One big happy pot and kettle family

Here’s your “Oh, Snap!” quote from Destin… and it’s a beaut.

“If oversigning is ‘morally reprehensible,’ what is playing more than a dozen arrested players over the last five or six years?”

— An SEC football coach reacting to Florida president Bernard Machen, who threw the above-morality card at oversigning. “Maybe if Florida oversigned a little, it could kick more outlaws off its team,” the coach added.

And to think some people argue that oversigning serves no good purpose.


Filed under Gators, Gators..., SEC Football

58 responses to “One big happy pot and kettle family

  1. Go Dawgs!

    Oh, snap! Now, which one of them would have said that? My first reaction was that it’s Saban, but he’d never talk to a reporter long enough to give that quote, much less go the unnamed source route. You can take Richt out of the running because he’s too nice to say it, and it’s not like we don’t have a few arrests in our glass house. Mullen was part of all of it at Florida. I’m thinking it’s Chizik, Petrino, or Spurrier. It’s got Spurrier’s fingerprints all over it, but I don’t think he’d be afraid to stand by the statement and be quoted. I’m going to guess Chizik, because he’s an asshole, but he’s also underhanded enough to want to be an anonymous asshole.


  2. X-Dawg

    I wonder who the coach was that said this. It sounds snarky enough the be SOS or possibly the Nuttster. I don’t think Cheeznip would say something like that given the potential “hammerfall” and Saban seems too much “above the fray” for that type of language.


  3. Chuck

    I don’t care who said: it’s funny and it’s true. The over signing issue is only unfair if it screws a kid who didn’t know what was happening. But Machen is a complete hypocrite to play the morality card considering his team’s recent history.


    • Texas_Dawg

      It screws kids all the time that had no idea how likely they were to be grayshirted or cut. Happens in the SEC West every single year.

      And, no, there really is nothing wrong with what Bernie Machen said (and Greg McGarity said he agrees with). Oversigning, as practiced in the SEC West, is morally reprehensible.

      You can bring up completely different subjects if you’d like, but that changes nothing about the nature of oversigning.


  4. Ubiquitous GA Alum

    My money is on Les Miles … but it may be too witty and thought out for him.


  5. Dog in Fla

    “If oversigning is ‘morally reprehensible,’ what is playing more than a dozen arrested players over the last five or six years?”

    Excellent work done by Huntley?


  6. gatorhater27

    Or a great line the author thought up and figured he’d doing a little pot-stirring with by attributing it to an anonymous source?


    • Texas_Dawg

      Very possible.

      Glenn Guilbeau is a complete, pro-oversigning hack. This is a guy who defended what was done to Elliott Porter as simply Les Miles having recruited “too well.”


  7. gatriguy

    I will bet my 401(k) it’s Saban.


  8. Derek

    Not oversigning is not prohibiting uf from removing “outlaws.” The fact is that the proposal shouldn’t prevent discipline, but it should encourage less risky choices academically and otherwise.


  9. Slothrop

    My guess is Bobby Petrino. Either way, oversigning is more morally reprehensible than playing arrested players. By far.


    • Mike

      Indeed. The coach in question was trying to justify his own malfeasance.


    • tywebb

      Really? I believe you’ve poured too much football thinkin’ into your ethical thinkin’.


      • Mike

        Every player at Florida that was arrested also suffered additional football penalties. Same with Georgia. Both programs levied additional punishments on top of whatever legal punishments they received. Also, unless I am mistaken, UGA has had more players arrested than Florida. So please, spare us the sanctimony.


        • The Original Cynical in Athens

          The one who needs to spare the sanctimony is Machen, and that is the only point that this entire post was intended to point out. It’s simply a 3 Card Monte game, no different from the Elmer Gantry-esque tent shows in Columbus, Auburn, Compton and everywhere else in the college football world. It’s disgusting. They are all a bunch of limpdick pissant crooks serving only to line their own pockets.

          Good lord, how on earth could any human, much less a university president or administrator, justify bringing deeply troubled, borderline sociopathic kids like Ronnie Wilson and Montez Robinson into a university environment? It is sheer lunacy. The merry-go-round has got to stop at some point.


