Pop quiz

If I were to ask you to name the SEC school that won the most conference games in the last three seasons, you’d say Alabama without blinking an eye, right?

So who’s second?


Filed under Georgia Football, SEC Football

87 responses to “Pop quiz

  1. I tell you what, I wouldn’t of said South Carolina third, that’s for sure.


  2. Rocket Dawg

    But we accept mediocrity


    • Rocket, the people who call our program mediocre don’t even know what the term means.


      • Frustrating, inability to get out of or own way, not reaching full potential – Those are all fair terms to describe our program and I doubt there are many people around here that would disagree with that characterization.

        However, the people that call it mediocre or say that we accept mediocrity because the program hasn’t won a championship in awhile need to spend some time talking to fans of Iowa State or Kentucky or even little brother down the road in Atlanta to know what mediocre truly is and what it’s like to experience that.

        Liked by 1 person

        • RBM

          Do you really believe that Iowa State, Kentucky, and Georgia Tech are programs that we should measure ourselves against?

          If so…wow.


          • And where did I compare UGA to those programs? I said those are mediocre programs of which UGA does not reside. Perhaps you should re-read the first sentence in my original comment.

            I swear – this topic for a lot of y’all turns you into a bunch of hammers looking for nails.


            • RBM

              Huh? You’re making the comparison right there. You’re saying UGA is not like them.

              It’s nice to know that as long as you’re doing better than Iowa State, Kentucky, and Georgia Tech, you’re not mediocre.


        • RBM

          And I would classify Iowa State and Kentucky as “bad” programs. They aren’t mediocre.

          However, I will concede that Georgia Tech is probably in the mediocre category.


        • Absolutely, AuditDawg – +1


        • No One Knows You're a Dawg

          I agree with your post overall, but (and I believe you may have teed this one up) it’s clear neither Kentucky nor Iowa State tolerate average performances in the sport that means the most to them.


          • Gastr1

            What is the sport that means the most to Iowa State? Wrestling?


            • No One Knows You're a Dawg

              They love wrestling, but they also love their basketball on the Plains (the real Plains).


              • Gastr1

                Yeah, I thought that’s where you were trying to go, though I have no idea why: 5 conference regular season championships & 5 conference tournament championships all-time, never won anything else. Big 12 record of 54-115 between 2002 and 2010. You’re saying we tolerate worse than this. Uh huh.

                They’ve fallen back in the pack in wrestling, too, in recent years, but at least they have a real track record of success in that.


      • Skeptic Dawg

        EE, mediocre…: of moderate or low quality, value, ability, or performance : ordinary, so-so. If this does not define UGA football on the whole since 2006 I don’t know what does. Yes, there have been exciting games and nice wins during this period, but the end result has been moderate to low performance and quality. And yes, a season can be defined as successful without winning a national title…we just have not had too many of those seasons recently (recently defined as 2006-present).


        • DawgPhan

          you can call it mediocre all you want, but being #2 in conference wins in the SEC over a 3 year period is not mediocre. It’s a silly argument to make.


        • So, are you surprised Georgia is second in conference wins? If not, what does that say about the SEC as a whole?


        • Looks to me, Skeptic, that your definition is a season of no SEC championship is of low quality or so-so. If you want to compare these 14 years to the previous 20 years, it’s clear that there’s nothing so-so about the program’s performance. Have there been years of underperformance? Yes, but I would not call our program mediocre.


          • DSLDawg



          • Skeptic Dawg

            I am defining 2006-present as mediocre due to the overall lack of production and results at seasons end. . The East has been down for several years now and there for the Dawgs taking, yet they have run from this opportunity. We have witnessed a consistent pattern of coming up short/failure against more often than not. Mizzou has won the East two year in a row and Carolina has done it once, due in large part to the Dawgs inability to seize the opportunity.


            • Skeptic, I infer that you really mean underachieve when you say mediocre. Do you really think we wouldn’t have won the East in ’13 without he devastating injuries?


          • Saxondawg

            Yep. Apparently Alabama is the only non-mediocre program in the SEC. Or alternatively the world is divided between national championship possession and mediocrity.


            • RBM

              Yep, Alabama is the only team to win the conference in the last 10 years. We aren’t the only ones not winning it!


              • Mayor

                Well, that’s not exactly accurate. Bama won the SEC in 2009, 2012 and 2014. LSU won the SEC in 2011. FU won the SEC in 2006 and 2008, as I recall. Auburn won the SEC in 2010 and 2013. All our main rivals have won the SEC and also won the National Championship. Georgia hasn’t. I don’t agree with Skeptic that the Georgia program is mediocre. I do believe that the program has underachieved since 2005, though.


                • I don’t agree with Skeptic that the Georgia program is mediocre. I do believe that the program has underachieved since 2005, though.

