The AAFL: recreating the total college football experience

This has the potential to be awesome:

… Also attending the event will be prospective AAFL head coaches Jackie Sherrill, Bill Bates, Jim Donnan, Bob Pruett. RC Slocum, formerly the coach of Texas A & M, has indicated that he is quite interested in coaching the League’s Texas team.

Jackie Sherrill? Jackie “if you ain’t cheatin’, you ain’t tryin'” Sherrill? How effective a coach can he be if everyone is paying the players?

I wonder if Donnan will be allowed to hire his son as the QB coach.

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Filed under It's Just Bidness

One response to “The AAFL: recreating the total college football experience

  1. jimmy

    great idea..can’t wait to see my gators of old again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
