Gettin’ the band back together? Two thumbs up!

I’m just gonna leave this one hanging out there for you guys.


Filed under General Idiocy

96 responses to “Gettin’ the band back together? Two thumbs up!

  1. SouthGaDawg

    Yes! I told this to someone this morning. I’ll stop by the store and pick up a lottery ticket on the way home.


  2. Two thumbs up indeed.

    I said in a comment this morning that Richt has shown that he learns from the past. I should have mentioned he’s also shown a stubborn side at times too.


    • Will (The Other One)

      I feel for Miami fans if they somehow get Schotty at OC and WillieMart at DC because Richt combined his stubborn side with his loyalty and said “I’ll show them, I’ll try to win with the coordinators everyone said were my worst hires!”


    • Athens Townie

      I think you’re right. Richt has definitely shown a stubborn side. Hanging on to Willie as long as he did. Sticking to his pro-style guns and his system when he didn’t have the personnel to match. Failing to adapt to the quickly evolving SEC landscape.

      In other areas, Richt has shown the ability to learn and adapt. All in all, just not quickly enough.


  3. Spike

    The more things change the more they stay the same. or something..:/


  4. PatinDC

    Wow. If that happens, it will show me that CMR may not have learned anything from that episode. (shaking head)


  5. The story is from a Tennessee site trying to get Two Thumbs out of Knoxvegas. It will be getting real if he brought in Fabris as kickoff coverage specialist coach.


  6. Q

    Great… Pruitt to Knoxville?


  7. ChicagoDawg

    Somehow this makes me feel better about losing Richt to Miami.


  8. What Fresh Hell is This?

    These are heady times to run a blog, Senator. You must feel as lucky as a comedian during an election year.


  9. Oh yeah – that is happening


  10. Turd Ferguson

    I like Mark Richt a lot, but if there’s any truth to this … dude’s addicted to mediocrity.


    • what point are you trying to make? That Willie allowed Greyson Lambert to throw for 300 yards and 2 TDs? Or that UGA lost and Willie is a good coach?


    • Biggus Rickus

      After the Tennessee game, Georgia’s offense scored 9, 3, 27, 13, 23 and 13. So congratulations to Jancek and Martinez for producing a better defense than Kentucky and Georgia Southern?


  11. Go Dawgs!


    Oh wow. For the first time, I feel a slight twinge of being OK with parting ways with Coach Richt. The man doesn’t always learn from his mistakes, does he?

    Love you, Coach Richt. Good luck with that.


  12. Bro Tereshinski III

    Did I make a bet this morning that UGA would win a natty before Miami? Yes, I did.

    Do I feel 200% more confident in this bet? Yes, I do.


  13. Please God let this happen! This is the same stubborn, spiteful Richt (from The Arena) that is going to show all you Bulldog Joes. Can’t wait to see him fall flat on his face.


    • Jack Klompus

      sheesh. Why the venom toward Richt?


      • Debby Balcer

        +1.venom towards the man who raised the bar at UGA. It is not going to happen that Martinez goes with him.


      • I wish Mark Richt a wonderful life. I hope that he continues his charitable work and ministry. He brings more positives to his community than most people. He claimed to love Athens and was paid handsomely by the University for years. He was let go, was offered to coach the bowl game, and stay on in an admin position. McG and UGA could have embarrassed him. They could have brought up his recent failures as a reason for dismissal, but they didn’t. And within less than a work week he is on a plane to be announced as the new Miami coach. It appears that all his talk about loving the community in Athens was dependent on million dollar contracts instead of the relationships that he built. If all that talk by him was just doing business in college football than I hope that his future college endeavor fails miserably. That’s not venom. Like I said I wish him a great life except on the football field.


        • Debby Balcer

          He is 55 years old and still wants to do a job he loves. He cashed the paycheck he earned. He did not take from the university and I am sure Athens is better off because he was a part of the community.


        • I think you are spot on, wildcatlaw.


        • If UGA did right by Richt…I don’t think he takes another job. UGA didn’t. So he did. I hope he wins a national championship at Miami…if only to symbolically give the finger to McGarity and fans like you.