                  Yep. At least taken as a whole. (I’d argue that the 2011 team did about as well as it could have. Same with the 2012 squad. And we’ll never know how good the 2013 team might have been had it stayed healthy.)


                • This is what drives me nuts about how this whole conversation always goes with the usual suspects around here. Nobody is arguing that Georgia hasn’t underachieved since 2005. Somehow underachieving has become tantamount with mediocre in their minds when by all reasonable measures Georgia has been a pretty good program during that time. There have been flashes of greatness, just never sustained.


                • Cosmic Dawg

                  Sums up my thoughts nicely.


                • Mayor

                  Georgia’s year was 2012. That was when the Dawgs absolutely should have won the SECCG and the BCSNC. The Dawgs had Bama dead to rights with 30 seconds left in the game, first and goal inside the 10. Got only 1 play off, didn’t score and the clock ran out. I know there are others on this blog that disagree and I don’t want to rehash it. Let’s just say I’m bitter about that and I am not forgetting it.


                • That game wasn’t lost in the last 30 seconds. It was lost when Grantham’s defense couldn’t stop the run.


                • Yep, when Grantham and Garner refused to substitute in the front seven and we just tired out … We still had our chance to win … I blame Bobo 🙂


                • Mayor

                  We can debate the real cause all day long. The fact is Georgia had a chance to win it at the end and didn’t. That was Georgia’s time and was blown. I hold someone responsible for that and I will never forgive him. Period. Never.


                • Brandon

                  Kinda falls under the whole “underachieving” thing right?


                • Bad Byron

                  I tell you what, every time I see the replay of Murray nearly losing his head with the ref standing there watching, my pressure rises. Will never forget that play…..


                • ugafidelis

                  The game was lost when they smoked us on that play action pass for a TD. We had to win it back from there and didn’t. Spike the ball or throw it, there’s no guarantee we’d have scored in one play or three. That play action changed everything.


    • Ricky Bobby

      If you are second…you’re LAST


  3. Spike

    Whoopee! But no SEC titles to show for it. Maybe this year. Sigh.


  4. Aladawg

    Look at Tennessee, the darling of the east media!


  5. DawgPhan

    saw the tweet and then the first think I felt was sad because all those games won and we have 1 SEC title appearance in that span.

    But UGA has been consistently better than everyone not named Bama.


  6. Mayor

    I don’t want to beat it to death (well, maybe I really do) but if Georgia played every other team in the SEC every year in a round robin format how many times do you think Georgia would have won the SEC championship in, say, the last 10 years? I think we would have won it about as many times as Bama during that period. ’05 we did win it and were the best team. ’07 we would have won it (we did beat Bama and likely would have beaten LSU ’cause we did it the 4th game of the following season). ’10, ’11 and ’12 we certainly would have had a very good chance. ’14 we had two conference stumbles but if Mizzou had to play Bama and the other teams from the West no way they have fewer losses than Georgia and I believe Georgia would have beaten Bama had the two teams played–same for Ole Miss and Missy State. So, yes. In a round robin format UGA would have won more championships than under the current format. I always felt Georgia was at a disadvantage in the East because of the WLOCP game being held in JAX every year.


    • ugafidelis

      If we can’t beat em in Jacksonville, we sure as Hell ain’t likely to beat em in The Swamp.


      • Mayor

        Interesting that you bring that up. Georgia’s home winning percentage is really very good–something like top 10 in the nation (I didn’t look it up so I don’t know exactly). Georgia’s winning percentage on the road is also very good although not as high as the home winning percentage. If you include the WLOCP game as a road game however, that road winning percentage drops a lot . After all, the WLOCP really IS a road game ’cause it isn’t played in Sanford Stadium–at least in my view. So, playing FU “Between the Hedges” ought to enhance Georgia’s chances at winning the SEC Championship. So why shouldn’t we do that?


  7. RBM

    The West was just a wee bit stronger the last 3 years too.


  8. AusDawg85

    Richt is one half and one play from 2 additional SEC Championships. Mediocre indeed.


  9. the best part of that list is that Vandy has more conference wins than UT. I wonder if the Big Orange misses the mediocrity of Coach Fulmer yet?


  10. UGA85

    We can always find numbers to justify or bolster our subjectivity one way or another. For an East team like UGA, Vandy and Kentucky are/should be two automatic wins each year. As well, Tennessee and Florida have been in marked decline. Thus, mediocre programs like South Carolina and Missouri profit, as does UGA. Wins are obviously much harder to come by in the West, where the SEC champions have resided for several years and there have been no patsies. These numbers make the East look much better than it is has been; I hope we can all agree on that.


    • PTC DAWG

      What is UGA’s record vs the West the last 3 years? 5-2 if you count the Bama loss in the SEC Title game….pretty good IYAM.


