Your 12.12.18 Playpen

People, before we make a big deal about 15-year olds saying offensive things years later during their moment in the spotlight, how ’bout first we hold actual adults responsible for the trash they spout now?

Okay, I’ve vented.  Feel better now for that.  The floor is yours.


Filed under GTP Stuff

331 responses to “Your 12.12.18 Playpen

  1. 81Dog

    Can you explain the balk rule? I’ll hang up and listen.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Got Cowdog

      The “Balk rule” is the baseball equivalent of football’s offside rule (See: Simmons, Tyler) that an official, visually impaired or otherwise, can call at his convenience to influence the outcome of the contest.

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Mayor

    So Senator….while I don’t particularly like Ann Coulter what in that quote from her was false? Those subgroups she was talking about (at least some of them) do single out white males for persecution.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Walt

      I’m a white male who mostly votes for Democrats. I don’t at all feel alienated by the Democratic party.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Derek

        Me neither. And since the 2016 election, I will ONLY vote for the democrat or none of the above. I’ll never vote for another republican for any office under any circumstance. Ever.

        Any person who would support or belong to a party that puts THAT forward will never have my support.

        A race bating, criminal, traitor, pathological liar with malignant narcissism is where I draw the line.

        Liked by 2 people

        • ChiliDawg

          Ditto. I was an independent who mostly voted Republican up until the 2016 election (I even worked as a volunteer on the Bush 43 campaign). I’ll never vote for another one as long as I live. As far as I’m concerned, every single one of them have betrayed their oaths and the country to turn the government into a criminal enterprise built to protect their majority and their fascist leader – it’s revolting, and they all deserve to be hanged.

          Liked by 1 person

          • gastr1

            Also a white man who vigorously supports the fair and equitable treatment of non-white, non-male people. I am privileged to work at a place where I interact with people of difference every single day, and I can say with 100% certainty that those peoples’ anecdotes about how they are disadvantaged by the current/historic power structures in this country are accurate and true. I’ve been on many hiring committees and have seen the racism and sexism in full flower in the halls of power.

            Liked by 1 person

          • Napoleon BonerFart


          • You are talking about the sea hag known as hillary aren’t you.


          • Jonathan Thompson

            Are we nominating people for hanging now? What day is good for you? Maybe they’ll even use a softer rope for your delicate skin..


        • Chris

          That’s the Orange Man Bad NPC melt I’ve been looking for. Almost immediate post ’16 election good, but well done nonetheless.

          Can’t wait for the 2020 re-election melts. Grab your popcorn folks and enjoy the show.


          • ChiliDawg

            Bless your heart, you still think he’s going to be running for re-election.


            • Chris

              Still room on the Trump Train for the Keep America Great 2020 Tour if you want to switch teams again.

              Who am I kidding, you can’t even handle all the winning now, you might actually lose you mind when we get The Wall, RGB and maybe 2 more Supreme Court Justice replacements, and an even more record breaking economy! Future is bright! God bless America!


              • Okay, Chris, I’ll bite: if Trump hasn’t gotten the Wall with Republicans in control of all three branches, how’s he gonna get it with the House in Democratic hands?

                I’ll hang up and listen to your answer.


                • Chris

                  Assuming the Dems don’t cave (which would be political suicide), Trump still has the money in the military budget for fiscal year 2019 already approved.

                  Trump is playing with a double sided coin. Either the Dems “cave” and trump wins, or he gets the Dems to double down on not securing our border with votes to show the voters, and the wall still gets built.


                • Derek

                  Where’s the Mexican money? Wasn’t that the promise?

                  Instead he’s gonna steal from the troops?

                  What was this about “suicide?”


                • Again, the Democrats have had two years of pressure from the POTUS and haven’t done so, but now, when they control the House (and were given a majority in part to check Trump), now they’re gonna cave? That’s some serious wishful thinking there.

                  He can’t take money approved by Congress for one purpose and use it for another.

                  If the voters GAS about the Wall, it would have been appropriated for already. You’re confusing Trump’s base with the general voting public… which is basically the kind of thinking that just cost the Republicans the House.


                • Chris

                  I think it will come down to if in fact the President is correct in saying the military will fund the wall if congress doesn’t. If he has that ability, then he has all the leverage over congress.

                  A quick google search suggests Trump has been talking about it with Mattis since March.

                  Keep in mind the Pentagon has approved 750 million for Title 10 appropriations.

                  Those were the same Title 10 troops that were authorized to be deployed at the border this year.