          • Mayor of Dawgtown

            Don’t sugar coat it. Tell us what you really think.


          • DawgWalker07

            “how on earth could any human, much less a university president or administrator, justify bringing deeply troubled, borderline sociopathic kids like Ronnie Wilson and Montez Robinson into a university environment?”

            Probably by saying everyone deserves a chance at a better life and those individuals earned a scholarship (and thus opportunity) through their athleticism just like others earn academic scholarships to give them the means to obtain a solid college education.


        • DawgPhan

          Safe to say that if the UF program was magically transported to Athens, the arrest rate would nearly double for the UF program under CUM. The nearly 2 dozen driving on a suspended license tickets that were issued during his tenure would have all been arrests in Georgia and would have all lead to missing playing time. GFY.


      • Texas_Dawg

        It’s the exact opposite actually.

        CFB players, like college students, get in trouble at times. We can debate what punishments Florida players should have received, but Florida has disciplined arrested players.

        On the other hand, SEC West coaches go completely undisciplined in their lying to and exploiting working class students, in ways that greatly damage the lives of these people (e.g. Alabama chasing another kid off to a community college today).

        All the response does is show how completely unethical the coach who gave it is.


    • Texas_Dawg

      Absolutely. The two aren’t even close.


  10. Irishdawg

    Please be so kind as to remind us of the Georgia player that threatened to kill his girlfriend and was allowed to remain on the team. Or the one that shot an assault rifle out a dorm window and was allowed to return. You want to talk quantity, fine, but let’s also talk QUALITY while we’re at it.


    • Mayor of Dawgtown

      Maybe Mike you also ought to ask L’il Dooley about the armed robbers still on his team (some are gone) and the 9–yes 9– UT players who were beating up some guy in a bar (kicking him in the head while he was on the floor) and when an off duty cop tried to intervene they knocked the cop out and started doing the same to him. Didn’t the UT Athletic Department pull strings, get all charges dismissed and aren’t all those “student athletes” still on the team?


    • NRBQ

      Stealing a car from an impound lot?


      • ConnGator

        It was his girlfriend’s car, she was with him, they paid the fine, and everything would have been ok if it was not after hours.

        “Stealing?” No.


    • Mike

      I am not sure any Georgia player ever did that. But that is not the point.The point is this; Rainey was punished by the legal system. Do you argue with that?

      In addition, the Florida coaching staff also levied more punishments on Rainey. Ones that were not required by the law. Shoot, he missed over half of the SEC schedule. So please, just because you do not agree with the severity of his punishments, don’t try and pretend he was not punished.

      You guys are just mad that he played against your team.


      • Gravidy

        Yes. We are. Shouldn’t we be? Here’s a serious question: Do you think he would have ever played another down after that incident if he played for Richt?


        • Macallanlover

          Exactly, what an idiotic stance Mike makes. The following is the depth of his thinking: Two individuals have 5 police “incidents”each, one has four murders and child molestation on his record and the other has 3 parking tickets and two driving on a suspended license. These are a wash in Mike’s delusional way of thinking.

          All programs have issues they aren’t proud of, but some programs make you proud the way they deal with them. I haven’t seen one serious incident go unpunished by CMR, and he doesn’t play around with which games the punishment is served either. And I have never seen one significant violent incident that didn’t result in the individual being removed from the team.


          • Gravidy

            Ehhh…you might be being a little hard on Ol’ Mike. His previous posts have shown (me, at least) that he’s a bit more reasonable than that. But like a lot of fans (me included) his allegiances might be clouding his vision a bit on this one.

            My post was merely meant to point out that most UGA fans are, in fact, justifiably angry that Rainey played against UGA. We knew he would all along. We also knew he would never have played again if he played for Richt. So our team was punished because Meyer’s standards are different from Richt’s. If a Florida fan wants to label me a whiner for point out that fact, then so be it. It is still a fact.


