Reader poll: expectations time!

Toe meets leather tomorrow and it’s time to take your pulse on Georgia’s season.  Let’s vote.

Have at it in the comments.


Filed under Georgia Football, GTP Stuff

50 responses to “Reader poll: expectations time!

  1. chopdawg

    So it’s either make the CFB or live with a broken heart.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2021)

    None of the voting options really express how I feel, because they’re all “final” options.

    I honestly don’t know if Georgia will win another national title or will win an SEC title this year.

    I do believe, however, that we will go through the regular season undefeated and make the Playoff. What happens then is anyone’s guess.

    Liked by 7 people

  3. I’d like us to win the SEC which puts us in the CFP. Crapshoot after that.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. billionm16

    The formatting for these polls is off. After I enter an answer, I can’t see the entire text of the option next to the percentages.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. TEXBaller

    11-1 or 10-2 with a new year’s six bowl isnt exactly breaking my heart.

    Liked by 6 people

  6. RangerRuss

    I don’t go into anything believing I’m going to lose. We find out this year if Kirby really has something special.
    Stay confident or stay home.

    Liked by 11 people

    • originaluglydawg

      I’d follow Ranger Russ into battle.

      Liked by 3 people

      • 86bone

        Walk to hell with a broke back for him…

        Liked by 1 person

        • RangerRuss

          Cotton, I had beers in a Florida beach dive with a young Sergeant that served under Mike Steele when Mike was 3rd Brigade (Rakkasans) Commander of the 101st Airborne. He said, “I’d follow Col Steele into hell wearing gasoline underwear.”
          Yeah, I paid for the beers.

          Liked by 2 people

          • rugbydawg79

            You being a Veteran like me first armor Div. 71 74 63 B makes you a favorite poster of mine. We have quite a few Vets on here.

            Liked by 1 person

            • RangerRuss

              Yes sir. The feeling is mutual. Sometimes I get off on a tangent and I appreciate “the proprietor” of this blog not shutting us down. I don’t get out much anymore and I appreciate the interaction. I’m stoked about this football season.


      • Got Cowdog

        Best put your big boy pants on If you want to do that…
        RangerRuss, I skated on my real job this morning to plant the salat patch. Just as I finished a rain cloud brewed up and soaked the place just right.
        I’ve been fucking around out there for 45 years, that’s never happened. It may be a sign, maybe not, but I think the Dawgs take it to the house again.
        Tee it up…

        Liked by 2 people

        • RangerRuss

          Uncle Got, opportune rain and beer are signs that Jesus loves you. The fact that you planted the salat patch in a timely manner and iced down and didn’t forget the beer is an indicator of proper planning preventing piss poor performance.
          Diligence in every aspect of coaching as well as the ability to motivate his team to run through a brick wall is what will take Kirby and the Dawgs to the National Championship.
          Again. It ain’t luck. A man makes his own luck.

          Liked by 2 people

  7. prosticutor

    Call me old fashioned, but winning the SEC championship is more special than the national championship. Win the SEC, then everything after that is just sprinkles and hooke….I mean glitter on top 🙂 …..not that I wasn’t happy as hell after winning in January last season

    Liked by 1 person

  8. My Inner Munson

    Ooooh, something’s different. Not feeling like myself this year. Do you REALIZE how hard it is to REPEA….oh, never mind


  9. Derek

    Let me see them first.

    Liked by 3 people

  10. ZeroPOINTzero

    Off topic alert
    Watching Perdue have no chance of killing the clock to win last night bc they can’t run the ball and threw on every down made me appreciate Kirby man ball clock draining run it down your throat 7 minute drives even more. Balance is great. But being able to run when running is what will win the game is pretty damn nice too.

    Liked by 9 people

  11. Hobnail_Boot

    Repeat after beating aTm in Atlanta.

    13-0 tosu
    13-0 Georgia
    12-1 Utah
    12-1 Clemson

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Rameses II

    I answered broken heart only because I don’t think it’s going to be any of the other options, but I don’t know if I’ll be truly broken hearted about it if we have an 11-1 regular season, get blown out by Bama in the SECCG and get a consolation prize return trip to the Orange Bowl.

    Broken heart is going 9-3 and not even making the SECCG (or worse).

    Liked by 2 people

  13. Looking at things that they stand today, it takes more faith to find a loss in Georgia’s schedule than to go undefeated. So, I’m predicting an undefeated 2022 regular season. I would also expect a UGA win in both rounds of the playoffs. The only reason not to predict a national championship, is an unknown such a key injuries or someone coming out of nowhere like 2019 LSU

    Liked by 1 person

    • charlottedawg

      I think we lose to someone, I just don’t know to who, mostly in a it’s really hard to go undefeated kind of way. Or to put it mathematically if we have a 90% chance to win in each individual game, over a 12 game season your chances of going undefeated are 28.2% (90% ^ 12) and your expected number of wins is 10.8 = % of game win probability added up for each game.

      Liked by 1 person

  14. PTC DAWG

    Get to ATL in December…


  15. charlottedawg

    Honestly none of the above

    I’m still riding the national championship high. In the scenarios above we could have a 2018 type regular season with 1 loss and lose a heart breaker to Alabama in the seccg and not make the playoff. I’d be a little disappointed wouldn’t call it heart break.

    If I was to predict most likely outcome (caveat that we haven’t seen this team play, for all we know, could see some real chinks in our armor tomorrow against Oregon) it would be make the CFP, not win it. I would be shocked if we won a national championship this year and I’m totally cool with that because repeating is really really hard.

    That being said, it’s a high class problem when not making the CFP is a disappointment.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Exactly my line of thinking. I expect to win the East and face Bama in the SECCG. If we lose that and don’t make the playoff I would be disappointed, but not heartbroken.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Nil Butron is a Pud

      Amen brother. If we come up short, we come up short. It’s just too damn hard to repeat.

      BUT, I fully expect to have a great season this year.
      And the year after that.
      And the year after that.

      This is the (new) Georgia Way.

      Liked by 1 person

  16. Calm down, Al Ciraldo. Lol


  17. Skeptic Dawg

    There should be another option…win the East and hope for a spot in the CFP. I do not expect to win another national title this year, and beating Bama seems like a large task at this point. Win the East and let’s see what happens in the SECCG.


  18. Odontodawg

    It wasn’t an option but lose in the SECCG and no CFP. That wouldn’t break my heart, but I do hope for more. I have trouble seeing a path where an undefeated UGA loses in the SECCG and still is invited to the CFP. Not that UGA wouldn’t be potentially worthy, but I don’t believe the powers that be will allow it two years in a row. We’re not the darlings of the media and college football Illuminati, and I can bet the talking heads will revert to their favorite Metchie-Williams narrative to dismiss us if given the opportunity.


  19. D as in Dawg

    I said break my heart. Now my expectations can only be exceeded.

    Liked by 1 person

  20. spur21

    Hasn’t the committee changed the rules this year for entry into the playoffs? I don’t see a nonconference one loss team making the final four.


  21. dawgonthecoast

    As a fanatical Dawg fan, I always hope we win it all. I am however realistic and know how difficult it is to win it back to back. I just want to see us win a bunch of games, dominate, and remain elite. Kirby continues to build for the long haul.