                • I think it will come down to if in fact the President is correct in saying the military will fund the wall if congress doesn’t. If he has that ability, then he has all the leverage over congress.

                  Chris, think about what you’re suggesting here. And then think about how you’d react if Obama or Clinton were to do what you’re proposing.


                • ChiliDawg

                  I think it will come down to if in fact the President is correct in saying…

                  Let me spare you the suspense: he’s not.


                • ChiliDawg

                  If he has that ability…

                  SPOILER ALERT – he doesn’t.


                • ChiliDawg

                  A quick google search suggests…

                  You should have read more books.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • ChiliDawg

                  Or you could have read your own fucking link

                  “Such a move requires legislative approval that is not likely to be forthcoming.”

                  And that was BEFORE Democrats re-gained control of the House, so you can go ahead and change that to just “not forthcoming.”


                • Chris

                  Somebody sounds scared of all the winning.



                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  You think the actions of politicians align with voter intent? Curious.

                  FWIW, I think voters do want the wall. That was Trump’s number 1 campaign issue in 2016 and he won. So it resonated with voters.

                  I agree that it’s unlikely to happen. But that doesn’t mean it’s not a popular issue. Trump may want to keep it around to run on again in 2020.


                • FWIW, I think voters do want the wall. That was Trump’s number 1 campaign issue in 2016 and he won. So it resonated with voters.

                  It’s not 2016 anymore.

                  Tell me something. If the Wall is that big a deal for Trump, why not cut a deal with the Democrats to get it? I mean, whether it’s $5 billion or $25 billion, that’s still a drop in the budget bucket anyway. So why doesn’t Mr. Art of the Deal give up something to make this really important thing happen?

                  The answer, of course, is he had that exact deal a year ago until he reneged on it.

                  Trump doesn’t care about a wall. He just wants a fight over a wall because that keeps his base energized.

                  Liked by 2 people

                • ChiliDawg

                  FWIW, I think voters do want the wall. That was Trump’s number 1 campaign issue in 2016 and he won. So it resonated with voters.

                  The 2018 midterms would like to have a word with you.


                • ChiliDawg

                  Somebody sounds scared of all the winning.

                  So when pressed to explain how he’s “winning,” not only can you not actually do it, when presented with inconvenient facts you run from it and retreat back into your juvenile one-liners?

                  Yeah, seems typical for someone stupid enough to be a Trump supporter. He does love your sort.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  I don’t know why Trump didn’t pursue getting the wall built. Maybe he was distracted by the deep state investigating the Hillary campaign’s accusations. Maybe he’s just one of a long line of politicians better at campaigning than at governing. Maybe he had no intention of actually building it. I won’t pretend to be able to divine his motivations. But you can’t infer from the fact that the wall hasn’t been built that voters don’t want it built.


                • But you can’t infer from the fact that the wall hasn’t been built that voters don’t want it built.

                  I’m not inferring that. I’m inferring that the fact that the wall hasn’t been built means it isn’t as important as Trump makes it sound.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  “The 2018 midterms would like to have a word with you.”

                  I hate to burst your bubble, but midterms are almost always bad for the party that controls the White House. You really shouldn’t think that the entire voting public has joined the “orange man bad” brigade.


                • ChiliDawg

                  But you can’t infer from the fact that the wall hasn’t been built that voters don’t want it built.

                  You inferred from the 2016 election results that voters DID want it built, so why can’t you infer from the 2018 results that they DON’T want it built? It was just as much a central issue in the midterms as it was in 2016, and Trump and the GOP got walloped.

                  Also the wall is a loser in every opinion poll.


                • ChiliDawg

                  I feel like it should also be pointed out that in 2016, a majority of Americans voted against Trump, and against the wall. So if you’re going to try to use 2016 as a referendum on the wall – it was a loser then, too.


                • Chris

                  The Wall and border security is clearly a political tool that Trump is using to bludgeon the Dems while the Dems are simultaneously using it to perform an usually long seppuku ritual.

                  You literally have the democrats going on record on shutting the down the government because they don’t want the most secure border security! 4D Chess at its finest.


                • You literally have the democrats going on record on shutting the down the government because they don’t want the most secure border security!

                  I thought it was Trump who went on record about that yesterday. Literally, even.


                • Chris

                  And Senator, to answer your question, I would be thrilled if Obama or Clinton followed through on their votes in 2006 that commissioned a national border fence.

                  As a constitutional conservative, national security is something actually tasked to our federal government.


                • That wasn’t my question.

                  And if you are a constitutional conservative, then you should really know that Trump can’t do what you’re suggesting.