            • Macallanlover

              Probably so, but his comment about numerical number of arrests makes him fair game for my comment. He isn’t the only rival fan to make such shallow comments, but to make them here is particularly poor judgement. I remember when UF was penalized because a coach bought a players lunch at Mickey Ds during Thanksgiving break in the 80s (maybe $5), and UGA helped a player get home for a relative’s funeral. To equate those to the Cam Newton situation would be insane, so all violations are not created equally. Same with “arrests” or citations.


              • Gravidy

                Yep. Death threats + using dead girl’s credit card + firing rifles in the air in an urban environment >>> two dozen scooter violations. You’ll get no argument from me on that one.


              • Gravidy

                After reading has reply to me, I fear your assessment may have been closer to the truth than mine. Mea culpa.


          • Mike

            I have not seen one serious incident go unpunished by Florida either, scotch lover? Have you?

            If so, please share them with us?


        • Mike

          Don’t know and don’t care. If Richt is such a great example of proper discipline, then why do his layer keep getting arrested? Some with very serious offenses.

          Like I wrote earlier, you guys can’t argue that Florida players are not punished. They are punished, by both the legal system and by the University. You guys apparently think anything short of capital punishment is simply not enough.

          That’s fine. Everybody is entitled to their own opinions. But you do not get to choose your own facts


          • Gravidy

            I had hoped that you would read my post, comprehend it, and consider it on its own merits – you know…like I did yours. Furthermore, I had hoped that you wouldn’t argue with the convenient straw man known as “you guys”, and simply respond to what I had written. Since you didn’t, I won’t chase this rabbit any farther down the hole. Have a good day, sir.


  11. Texas_Dawg

    Not to be outdone by the anonymous SEC coach, how about LSU AD Joe Alleva’s gem in that same article?

    “The elementary education and secondary education in the state of Louisiana is not the best in the world. Same for Alabama, Mississippi, Arkansas.”

    — LSU Athletic Director Joe Alleva on why the SEC should have higher signing limits than conferences such as the Big Ten that recruit in better educated pools.


    This conference is so f-ing embarassing.


    • sUGArdaddy

      Texas, why do you cheer for us? It obviously brings you little joy.

      And why do you hate the SEC so much? I don’t want to be the Big 10 or the Pac 12. I like football. I like education. But I like that we really, really care about football down here. I’m addicted to the pageantry on gamedays at SEC campuses. They don’t have that at Northwestern, Cal, and, even, Vandy. There’s a reason for that.

      You just got a lot of negative vibes, dude. I just want you to be a happy Dawg.


    • Dog in Fla

      The LSU AD left out South Carolina but that’s the exclusive territory of Steve and he’s taken care of agrument already


  12. Sep

    I think the quote is funny too but if you want to recruit pure as gold children you have soccer, or lacrosse, or tennis or, golf or pick your choice. The kids you need for football are not typical college guys. Get over it. They’re coddled and again, pick your own adjective.

    Back on subject is we recruit the same guys. I do think we levy more penalties internally than most others. All this IMHO.


  13. Cojones

    TOCIA-Yeah, but how do you really feel?

    Boy it’s a long time between kickoffs here when this subject bristles the viscera. Limp-wristed statements by and to U Presidents is like summer’s gossip going postal. If you want to solve this back fence quarrel just think of which coach in the past hasn’t cared how he has expressed himself on any subject. That leaves one ‘ole guy glaring at you from his visor.


  14. heyberto

    I’m not sure Spurrier would come out so strongly against Florida. Even with it being anonymous. He still loves his alma mater…. But stranger things have happened.


  15. Dude

    Do former coaches ever attend these meetings?


  16. Kobby

    This coach obviously knows his arrest stats, a must have for the recruiting trail.


  17. JaxDawg

    If this is the same “TexasDawg” that I’ve seen for years, he was once a common poster on the Dawgvent who constantly bragged about the fact that he lived in NY and worked for a white-shoe investment bank/financial institution. Very arrogant about his circumstances back then, and obviously now, judging from his holier than thou attitude.

    Definitely the kind of guy that would espouse the ivy-league attitude while having the boorish hypocracy of Anthony Weiner.
