Tats and weed, man, tats and weed

Another NIL feel good story:

The decision by the NCAA to allow student-athletes to monetize their names, images and likenesses (NIL) while still in school was a game changer for many. While several high-profile college athletes endeavored to accept commercial offers, others found revenue streams from appearances, signings and their social media accounts.

Five Georgia football players teamed up to take advantage of their newfound NIL privileges to help others and created the DGD Fund, which raises money for five beneficiaries, each selected by one of the five Bulldogs, with all monies equally distributed.

In just three months, the DGD Fund has raised some $66,000 for the ALS Association, the American Brain Tumor Association, Hilinski’s Hope, the Boys & Girls Clubs of America and Happyfeat.

(h/t eethomaswfnc)


Filed under Georgia Football

19 responses to “Tats and weed, man, tats and weed

  1. mwodieseldawg

    I knew letting players monetize their NIL would ruin the game we hold so dear. Now get off my lawn!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. barneydawg

    Good story. That is the best I have felt about our team in the last 6 days. We have some good guys and DGDs on this team and that is important to some of us.

    Liked by 5 people

  3. Gaskilldawg

    Did they raise $66,000 for each cause or do they divide $66,000 between all 5 causes? The sentence is consistent with both conclusions.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. fisheriesdawg

    Good to see these guys laboring for others rather than for themselves. A ++ move by Stetson and crew!

    Liked by 3 people

  5. chopdawg

    Good on ’em! Really like the “Elite” hat in the Onward Reserve website, if anyone’s wondering what to get me for Christmas.


  6. Spell Dawg

    Pfffff, that’s what college kids do, man. I remember when I….uh……started a beer fund and raised something like $65 from maybe ten(!) friends in minutes. To think of all the wives, I mean lives, we touched that Saturday night in downtown Orlando. Having a good time in downtown Orlando was a small miracle in its self, that place was a real horror. When your biggest draw is a dueling piano bar, you’re not doing downtown right.

    I mean, what these guys did is definitely cool too…just sayin’ we all did some pretty amazing things for other people in college, amirite?!?! 😀

    Liked by 6 people

  7. Mike R

    “The decision by the NCAA” ? Pretty sure the courts made that decision.

    Liked by 5 people

  8. uga97

    How bout we all contribute $$ to this fund for every game SBIV doesn’t throw a pick?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. cowetadawg

    What a great story. DGD, each one. How did
    they ever have time for such altruism with the all the partying and debauchery!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. Still waiting for Dabo Swinney to hand in his resignation now that players are makin’ the filthy luchre.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. ASEF

    That’s awesome.


  12. charlottedawg

    If stetson is leading this charge then unfortunately the funds are going to get intercepted on their way to the intended targets.

    In all seriousness as a terry alum, good for these guys and great representation for the business school and university.


  13. PTC DAWG

    Good on these guys for sure.


  14. When I saw this yesterday, it put a smile on my face, and I had to share it with the Senator.

    Liked by 3 people