“… a momentary light affliction”

You’ve probably already heard the news, but I thought I’d post about it so y’all could share your thoughts.

It sucks for the man, but I have no doubt he’ll handle it with grace.




Filed under The Body Is A Temple

33 responses to ““… a momentary light affliction”

  1. TripleB

    Say what you want about Coach Richt, but one things for sure, he’s a class act. I’m glad he’s back in Athens. He’ll have a lot of support there.

    Liked by 11 people

    • RangerRuss

      I’ll second that TripleB. I don’t know many folks built to handle personal adversity better than Mark Richt. I wish him the best.

      Liked by 7 people

      • wfdawg

        He has a tremendous outlook. Reminds me of this quote: “I’m not suffering from anything a good resurrection can’t fix.” — D.A. Carson

        Liked by 3 people

  2. spur21

    Shit hate that for a really good man.

    Liked by 6 people

  3. Salty Dawg

    Bad news for good people. My sister in law has Parkinson’s and I hope CMR’s symptoms stay right where they are and don’t progress. All the best to him and his family.

    Liked by 6 people

  4. drunkenmonken

    Parkinson’s took my dad. He was always strong as a bull and larger than life. I never saw him back down from anyone or any thing. He was always boisterous and a blast to be around. By the time that fucking disease was through with him, he was a mostly silent, foot shuffling, shell of his former self. I hope and pray Coach Richt has a better experience.

    Liked by 14 people

  5. Derek

    This quote came to my mind:

    “I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish that He didn’t trust me so much.”

    Mother Teresa

    Liked by 19 people

  6. I have no doubt we’ll see a man of courage and faith face this. I admit I’m a Richtophile whatever that means. I love the guy. He was my first choice when Donnan was let go, and I still adored the guy when his time in Athens ended.

    Josh Brooks, please get this man honored this season in Sanford Stadium. Let him lead the Georgia Bulldogs cheer and call on the Dawgs during pre-game.

    Liked by 22 people

    • Down Island Way

      For the most part…Dawg Nation loved Mark Richt and he felt the same…

      Liked by 2 people

    • jcdawg83

      It is no secret that I wasn’t a fan of him as coach but I hate to hear this news. I wish him and his family the best.


      • Migraine Boy

        Save your disinegnous bullshit for the “conman”. Better human than you will ever hope to be

        Liked by 1 person

        • I still love this. Anyone who didn’t think Richt tried to bring a national title to Athens with every fiber of his being didn’t see this:

          Or this:

          Liked by 5 people

          • godawgs1701

            Not to be contrary because I do believe that Mark Richt wanted a national title with every ounce of his professional being, but I think those are actually both examples of how much he loved his players and not just his competitive spirit. The reason that he was on the verge of a breakdown after that LSU game, as you probably recall, is that the game was a couple of days after the death of Paul Oliver. He’d been up until all hours of the night a night or two after Oliver’s death with Tra Battle who himself was in a dark, dark place after Oliver’s passing and most likely saved his life. And in the middle of all that, he was getting a football team ready for what would probably be one of the toughest tests it would face and then after the victory he was surrounded by the young men he loved so much including Aaron Murray and he was overcome. It wasn’t just about football for Mark Richt. It was about mentoring young men and loving them until they became fully grown men. I’d like to see Richt’s retirement include a lot closer management of the Paul Oliver Network. I’d like to see him at Georgia games. I’d just like to see him around a long time. He’s a Damn Good Dawg.

            Liked by 9 people

        • jcdawg83

          Fuck you


    • californiadawg

      “Josh Brooks, please get this man honored this season in Sanford Stadium. Let him lead the Georgia Bulldogs cheer and call on the Dawgs during pre-game.” I’ll be pissed if this doesn’t happen.

      Liked by 5 people


    Godspeed to Coach Richt.

    Liked by 4 people


    Let me add, too young.

    Liked by 3 people

  9. hialtdawg

    Sad news, I’m glad Coach Richt returned to Athens where he’s beloved and hopefully he can raise awareness and help others afflicted

    Liked by 2 people

  10. SoCalDawg

    such tough news, hang in there coach, we are all pulling for you.

    Liked by 4 people

  11. A DGD indeed…prayers go out to you coach 🙏

    Liked by 2 people

  12. debbybalcer

    Prayers for him to find good treatment. As someone his age it does hit home that life is fragile. He is a DGD and I thank Kirby for his support. The DAWG nation is behind him.

    Liked by 5 people

  13. classiccitycanine

    Damn, just damn. Hate that for him!


  14. stoopnagle



  15. Dawg in Austin

    Terrible. Let’s hope modern medicine comes up with a cure or something that slows the process for him and others with this awful disease.


  16. Scotty King

    Ditto to all the above.

    Class act, great role model, and proud Christian.

    Liked by 2 people

  17. originaluglydawg

    What a man!
    I’ve always admired and loved Mark and Katharyn Richt.
    They will be in my prayers.

    Liked by 2 people

  18. Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2024)

    It’s a tough break. With advances in modern medicine it doesn’t have to be a death sentence, so at least there’s that.


  19. godawgs1701

    I’m honestly surprised by how moved I have been by this news. I usually don’t find myself affected by news about celebrities or people I don’t know, but I have such a deep affection and appreciation for Coach Richt and such great respect for him that I’m really just moved and saddened to know that he’s got this illness. I can’t imagine someone who ostensibly has a better outlook on life to be able to cope with and weather such a diagnosis and illness, but I certainly wish he weren’t faced with such a fight. I pray for him and his family. I echo other Dawg fans who have hoped that UGA will find some chance to bring him back to Sanford Stadium so he can truly feel how much we appreciate him. What happened at the end of his time coaching Georgia happened and I feel like it was time for the change, but I also love and appreciate him for all the great things he did for our school and our football program. I know that the rest of the UGA universe does too and I’d love for him to feel that. Surely the ACC Network can do without him for a weekend – after all, it isn’t like it’s basketball season.

    Liked by 7 people

  20. Raleighwood Dawg

    I’m saying a prayer for Coach Richt. I know he will somehow handle his disease in the best possible way. ☮

    Liked by 1 person

  21. 69Dawg

    Apart from my reaction to the news Erk Russell death, this has football associated news hit me hard. At my age you expect things like this but Mark is a young looking 61 year old. Michael J. Fox got this at an even earlier age and his foundation has help advance the treatment. Prayers for Mark and family. Now that McGoofy is gone maybe he will feel welcomed back at Butts-Smear. It kills me for him to be on the damn ACC channel after all the years he was in the SEC.


  22. Munsoning

    Hate it for Coach Richt. Apparently most folks live for 10-20 years after a Parkinson’s diagnosis. Coach looks to be in good shape, so I’m hoping he can make it to 80. God bless the Richt family.