          That said, if he takes Willie Martinez with him…I have a better chance of winning the Heisman than they have of winning it all.


        • Jimmy Williamson

          So, the fact that Richt isn’t on his knees under McGarity’s desk right now proves that he’s Lane Kiffin? Interesting.


  14. Granthams replacement

    Lather, rinse, repeat. N. Ave. trade school is feeling better about the move now.


  15. Dog in Fla

    Wait until Miami finds out about the brother-in-law and Van Halen who tour with the band as part of a package deal


  16. Meh. Richt knows you don’t need a defense to win in the ACC.


  17. Bill Glenn

    I also hear Schotty is following Richt down to Coral Gables. Hurricane fans can expect a lot of 3rd and 1 shotgun on offense and 4th and 25 conversions on the D. Richt will handle special teams.

    High drama.


  18. Athens Dog

    Please Please


  19. Doggoned

    This is pure conjecture, as far as I can tell. Anybody hearing anything other than this tweet?


  20. Hogbody Spradlin

    It’s a thin reed, but what a great scenario to smile about. I’d view it as Richt self-flagellating to do penance for letting down Georgia.


  21. hassan

    Why is everyone happy about this?!? This just means that UT will get better.


  22. Skeptic Dawg

    Richt summed up his last 10 years in Athens with this little ditty today, “My goal is to develop relationships rather than chase rings. Rings collect dust, relationships do not.” And now he may have interest in Crazy Willie? This is just too much for one day!


    • Yeah he has got a drawer full of mediocre bowl rings why would he want another one


    • Calidawg

      You’d be doing everyone a favor if you kindly threw your laptop into the nearest river. That’s not what he said.


      • doiknowu

        It was pretty close to what he was quoted as saying: “life is about people, not rings. Rings collect dust.” I’m doubting that anyone here was in that meeting, so you’re kinda splitting hairs here. Skeptic’s meaning is essentially the same.


        • 3rdandGrantham

          You’ve got to be kidding me…he did not say that…..did he? If so, my God no wonder why we muddled in total mediocrity the last 10 years while getting summarily thumped by most decent teams we played.


          • Skeptic Dawg

            Cali, I stand corrected. From Nathan Theus on Twitter (@NTheus49), “Life is about people, not rings. Rings collect dust.” -CMR


          • Debby Balcer

            He was talking to a group of kids who had not won one and letting them know the truth. Relationships are more important in life. It is like the saying no one dies wishing they had worked more. That does not mean he or they should not want a ring.


      • No lappy…..tablet…Damn people need to lighten up. Richt saying rings are not important just like he said more important things than winning….he wants to build young men of character and nothing builds character like losing……good luck with the character building at the U of thug….


  23. Too funny. Thought Pruitt was going but guess he found out schotty was going and said oh hell no….so richt turns to his old buddy cover 2 willie


  24. Dawgfan Will

    I think you are all discounting the possibility that Richt is still pissed about not getting to start at the U all those years ago. Larry Coker started the fire, but Richt’s going to burn that bitch to the ground. Then…on to Denver!

    Or he’s just really stubborn and optimistic.


  25. If this happens it proves Richt never would have fired Willie if his own job wasn’t on the line. And perfectly encapsulates why he was never going to get it done.


    • Scorpio Jones, III

      Chili there is something about the personality you display here many folks find hard to abide. A prototypical personality any southerner recorgnizes…one characterized by a combination of self-satisfaction, stupidity and the suggestion of imminent physical attack, all of it glossed over with a veneer of moral and patriotic respectability. (HT Jim Burke)

      I suspect this is just an act you do here to get attention, but whatever it may be, maybe you ought to give some thought to re-inventing yourself.

      Just a suggestion, sir. Have a good night.


  26. We may be laughing at this, but just heard that Eason told UF players he was committing to them. Hope this is not true, but get ready for a roller coaster ride while we remain in Saban’s purgatory. I’m certainly more interested in our business right now rather than the fate of old two thumbs up.


