“I don’t know why (Fisher) is mad at Saban.”

I don’t know if Steve Spurrier misses the grind of coaching (I strongly doubt he misses the grind of recruiting, that’s for sure), but, judging from this, it sure sounds like he misses being in the mix as a SEC head coach.

Spurrier, famous for wise-cracking gamesmanship that often rattled and distracted opponents, seemed to side with Saban in what has become one of the most polarizing public exchanges in college football history.

“I don’t think Saban told any lies in there, so I don’t know what he was mad about,” said Spurrier, who is still the most recent SEC East Division coach to beat Saban in a regular-season game, back in 2010 while coaching South Carolina.

“Since (Fisher) beat him last year, I guess he can talk now,” Spurrier said, referring to Fisher becoming the first former Saban assistant to beat the legendary coach last season.

“He hasn’t beat much of anybody, but he beat Saban last year. But they haven’t won the division or anything since he’s been there.”

I mean, that’s about as close to saying “you can’t spell Citrus without UT” without mentioning Phil Fulmer as you can get.  Maybe Sankey ought to give him a fifteen-minute speaking slot at SEC Media Days for old times’ sake.


Filed under The Evil Genius

33 responses to ““I don’t know why (Fisher) is mad at Saban.”

  1. Ozam

    The Ole Ball Sack has still got it!

    Liked by 6 people

  2. Part of me wants Spurrier to come back at South Carolina or Auburn or someplace, just to see Kirby beat that ass like a rented mule.

    Liked by 11 people


    STFU Steve.

    Liked by 7 people

  4. RangerRuss

    Maybe Sankey ought to give me a 15-second ass kicking slot in the alley beside the old Georgia Bar with SOS.
    He’s got it coming.

    Liked by 11 people

  5. uga97

    No surprise of Steve inserting himself into other coach squabbles these days, seems he just can’t ever just STFU & go away. Maybe this helps:

    Jimbo’s FSU/Texas A&M total record vs Florida & South Carolina, which includes a Peachbowl win over Spurrier: 13-1

    Liked by 6 people

  6. drunkenmonken

    I don’t care what he does or says. Fuck that sanctimonious cocksucker. He has the type of personality that makes me want to kick him in the throat. The old ball sack can kiss my Dawg ass.

    Liked by 10 people

  7. Ladies and gentlemen, behold the old ballsack, who is so desperate for his stupid quips to be printed that he has to pile on others peoples’ bullshit to try and appear relevant. Get bent you east TN midget…never could stand you as a coach and sure as shit can’t stand you as a washed up quitter…the state of SC should vote to formally excommunicate the crusty old ballsack…that dipstick loved to play fuck around and find out…too vain to go out on top and as a result went out as a mid season quitter…bless his black heart

    Liked by 9 people

  8. jim1886

    When you can walk the walk, you can talk the talk


  9. Russ

    I do miss Hatin’ Ass Spurrier.

    Liked by 3 people

  10. Dylan Dreyer's Booty

    He can dis on Jimbo and Phil all he wants as far as I’m concerned. I doubt he called reporters and ‘inserted’ himself into the fray. Seems more likely to me that they called him because…he’s good copy as a rule. I know I laughed.

    Liked by 3 people

  11. otto1980

    I’d watch his 15 minutes but majority of the others I really don’t care as they’re 100% coach speak.

    SOS talked smack, backed it, criticized Refs paid the fine, moved on.


  12. Salty Dawg

    I can’t get past his goofy-ass face. Just looking at that sad-sack-o’balls-mug of his pisses me off so much, I have to leave before I get sick.

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Gotta love the Old Ball Coach.

    Never change, Coach Spurrier!
