
Gee, I wonder how much practice he’ll be missing with this.



Filed under Georgia Football, It's Just Bidness

20 responses to “Enterprising

  1. Good for Nolan. I hope a bunch of kids show up. If I lived in the Savannah area and had a young kid, I would definitely take him.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. gurkhadawg

    Good for Nolan. This is America, get out there and take advantage of our free enterprise system. Same for that Auburn douchebag selling that shitty tea. There will be some who fuck things up but that is part of it also.

    Liked by 3 people

  3. munsonlarryfkajim

    I’m happy for the athletes but I’ve got a feeling that after an initial flurry of activity many will conclude the juice isn’t worth the squeeze. I’m not knocking Nolan, but how many kids do you think will realistically show up to a one day camp put on by a teenager? Remember, high school football is happening then as well

    100 kids? That would make it worthwhile but I’d be stunned if that many were actually there. 30-40 would be a great turnout. That’s $1400 gross, less expenses incurred to put on the camp. Does he need insurance? Waivers? Medical on standby in the savannah heat?

    He’d likely be better off selling a game worn jersey online or signing some autographs…

    Liked by 3 people

  4. junkyardawg41

    It is interesting to me that the Nike Swoosh is still on the jersey while only the colors Red and Black remain — nothing tying him UGA.

    Liked by 1 person

    • chopdawg

      IMO, he’s banking UGA’s name, image, likeness by being pictured in a UGA jersey that’s had the “G” airbrushed out.


      • 69Dawg

        The use of the UGA uniform being forbidden for our guys to use is self defeating to me. A simple disclaimer at the bottom of the ad and the application that “This event affiliated with or sponsored by the University of Georgia” should be enough. Recruiting being what it is this is going to be another red flag. Seems we have hit a cool streak since the GA NIL law went into effect.


  5. theorginaldawgabides

    Looks like it’s being put on by BTB Management, whatever that is. Nolan’s probably just getting paid for his name on the product and his participation in the camp. That really how this whole NIL thing is supposed to work.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. SCDawg

    I see that BT8 is probably putting this on and he is the big name for it. But What is “no meat”?


  7. gurkhadawg

    Some kind of plant based diet plan for athletes. How to build muscle without eating meat bullshit. Pay for their diet plan, buy their supplements etc. I prefer to let the animals eat the plants and then I eat the animals. Same thing, right? And animals are much tastier.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Scotty King

    He needs to concentrate on getting to the Clemson QB

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