Any little birdies out there willing to chirp?

I’ve heard a few rumors that Jonathan Taylor is visiting Auburn today, but nothing concrete… anybody know something definitive about that?

Not that we’ll be surprised if it’s true, or anything.  Second Chance U, to the rescue.


Filed under Auburn's Cast of Thousands, Crime and Punishment

32 responses to “Any little birdies out there willing to chirp?

  1. Rp

    I think McGarity needs to come over the top of Richt and forbid transfers to conference opponents. Richt gets to keep his nice guy image and can just say: “I disagree, but can understand why Greg wants to limit our opponents competitive advantage.”


    • Charles

      Dismissals aren’t transfers and several of the players in question have been dismissed.


      • DawgPhan

        I love the folks that want to continue punishing people after we have kicked them off the team.


        • Macallanlover

          +1 We should open the prison doors and let everyone out too. We should welcome American terrorists back into our country from the Middle East, maybe even pay for their training costs. And there should be no consequences for bad behavior, that is so cruel. I just love Utopia and compassion for those who don’t think rules apply to them. This all ends well doesn’t it mommy? Asking them to take their talents to a team outside the SEC is way over the top and just mean spirited. It would be too far to drive if they just wanted to slap their girlfriends on the weekends.


          • Dawg Vegas

            I love Utopia too, and keep hoping Todd Rungren will reform the late 70’/ early 80’s version with Kasim, Willie, and Roger and tour again.


          • Hackerdog

            Hell, I think you’re being too lenient. After we kick them off the team, we should still have total control over their lives. So why allow them to play for a non-conference team, either? Hell, why not mandate that they can no longer receive an education at any US college or university. If they’re not willing to lay down and die for a school that just kicked them off the team, they should just get the hell outta ‘Murica.


            • Dawg in Beaumont

              I’m sure I’ll get satired like Macallanlover is, but I don’t think football should be relevant to Taylor’s life at all. IF, and this is a huge if obviously, he is guilty of what he was charged with he should do a few years behind bars.

              Auburn shouldn’t be relevant in this situation at all because if you assault someone you should be locked up.


              • Hackerdog

                I agree with punishment for crimes. I’m simply having some fun with the notion that Richt should step in and dictate the actions of the rest of the world. I wonder how Judge Wilken would view the notion that signing a letter of intent forfeits all rights of self-determination in perpetuity?


              • Bulldawg165

                Mac brought up terrorists. It was the most ludicrous analogy ever.

                With that said, I’d be surprised if less than 100% of folks disagree with what you said. That’s not something Richt can control, though.


        • Bulldog Joe

          As if living in Auburn, Alabama isn’t punishment enough.


  2. Brandon

    And the narrative remains that Richt has lost control and Malzahn, Miles, etc. are giving hard luck kids another shot.


  3. South FL Dawg

    Believe what we hear. He is enrolled in junior college (Copiah Lincoln in Miss) and playing there this year. That means he can be recruited and play wherever else next year. If he stays out of further trouble and plays like we thought he would when we signed him, he’ll have plenty of options.


  4. Go Dawgs!

    Good for him. I hope he gets it together and doesn’t continue to waste his potential. Auburn will have good players regardless. I don’t really care if they have guys who couldn’t do it the Georgia way. I’m glad Georgia has the reputation we have and that Auburn has the reputation they have.


  5. heytogoober

    I got really confused there for a minute … then I realized this post was about Jonathon Taylor, not Johnathan Taylor. Major difference!


  6. Alcohalic Genius

    Them Eagle/Tigers now the Fugitives.
    Gus coach them not to be confused when he shout “run, run!”


    • LorenzoDawgriquez

      I heard them being referred to as “Sloppy Seconds U” yesterday


      • ChicagoDawg

        I have come to call them FALLBACK U…..everybody’s fallback school… from disgraced college athletes to Atlanta’s privileged class who couldn’t get in to UGA. If anyone balks at that suggestion ask yourself what would be the “fallback school” if you couldn’t matriculate at AU? I am quite certain that Alabama kids that can’t get in to Auburn are “settling” for a degree in Athens.


  7. 81Dog

    that’s a great idea. Maybe our band should play the theme from “The Fugitive” when AU comes to Athens this year. They could work up a whole medley: “Money” by Pink Floyd. “I Fought the Law and the Law Won.” Anything to give our visitors from the loveliest halfway house on the Plains a proper welcome.


  8. He better hope he doesn’t end up doing time first. Football should be the last thing on his mind.


  9. uglydawg

    New subject…South Carolina ain’t lookin’ so hot..halftime. They have a four point lead on ECU….but it hasn’t been easy. They trailed most of the first half.


    • AthensHomerDawg

      Stats almost even…slight edge to ICU THEY roll up 450 yards total O.


      • Macallanlover

        SC had 38 rushes for 175 yards and 38 passes for 266 tonight. Didn’t seem that balanced as they seemed to throw it a lot in the 1st half and that last drive was about 15 straight runs. The bulk of their success passing was short and intermediate throws and they weren’t much over 100 yards rushing until that last drive when they just road graded a smaller, tired defense. Almost like they threw the ball to loosen the defense up for the run. I am worried just because I always worry about SC in Columbia, but I am not as worried as I was two weeks ago. If we limit the mistakes we should win. We all know they will play us better than they have either game this year. UGA really needs to win this game next Saturday because our 2nd trip to a Columbia this year is looking tougher than anyone thought. Like Miss Scarlett, I will think about that another day.

        The team and staff should have gotten a good look at their adjustments tonight after the A&M beat down. ECU only had 130 yards on the ground so we will certainly come after them differently that anyone has yet. Mason will be able to find holes over the middle based on what they have shown the first two games, our TEs may get to play a much bigger role. There doesn’t seem to be any other way for them to set up initially but to bring up some help for their LBs. Davis looked pretty healthy as a runner and Roland is dangerous as a receiver. Glad ECU took them all the way to the end, nice effort, they were just out talented a little and didn’t have fresh legs at the end.


  10. budro

    OT, but I wish VaTech would call timeout.


  11. Athens Dog

    @UGAfootballLive: Former Atlanta standout Kyrin Priester kicked off #Clemson due to attitude problem. #Auburn not interested due to lack of criminal history.


  12. Bama had a visit yesterday from Chad Kelly, late of Clemson. I’ll bet he would do wonders for the locker room. Perhaps Saban was using him as a little motivational tool for Coker. 🙂