      • And those two losses are single digit ones against teams that played for the national championship. But what do I know since I accept mediocrity and all?


        • If you go back to 2011, the record is 7-3 with the loss to LSU (who happened to be ranked #1 entering the game) and probably deserved a share of the national title with Alabama after beating the Tide in T-town in the regular season.


  11. Skeptic Dawg

    EE, now this is something that we agree upon, “…probably deserved a share of the national title with Alabama after beating the Tide in T-town in the regular season.” I do not recognize Alabama as the national champ that year. Nor do I believe that they should have even played in the national title game following their loss during the regular season to LSU.


    • Nick Saban

      Damn it!! I guess I’ll have to send that crystal trophy back! (Crying softly). Skeptic doesn’t recognize our national championship for 2011!! (Weeping loudly now).


    • I think we only disagree on semantics. I agree the program has underachieved in a number of years since 2005. I disagree that our program is mediocre over the span of the Richt era. Our program was in the toilet in the Goff era and was mediocre in the Donnan era. It has been good not great in the Richt era. I know we can all agree we want the program to move to truly elite in the next couple of years. I happen to think we have the right guy to do it. I know others don’t believe that for whatever reason, but I’m not going to question their fandom.


  12. Saxondawg

    You either win it all, at whatever you do, or you are mediocre or worse. That’s what a lot of our fans are saying. This means everybody reading this who isn’t the best in the nation at their line of work is mediocre. If your kid isn’t the valedictorian, he is a mediocre child. Gray does not exist. Good does not exist. Just “best” and mediocre.


    • RBM

      Depends on your definition of mediocre.

      If you think our program under Jim Donnan was mediocre, then you think our program has been mediocre for the last 6 years or so.

      If you think our program was mediocre (and not bad) under Ray Goff, then you think the last 6 years have been hunky dory and you were pissed when Jim Donnan got fired b/c you thought things were hunky dory then too.


      • Debby Balcer

        You compare apples to oranges if you only compare wins versus losses. The type of wins, the quality of the opponents and other variables are important too. My oldest daughter was the valedictorian of her high school class. The salutatorian was only a hundredth or two below her by your standard he was mediocre. If your only standard of success is winning a national title then only one team a year is successful am glad I don’t have that perspective.


        • RBM

          One of my measures of success is winning a national title. Another is winning a conference title. Another is being a better program than we were under Donnan.


          • And yet somehow you won’t accept that going to 5 more SECCG’s and winning 2 more than Donnan isn’t evidence of this. ¯_(ツ)_/¯


            • RBM

              In the last 6 years, we’ve gone to 2 more SECC games and won ZERO more championships than Donnan. And that is with a down Florida and a down Tennessee, which makes it much, much easier to get the SECC game.

              And our record over the last 6 years is worse than it was under Donnan.


  13. Uglydawgq

    Who are the ten hottest chicks in the world? If you scored with numbers 2 thru 9 but missed on ten (but did get to third base with her) would you consider that a mediocre few years?
    Yes…this is a sexist post. But it makes my point so well I went with it.
    So have at me, sexist police.


  14. Uglydawgq

    Meant..”missed on 1″.


  15. Rex

    Always the bridesmaid.


  16. Brandon

    LOL. Auburn played for a natty in this time period and still has a losing conference record. There’s no such thing as karma


  17. Hogbody Spradlin

    A brain fart here a brain fart there, and voila you got a bitching fan base. Sigh. When’s kickoff?


  18. dlm80

    5 of the top 7 from the east… interesting.


  19. Ron

    Unfortunately, we were favored in every loss other than Alabama & Auburn during the last three years. Second place is an honorable position in this league but don’t let the designation confuse you. We’re universally known for losing games that matter and very few power schools are afraid to play us. Second place is our destiny.


  20. UGA85

    Second place? We are the only SEC school, among the power schools, to not win, or even play for, a national championship in the BCS era. We have not won a conference championship in almost a decade. How can we be in second place when all of our major rivals have won championships and we haven’t? Win totals showing East schools like UGA, USC, and Mizzou near the top have very little significance; championships matter much more.


    • JCDAWG83

      Maybe Richt can have some rings made and commission a trophy for having the second most SEC wins in the past three seasons? He can put the trophy in the case next to the one for almost winning the SEC championship in 2012. We could name that trophy case the “One play, One Game Away, If Only” trophy case. I guess some folks will keep on polishing a turd until they get something they feel like they can be proud of.


      • Charles

        If you think UGA’s performance over the past few years is a “turd,” then no amount of facts, dialogue, counseling or anti-depressants can help you.

        I swear… it’s like the troll bridge union is on furlough and they’re all at home on their laptops. Craziness.
