high level QB can communicate and convince others this place is a good landing zone…Crootin’ just got easier for high level Crootin’ staffers…


        • Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2024)

          I definitely agree that you should always recruit the best players possible regardless of position and year and let the chips fall where they may.

          Just like in the NFL, in CFB the QB has the most bust-potential that also unfortunately can impact your entire team negatively if they are a bust. I mean, look at “can’t miss” prospects like Tate Martell or Jacob Eason. Martell is a dumpster fire and Eason was nothing special. So load up on as many as you can and hope one-in-two or one-in-three hits to give you 2-3 years of great quarterbacking.


      • MGW

        As far as that competition goes, one of them will be better than the other in a couple years. Glad neither will be elsewhere in he SEC when we figure out which one that is.


    • Greg

      And from what I read, he is not one of those transfer portal guys….he just wants to work on what he can do to get better to improve, not run away.

      If we get him signed….and O believe we will, he will be a heckuva player barring injury.


      • That would be great. It seems both Vandagriff and Stockton have that perspective. If Vandagriff wins the backup job in 2021 and starts in 2022-3, we could have the luxury of Stockton as a redshirt in 2022 (where he could play in 4 games), be the change of pace in 2023 and win the job in ‘24.


        • One story I hope Monken and Kirby have ready is “yes, one really good season as a starter is enough to be a #1 draft pick” and point out how Kyler Murrary was a backup, started only one season, and it worked out.


          • Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2024)

            Man, I’m thinking that would be a fairly bad recruiting pitch, because you’re going in telling him you expect BVG to start three years over him. I’d go more with honesty in that, “We’ll give you the opportunity to win the job, but it’s on you to do everything you can to know the playbook, your reads, and practice better than anyone else.”

            Liked by 4 people

        • TN Dawg

          If these guys are as good as advertised, it’s hard to see redshirts (a fifth year out of high school) entering into the equation.

          BVG likely runs off Beck.

          Stockton/BVG then becomes contentious. Maybe Stockton rides the pine for two years but that is hard to say with free transfers. If Stockton emerges, I think BVG almost certainly hits the portal.

          Bottom line is, we should have a good QB for the next three years, even with attrition, and I’m we can hope that we settle on the best of the three.

          If Kirby screws the pooch on this one like Fromm/Eason/Fields it probably is shit-canning time.

          Liked by 1 person

  5. When you guys type that regarding recruiting that CKS is on the mutha…you folks are not joking…GATA you beautiful bastards

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Of the 2 best HS QBs in the state of GA recently, one has a national title (and played for a second) and the other made the playoffs twice (and played for a national title). So, happy to see Kirby trying to hoard the state’s top QBs moving forward.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Bulldawg Bill

    Debby Downer here! All the stars and all the talent in the world will be useless if Monken and Kirby don’t get these guys on the field and let them sling the ball! Nowadays if they don’t see a chance of playing, they’re outta’ here!!!


  8. Ran A

    Kirby has now made enough mistakes with QB’S that I think he has actually learned a ton. This means that we will have two 5Star QB’S in the QB room this year and two 5Stars QB’S in the QB room next year and with an offense that is designed to take you apart with both the run and the pass…


  9. practicaldawg

    That clicking sound is the keyboards of the media pre-writing their “Kirby botched the Brock / Stockton situation”

    Liked by 2 people

  10. sniffer

    Ho Li Phuq. Not in my wildest dreams could I imagine Stockton would commit to UGA. Monken is on fire. This is Bama-level shennanigans.

    Liked by 4 people

  11. practicaldawg

    Also, the Gator boards are loading up with hot takes on how this is great for them because The Portal Master will surely land either Brock or Stockton from the portal. Amazing how they spin Kirby’s constant recruiting dominance.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Biggen

    I just wonder which 5* leaves by the end of next year. BVG or Stockton? I mean, it sounds great in theory to have a stacked QB room again but players have too many transfer options nowadays for this to pan out. Barring a injury, I just can’t see how we keep them both but I’d damn sure love to be wrong.

    Still, kudos to Kirby for hauling in another one. The SOB can recruit like its no one business. Does he ever f’ing stop??


    • It’s a problem pretty much every other D-1 program in the country would love to have. 😉

      Liked by 6 people

    • Derek

      Unlike Fields who could have reasonably had dreams of unseating Fromm, Gunnar knows what he is getting into here. If brock is all that, its two years and its his job. If brock isn’t good enough to leave after three years in the program, gunnar will have every chance to beat him out. If he can’t beat out a kid that isn’t ready after three years, doesn’t he himself need more time? Why leave?

      If there’s a guy looking for a door it will be the kid from Jax. Which I hate because I think that kid could be the starter come 2022 if he stays at it.

      Kid could be our Mac Jones.


      • Biggen

        If Brock is “all that” after his first year of play (2022), then past history would show that Stockton is probably gone to the transfer portal at the end of the same year. Would he really want to ride the bench for another year (minimum) depending on how long BVG stays??