                • Believe defense appropriations can be used for the national defense…a term that applies to the border situation. Debatable, I know.


                • You have to use appropriations the way they’re appropriated. The executive branch can’t change the way Congress directs the money to be spent.


                • ChiliDawg

                  You literally have the democrats going on record on shutting the down the government because they don’t want the most secure border security! 4D Chess at its finest.

                  I’m sorry, what?

                  You want to try that again?


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  The border wall wasn’t nearly the issue in the 2018 elections that it was in the 2016 elections. So voter intent on that single issue isn’t as clear from the results. And for those who failed middle school civics, the popular vote is meaningless in presidential elections because of the electoral college. Will the wall be an issue in 2020? Since Trump is pushing it now, he probably thinks it’s still a winning issue. So I imagine it will be a campaign point.


                • Chris

                  Senator, you’re not suggesting that National Security isn’t a military responsibility are you?

                  I assume your not a constitutional lawyer, but which side of the above argument would you rather be on?

                  I don’t think its a coincidence that Trump brings up terrorist and gang criminals crossing our borders whenever he talks about the border.


                • Chris, let me answer you with a hypothetical. Let’s say Congress allocates $1 billion to fund the building and deployment of a bomber jet. The POTUS decides to spend the money on a aircraft carrier, instead. Is that constitutional?

                  It’s not a trick question.


                • ChiliDawg

                  *The border wall wasn’t nearly the issue in the 2018 elections that it was in the 2016 elections. So voter intent on that single issue isn’t as clear from the results. And for those who failed middle school civics, the popular vote is meaningless in presidential elections because of the electoral college. *

                  You can’t have it both ways, Jack. On one hand you’re arguing that the 2016 election is proof that the voters wanted the wall while simultaneously dismissing the fact that Donald Trump lost the majority of voters in 2016. This is some kind of next level stubborn denial. We’re not arguing over the electoral process, we’re talking about the wall and it’s popularity among voters. So I will repeat this again for you since you’re stupid and need everything repeated to you – More Americans voted against Donald Trump and his wall than voted for him. YOU might want the wall, but you are in the minority.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  I was trying to be civil, but if you want to adopt Derek’s screech-tard debating tactics, so be it. I’ll be blunt so you have a better chance at understanding.

                  Popular vote in a presidential election is meaningless because of the electoral college. This means that conservatives in California and Democrats in Oklahoma stay home at a much greater proportion than in swing states. This means that statements like, “But Hillary won the popular vote and more people voted against Trump than voted for him,” are just stupid rationalizations. Give them up.

                  Now, looking at the candidates, Trump campaigned on The Wall. It was his single biggest issue. And it was popular. He packed stadiums with people chanting along for building the wall. It’s safe to assume that most of the people who voted for Trump did so, at least in part, because of The Wall. At a minimum, anyone who didn’t want The Wall wouldn’t have voted for the candidate who made it his number one issue.

                  And yes, polls show a minority in support of The Wall. But those same polls predicted a Hillary landslide in 2016, so I take them with a grain of salt. If Trump runs in 2020 on The Wall and wins again, I think the voters will have made themselves heard on the issue in a more definitive way. But by all means, continue to hang your hat on midterm elections consistent with the history of midterms and the thought that, if only the election process had been different, and Trump hadn’t adjusted his strategy accordingly, then maybe Hillary could have won. As my dad likes to say, “If a frog had wings, he wouldn’t bump his ass hopping.”


                • ChiliDawg

                  And yes, polls show a minority in support of The Wall. But those same polls predicted a Hillary landslide in 2016

                  No they didn’t, and this is the most frequently repeated lie of the MAGA crowd, only second to “we care about the troops.”

                  The polls showed Hillary leading by 2 or 3 points going into election day – within the margin of error. Trump won narrowly in battleground states, in results that very much mirrored the margin of error.

                  Most people still expected Hillary to win. And if not for the Russian disinformation campaign to suppress the vote for Hillary, she very well might have. But it is a steaming pile of horseshit that “the polls showed Hillary winning in a landslide.” It just isn’t true.


                • Napoleon BonerFart


                • ChiliDawg

                  Either the Dems “cave” and trump wins, or he gets the Dems to double down on not securing our border with votes to show the voters, and the wall still gets built.

                  This isn’t even coherent. It’s like you don’t understand how government works, or something.


