TFW reality steps in

An insider’s look at Georgia Tech“, you say? Well, prepare to unleash the snark!  Let’s line up the mockery for this:

“Obviously, the Bulldogs and the Tigers have beaten them like an FCS team since Collins arrived, so they need to be competitive in those games again.”

Well, true.  Okay, nothing to mock there.  But what about this?

“With all of that said, the biggest addition for Tech fans is placekicker Brent Cimaglia from Tennessee. Tech had the worst kicking in the P5 the last two years, and it was almost impossible for them to kick a field goal last year. So if he’s okay, that will be a huge upgrade.”

I’ll give you that, too.  Hmmm…  Surely this will bring the sarcasm!

“The Coastal is full of mediocre-to-average teams again, so if they can just play well in league play, they should be a 5-7 win team. Anything less than that, and Collins will be under pressure to make staff changes and will lose some momentum in recruiting.”

Jesus H. Christ on a bicycle!  Where’s the delusional optimism, I ask ‘ya?  Where’s the StingTalk-like cockiness?  Hell, we could have written that stuff here.

Man, what a killjoy.


Filed under Georgia Tech Football

21 responses to “TFW reality steps in

  1. Biggen

    You know you are scraping the bottom of the barrel when you pin the next season’s W-L record on kicking more field goals going forward. And this little gem it priceless:
    “…should be a 5-7 win team. Anything less than that, and Collins will be under pressure to make staff changes and will lose some momentum in recruiting.”

    Those top-50 ranked classes don’t recruit themselves that for sure…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. The nerds have to know what’s coming in November. I’m guessing by that point in the season Richt Field at Vince Dooley Stadium will likely be 75/25 Dawg fans.


    • Down Island Way

      Why would anyone with important chores in life, like watching shark week or picking dried gum off the bottom of a table at the WH take a look at anything related to the north avenue fucking trade school toilet bowl, should mediocre and average get together for a party, nerdfootball ain’t invited…and to think his agent said nerdfootball would look good on your resume…

      Liked by 1 person

  3. siskey

    I think they are going to have a hard time with Kennesaw State. This may be wishful thinking on my part but their defense was so bad last year and that QB so turnover prone, I could see them having the same amount of wins as in 2020 because I don’t think that staff are good developers and road Rhule’s coattails at Temple.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It’s too bad the UAB game is at 3:30 because that could have been a great doubleheader. Go to the Joke at noon to cheer for the Owls and head to Athens for a night game vs. UAB.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. practicaldawg

    TIL Collins had momentum in recruiting

    Liked by 2 people

  5. Opelikadawg

    I’ve always wondered, what does the “H” stand for? Hallelujah? Hosannah? Henry?


    • originaluglydawg

      I’m not going to make a big deal out of it, but it is offensive to a lot of us.
      I’d never crack jokes on GTP about other religions’ Deities or use their names in a mocking manner and even if I did I feel it would be received poorly by the administrator.
      But since he does it, and it is his blog there’s not much I can do about it than post this.
      There are better ways of expressing oneself than to do that.
      However, no apology needed or expected.


    • Got Cowdog



  6. Scotty King

    Couldn’t one recruit the second best player at each high school in the Atlanta area and field a pretty decent team?


  7. 69Dawg

    Look in the 4 team playoff era you want your opponents to at least have a winning record. They aren’t going to help our SOS with a 5-7, I don’t care if they are a P5 team. It won’t matter as much once the 12 team payoff gets here.


  8. UGADawgGuy

    The delusional optimism in that piece is that part where he categorizes Tech’s game vs. UNC as a “swing game.”

    Sorry, big guy. You’re thinking of Duke or Wake Forest.


  9. archiecreek

    Probably ain’t contagious, but Jeoff better get some penicillin in’em before it gets out of control.!!

    Liked by 1 person

  10. ericstrattonrushchairmandamngladtomeetyou

    I’m in the minority on this blog when it comes to Tech. Tech is where Tech is in sports because of mismanagement. The problem really rests with the AD. When Homer Rice was AD at Tech they won a natty in football and several ACC championships in basketball. You could say that was because of the coaches—Bobby Ross and Cremons (true)—but where did those hires come from. George O’Leary was a good football coach too, until he stepped in shit. The problem is Tech has had a series of bad ADs leading to bad hires in HCs pretty much across the board. The only consistent winner for Tech still on board is Bruce Heppler (golf) and he was a Rice hire. I really haven’t seen enough of the new Tech AD yo make a judgment but he certainly hasn’t done anything impressive. Maybe when they fire ol’ 404 he will get a chance.