        Of course, won’t Daniels have eligibility in as well 2022? We all assume he declares at the conclusion of next year.

        Yeah, its first world problems I know.


    • He eats a lot of McDonald’s

      Liked by 2 people

  13. rigger92

    This is cool stuff, but it kind of makes me nervous if Monken ever moves on. We need him to stick around, badly.

    Liked by 2 people

  14. Russ

    Speaking of cannon shots, whatever happened to Sides?


  15. Terry McCullers

    Watched the game where Stockton played Vandergriff. To me Stockton was the better QB that day


  16. TN Dawg

    Unrelated, but somewhat related, question.

    I was talking to a friend yesterday and we were discussing NFL quarterbacks and their colleges. The question I had was this:

    If you are a top-talent, high-profile quarterback prospect coming out of high school, is there a decided career path advantage to signing with an SEC school versus a North Dakota State or Wyoming?

    I contend there really isn’t.

    Conventional wisdom says better coaching and better competition.

    But just a few years ago you could have played for UGAs OC at Southern Miss or for Brian Schotts at UGA. So there is no guarantee of the coaching.

    And it seems the increased competition works against stats and increases likelihood of injury.

    What say you?


    • The NFL is filled with QBs I didnt know jack about. Brady was a backup at Michigan I didnt know jack about (albeit, I was over in the j-pan). Farve went to S Miss, right? Mahomes, Texas Tech. Aaron Rodges – I had to look it up – dude was at Butte. Butte. Butte. Then Cali.

      I think its all about when you peak and how you peak and I personally think this is underrated, but how you handle being well off to rich and all by your lonesome in a place that may suck. It seems the NFL finds the best guys after they put in the work. I think Mathew Staffords (big school, #1 pick, big checks) are more rare. College translates. These guys all had good coaching at some point. But theres clearly a good bit more of the pie for the NFL.


      • otto1980

        Some valid paints but Favre beat a #13 Bama team and the next week was a missed FG away from beating UGA. Every SEC fan at the time should have known Favre.


        • Derek

          A “doinked” fg. I remember it well.

          And Farve did all that a few weeks after having lost half his guts in car wreck.

          Plus this:

          Isn’t it amazing what talent and balls can do?

          Liked by 2 people

        • Respectfully, 1989 and 90 was a different time for information and tv. I had no clue who he was, and I watched more falcons games than Bulldogs I think, or about the same.


      • I believe Brady was the starter at Michigan. He was just not highly regarded from a draft position standpoint (I may be wrong about that and too lazy to look it up).


        • Not as an underclassmen


        • Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2024)

          Brady was put into an untenable shared-time starter situation by his idiot coach because Drew Henson was a “bigger deal” even though Brady was a stone-cold winner in college and Henson had the same loser’s intangibles then as he had in baseball and as he would have in his short cup of coffee with the Cowboys.

          If Carr had just let Brady be the guy, as by all accounts Brady was better in practice, better in games, and the choice of the locker room, he may have had a shot at another National Title at Michigan.


        • Also, I was looking at guys that played last week. There’s been several qbs in suoerbowls lately that I had to look up. I just think he’s right, going to a yearly top 5 school or blue blood isn’t really a precursor to NFL success, although it maybe a precursor to high draft


      • TN Dawg

        Not that anyone is really interested, but I looked at the 3-deep QB rosters over at ESPN.

        SEC 16 QBs
        G5 or Lower 19 QBs



    • Derek

      Ask Mac Jones in May.


  17. dawgphan34

    It has been a pretty amazing run of QB talent through Athens.

    2016 #2 QB Eason
    2017 #4 QB Fromm
    2018 #2 QB Fields #3 QB Daniels
    2019 #22 QB Mathis
    2020 #19 QB Beck
    2021 #3 QB Vanagriff
    2022 #2 QB Stockton

    I wonder if anyone has a better run of QB recruits.


  18. QB U? Nawwww….can’t be can it?

    Liked by 1 person

  19. 69Dawg

    Well it seems it is going to be up to the NCAA. If in leu of getting screwed by Congress and they finally go with the one transfer free option and the NIL that keeps the congressional hounds at bay, then we have a portal problem. Read the other day there are now over 1,000 players in the portal. I don’t believe there are that many scholarships left in P5 by this time of year. This could end up being a Scholarship nightmare. G% and FCS will be happy as hogs.


  20. Godawg

    I guess this means Jackson Muschamp will never see the field…(sigh)


  21. ASEF

    I think the example over in Tuscaloosa has to resonate.

    3 years of Jalen (2nd round). 3 years of Tua (1st round). Mac waits 3 years behind both and then plays himself into… 1st round.

    Playing time is nice. Being surrounded by a great roster, great coaches, and having patience is nicer.

    Liked by 1 person

  22. Raleighwood Dawg

    There’s gold in them thar hills … #HBTD
