Send lawyers, guns and money.

No doubt you’re aware of the Barnes and Chandler arrests for alcohol-related offenses by now.  The AJ-C, with its usual gift for understatement, claims the latest arrests “continue the trend of what has been a tumultuous several months for Georgia”.

If Matt Stafford hoisting an empty keg is “tumultuous”, God only knows what adjective the AJ-C might deem appropriate to describe the recent happenings in Gainesville, Florida.   Felony drug charges, felony gun charges, felony theft charges, probation violation… the list goes on.

Gatorpilot at Orange and Blue Hue lets out a (virtual) primal scream about it here.   The question, of course, is whether Meyer and Foley are listening.  Maybe.

After James’ arrest and indefinite suspension, UF Athletic Director Jeremy Foley released a statement expressing his displeasure.

“We are aware of the situation and understand the severity of its nature,” the statement read. “This is not something we take lightly.”

Although it can be argued that not dismissing Marcus Thomas from the team last year until he failed his third drug test – and reinstating him for a big game in the interim – didn’t exactly send the right message to some Gator players.

Or to these guys, either.   Now this is some inspired Photoshoppery:

Unfortunately, the mug shots shown later in their post aren’t faked.


Filed under Crime and Punishment, Media Punditry/Foibles

4 responses to “Send lawyers, guns and money.

  1. kckd

    What’s funny is that we never hear any more about how Urban Meyer doesn’t put up with this shite. I think he almost said at Utah he had a one strike and out policy on serious stuff. Last year a guy got busted with a positive drug test and Urban found a way to make sure he missed the patsy game left on their schedule rather than the game right after his failed drug test which was a much tougher opponent and a conference game to boot.


  2. kckd


    Meant to say he made sure that he didn’t have to miss the big conference game and then held him out of the patsy game the following week. Not much different than Zook and his suspension of a player for one game, and of course making sure he missed that game even after it was moved due to the hurricane weather to October and then letting him play against UT in September.


  3. Gators are pathetic. Lowest form of football scum on the earth.


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