                • gastr1

                  Maybe he’s just in favor of a dictatorship. I mean, everyone likes an autocrat when they think it’s everyone but themselves who’ll suffer, don’t they? Good old American individualism for ya.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • Chopdawg

                  Simple, Senator. Trump gets the Wall just as soon as Mexico cuts him a check for $25B. That was his promise–that Mexico would pay for the Wall–made to American voters again and again. I don’t know why he’s even bugging Congress about funding the Wall, all he has to do is keep his promise, make Mexico pay, and the Wall gets built.


                • SouthernYank

                  I love it when it’s claimed the Repubs could have gotten their wall if they had made a deal with the Dems – which deal always includes the Dems wanting amnesty now, and funding the wall later – which means not at all.


                • ChiliDawg

                  They offered to agree to $25 billion for the wall in exchange for protection for DREAMers. Not Amnesty for everyone, just protection for a very small percentage of non-citizens living legally in the US. Trump had the deal he wanted, and then he reneged. Amnesty was never a condition for that deal. It was just to guarantee the safety of Americans who were already protected but Trump was using as hostages.


        • PTC DAWG

          Anyone who rules out one party or another, well, they get the government they deserve.


        • Napoleon BonerFart

          “A race bating, criminal, traitor, pathological liar with malignant narcissism is where I draw the line.”

          Which is it? Are you voting Democrat, or not?


    • Derek

      With that logic, what wouldn’t be fair comment?

      You’re justifying every bigot that’s ever said a hateful thing to rally the majority to lash out because you can find an example that they are right.

      Gay men are promiscuous!! Some are.

      Black men are lazy! Some are.

      Jewish people are greedy!! Some are.

      Hispanics carry disease!! Some do.

      Muslims want to kill Americans!!! Some do.

      White men have a sense of entitlement!! Some do.

      Gaining power via driving people apart certainly has no particular home on the political continuum, but people should at least acknowledge that it’s healthier for any society to focus on what we commonly share rather than to pit us against each other for power or money.

      And like our mothers taught us, doing the wrong thing because you know your opponents do it, doesn’t make it right.


      • mwo

        Dammit Derek, I’m gonna have to quit reading this blog. Not only do you not piss me off anymore, I even agree with some of your crap now. I need to schedule myself a drug test.


      • Harold Miller

        Kind of like the kids in high school who tied to build themselves up by putting other people down.


      • gastr1

        Very well-said, Derek. Often times around here I want to respond, then you say pretty much what I was thinking too. Rock on.


      • Napoleon BonerFart

        Exactly! Supporting the party of identity politics is the most individualist action one can take. Every racial, sexual, religious, and cultural minority is unique and special while simultaneously being a victim of white people unable to succeed without white people making special concessions for them. Genius!


    • So Senator….while I don’t particularly like Ann Coulter what in that quote from her was false? Those subgroups she was talking about (at least some of them) do single out white males for persecution.


      Which particular “subgroups” did you have in mind, Mayor?

      I have the funny feeling that your definition of persecution and mine differ.


      • doofusdawg

        Obviously yours is anyone associated with Trump or his family or those who support them deserve persecution and or prosecution. That should silence about fifty to sixty million Americans. For the life of me I can not figure out how someone as smart as you can’t see where all this is heading. Everything is ass backwards in terms of free speech and government power. Try to remember that “Animal Farm” and “1984” were novels depicting the left’s rise to power in the Soviet Union… not the other way around.


        • gastr1

          You want to quote Orwell while your guy is out there whipping up racial animus and decrying the free press 24/7? LOL. Nice try.


          • Napoleon BonerFart

            You think border security and tax cuts is fascist, while restricting guns, outlawing “hate speech”, and increasing government control of everything from the cars we drive to the radio we listen to isn’t? Bless your heart.


            • Dawg0572

              FYI, I have cut back from reading this blog but when I do come back to it I usually breeze through most of the gibberish until I see Napoleon’s posts. I don’t mean to offend but he makes most of you look like Kindergarteners.


              • gastr1

                That you think “kindergarteners” is capitalized makes you look that way, actually. That, and that you champion a poster whose comments are so broadly idiotic as to not warrant a response. Nice you don’t mean to offend, though! Me, either.


                • Dawg0572

                  “Me, either”?????…..and you get me for a capital K. HAHAHAHAHAHA! Go back to Kindergarten.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  It’s cute to claim to be intellectually superior to someone that you can’t muster a response to when your argument is some variant of “orange man bad.”

                  Yes, go back to thinking that fascist governments give tax cuts and deregulate stuff. The scary orange man probably won’t come get you and force you to think for yourself.


