When it just means too much

Greg Sankey’s not happy with the behavior on display in the Egg Bowl and the post game celebration after the LSU-TAMU marathon.

Southeastern Conference Commissioner Greg Sankey wants Mississippi athletic director Ross Bjork and Mississippi State athletic director John Cohen to meet him in the league office to discuss “creating a healthier environment” for the annual Egg Bowl matchup.

I’m curious what he’s got in mind for that.  The players were penalized during the game, so what’s left to rein in passions that are, quite frankly, part and parcel of a bitter rivalry game?

As the header indicates, methinks ol’ Greggie is trying to have it both ways, given how the conference loves to promote the emotional side of SEC play.  Good luck on threading that needle, sport.

By the way, does anybody besides me find the last sentence of Jimbo’s statement weird?  I mean, what’s that got to do with the rest of what he posted?


Filed under SEC Football

9 responses to “When it just means too much

  1. MGW

    We need to have a meeting so we can say we had a meeting the next time someone gets injured in a fight.


  2. Uglydawg.

    Jimbo’s way of saying..”We’re moving on now. Nothing to see here.”


  3. Bulldog Joe

    When in trouble for something, my kids’ favorite tactic was an attempt to change the subject.


  4. 69Dawg

    You want to stop this stuff? If there is Unsportsman Like Conduct called on player(s) or coaches the player(s)/coaches are ejected. One and done: Red Card their butts. I personally think that Personal Fouls should be treated like soccer yellow cards, you get 2 or 3 your gone. I do not believe that the punishment should carry over like they do now. If you are kicked out in the first half your good, if you are kicked out in the second half you sit out the first quarter of the following game. This will calm their butts down. Why should a player get tossed for touching a ref but get two shots at killing an opponent. Why are Personal Fouls not considered Unsportsman Like? Hell you can deliberately hurt someone and the team gets 15 ( I’m looking at what Auburn did to Murray and how it ended up in a fight). In the immortal words of Deputy Barney Fife “Nip it, nip it in the bud”.


  5. Russ

    Well, I feel better knowing Jimbo is giving it his full attention. I mean, he was all over the Jameis situation, right?


  6. Comin' Down The Track

    “Greggie.” ISWYDT 😉


  7. hailtogeorgia

    I saw his comment about going bowling as a subtle dig towards FSU.