  27. ScooBoo

    Five-star quarterback Jacob Eason has been committed to Georgia since July 19, 2014.

    But, if you believe one reporter, the heralded prep signal-caller is preparing to switch allegiances.


  28. garageflowers

    Right should pursue Randy Shannon.


  29. garageflowers

    Sigh. Richt, d$&@ spellcheck.


  30. Sh3rl0ck

    In the 5 seasons that Willie Two-Thumbs was DC, Georgia football had 48 wins (.738), An SEC title, Three 10+ win seasons, Two BCS Bowl appearances, A Sugar bowl victory, 1 top 2 finish, 2 Top 10’s, and 3 Top 15’s. This includes two seasons where JT3 and Joe Cox got most of the starts at QB.

    In the six season since Willie was fired, Georgia has 55 wins (.696), No BCS bowls or equivalent, 10 losses by double digits, and two losses to Group of Five teams.

    Those of you who are laughing about how bad of a DC Willie was but don’t understand why RIcht was fired amaze me. You can rationalize all you want, but it was time to move on.


    • Biggus Rickus

      I understand why Richt was fired, and I was very much for it, but Willie was not a good defensive coordinator. Once Van Gorder’s fingerprints were completely wiped off the defense, they fell hard. His last two years were bad, and the ’09 defense was the worst of the Richt era.


      • Will (The Other One)

        And Willie was behind the only other time a team dropped 50+ on us in Sanford. And unlike UF in the 1990s, that 2006 UT team was not remotely a national title contender.


      • Sh3rl0ck

        Since you understand why Richt was fired, the message wasn’t directed toward you. My point was that Willie was fired for very good reasons, and, in the six years after Willie, Richt couldn’t even meet the results of the WIllie era. I as not trying to defend ol’ Two-Thumbs.


  31. Bulldog Joe

    Bo Pelini to accept Missouri HC offer per twitter.


  32. Sh3rl0ck

    On a lighter note, the ACC Coastal is easier than the SEC East. With Willie at DC, Richt would still be able to get 9-10 wins a season. Hopefully this would give them a change to fully repair their relationship. It has to be really hard to fire the guy who was the best-man at your wedding. He could hire JT3 or Joe Cox as his QB coach and work on making a Bobo 2.0.


  33. 3rdandGrantham

    I have to say this is one of the funniest threads I’ve read in a long time. Some if the stuff/back and forth above is comedy gold.


  34. I have said it before, but this is absolutely the best week of actual entertainment from the Georgia football program since 2005.

    If CMR hires Willie two thumbs……. omg……. hahahahahaha That would be hilarious, and it would speak directly to why CMR could never get completely over the hump at UGA. Absolutely no understanding of why you have to hold people accountable for JOB PERFORMANCE. Not kids playing a game, but adults doing a job.


    • Hard to disagree. You know this is the most interested I’ve been in CFB in general in at least three years? Quick suggestion for you muck, if you think this is good, check out some of the South Carolina fans boards. They’re going apeshit right now.


      • Butler T. Reynolds

        …like there was any possibility that you would disagree. šŸ™‚


      • I draw the line at reading fan boards of other schools. If I get that far deep into my CFB obsession, I might never come up. The only exception is I will occasionally check Stingtalk because that is pure comedy gold and never fails to deliver.


    • Jared S.

      Life’s about people, not rings! šŸ˜‰


  35. Richt is no longer with Georgia. Let’s talk about Georgia. Spring break and summer 2016 are still in the future. Let’s talk “Where’s Kirby”? LOL


  36. Let’s not become an lol.


  37. Richt is their problem now not Georgia’s. Georgia has more problem with this team and coaches being one and together.


  38. roswelldawg

    unreal. If this comes true, I will lose a lot of respect for Mark. And, if I was him, I would seriously do what I could to lure Pruitt down there with him. He already knows what he’s got – a very good DC with an abrasive personality. Big deal. Just deal with it and end up with a top 20 defense. Or better. Takes a lot of pressure off your offense. Martinez is a joke.
