Today, in fun with numbers, Phil Steele edition

Steele charts what he calls Strength of Wins, which tracks the number of wins a team’s losing FBS opponents have compiled themselves.  Georgia currently stands third, behind Alabama and Wisconsin, neither the latter of which hasn’t played an FCS team this season.

He’s got a Strength of Losses list, as well.  Georgia is seventh.


Filed under Georgia Football, Phil Steele Makes My Eyes Water

10 responses to “Today, in fun with numbers, Phil Steele edition

  1. Bama played Mercer this past Saturday, so they do have an FCS opponent.


  2. That’s weird. A Tech coworker has being telling me all week about how UGA hasn’t played anyone. Strange.


  3. DugLite

    Auburn got a huge boost by beating Ga. Dammit I don’t really care for Auburn.


  4. That’s about right. Of all teams, who would you bet would probably beat us straight up if both teams played good clean games with no unforced errors. Putting aside the fact that I am a UGA fan, I would say Bama, Clemson, and as much as I hate to say it Auburn. A few other teams MAY be a toss up. Like the Ohio State, Oky, and maybe Wis. I don’t think any other team would have much of a chance against us except a punchers chance. If I were ranking the playoff teams and were trying to be really honest, I would have us at #4.
