Musical palate cleanser, like you were never gone edition

Man, Del Amitri released their first album in **checks notes** nineteen years (!) and it’s about as seamless a continuation as you could possibly imagine.

Justin Currie obviously has no more fucks to give… which is a good thing.

By the way, if you’re a Del Amitri fan and the video seems familiar for some reason, you’re not wrong.


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8 responses to “Musical palate cleanser, like you were never gone edition

  1. Salty Dawg

    Very nice! The ending especially! lol

    Liked by 1 person

  2. RangerRuss

    I am so accessorizing my gameday/wedding/funeral flask with matching fabric. Black with an horizontal red stripe I think.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. mddawg

    I tried posting a comment on mobile but it didn’t take. It’ll probably show up here 5 minutes from now. It pretty much consisted of “holy shit, it’s so cool to see this band mentioned here!” No one I hang out with ever knows who this band is. Thanks for sharing, Senator. In addition to the couple of songs that got radio play back in the day, I really like this one:

    Liked by 1 person

  4. TripleB

    Don’t know how, but I never heard of them, but i like it. Gonna work my Spotify tonight to hear more of them. Suggestions?


  5. “Not Where It’s At” is a long-time favorite. Here’s a great version from an appearance on Conan in ’97:

    I had missed that they have a new one. Thanks Senator for the tip!