          • Chris

            Um, here is what Hillary wrote in her book about “1984”:

            “The goal is to make you question logic and reason and to sow mistrust towards exactly the people we need to rely on: our leaders, the press, experts who seek to guide public policy based on evidence, ourselves,”

            It doesn’t surprise me that her followers can’t see the demise of the leftist propaganda, despite 100+ million deaths in the 20th century alone. Scary times.


            • doofusdawg

              Exactly… the sixties and anti establishment were all about individualism and challenging group think. Orwell was warning them to be careful because power corrupts. Cue Hillary warning the newly empowered group thinkers to not believe their lying eyes and trust the pigs… and the less they know the better… as evidenced by many in this thread.


        • Obviously yours is anyone associated with Trump or his family or those who support them deserve persecution and or prosecution.



          • doofusdawg

            Saw where the new ag from new York vows to go after Trump and his family and anyone associated with them. She’s gonna investigate the hell out of them and see if she can find a crime. But hey… Muller already has the template. Take emails without a warrant…. raid attorney offices. Where is the civil libertarian in you or has that concept died with advocacy… along with real journalism.


            • I don’t understand your argument. Are you saying AGs can’t investigate?


            • Derek

              I miss the daily Ken Starr’s press conferences outside his house.

              Monica was treated wonderfully by the special counsel wasn’t she?

              If your guy was treated like our guy was treated you’d have already stroked out.


              • Napoleon BonerFart

                BJs from interns are fine. BJs from porn stars are treason.


                • ChiliDawg

                  Clinton was literally impeached for lying about a BJ.

                  Trump has every Republican in Congress saying “I don’t care” that he committed felony campaign finance fraud to cover-up hush money payments to a porn star.

                  Go ahead and try to spin that.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  I don’t have to spin it. You’re already doing a bang up job yourself.

                  As usual, you’re not learning from history. Starr was supposed to investigate Clinton’s wrongdoings in Whitewater, using FBI files of political opponents, and firing career White House civil servants to replace them with cronies. And there was a lot of wrongdoing. But it’s really hard to nail a sitting president. Some argue that he can’t be prosecuted at all. So Starr expanded and expanded until he found Vernon Jordan coaching witnesses to lie under oath, which led to proof that Clinton perjured himself and also obstructed witnesses to lie. And there’s no argument that he was guilty of that. But Democrats didn’t care and voters didn’t care.

                  Fast forward to 2017, and you’ve got a similar situation. Except Mueller’s investigation is based on less. Russia, Russia, Russia is a nothing burger. Firing Comey was fine. So he has to expand until he gets to Trump’s lawyer’s taxes. And perjury traps. And Republicans won’t care. And voters won’t care.

                  But please continue to insist that paying off a porn star is treason. That’s the kind of serious argument we expect from the left these days. At the very least, it’s entertaining.


                • It ain’t a trap if you ain’t lying, pard.


            • None of you Trumpologists has any sense of the breadth of his criminal activity BEFORE he was installed as President. That’s the very reason his Trumpsky Tower was under surveillance.

              But once the full force of the Shitstorm ahead hits, you have a pre-built victimization defense built right in to the narrative. Put your rain hats on.

              Liked by 1 person

    • ChiliDawg

      If you’re a white male who feels “persecuted” by minority groups, it’s because you’re a huge fucking pussy.

      Liked by 3 people

      • RandallPinkFloyd

        I’m a white male who is often embarrassed by the majority of other white males’ behavior/views.

        Liked by 3 people

      • HiAltDawg

        Seriously CD, why in Merica and thanks to THE 2nd Amendment, why would I ever fear any persecution?


        • Derek

          Voice of David Koresh from the beyond:

          “Dude. You’re stupid.”


          • HiAltDawg

            Ah yes, back to the Janet Reno days where the Gubmint killed with impunity and you wonder why Trump is President and the Refs get to do what ever the Hell they want.. Clive Bundy was gonna put an end to that!


            • Derek

              The voices of Randy Weaver’s wife and child from the beyond:

              “This guy is fucktarded.”

              Ever hear of the “bonus army?”

              Kent state?

              The whisky rebellion?

              If you think guns are gonna save your ass from the gumbit you’re beyond stupid. If you think it only happens with dems in the WH you’re that much dumber.


              • Napoleon BonerFart

                Exactly. The only defense from an all powerful government is an even MORE all powerful government. Hopefully, once all our freedoms have been property regulated, our overlords won’t abuse their power like all past overlords have had the tendency to do. Genius!


      • Napoleon BonerFart

        Exactly. That’s why I counsel racial minorities to check the “white” box on their college and employment applications. So they can get that privilege they keep hearing about.


    • Napoleon BonerFart

      Mayor, identity politics is like the N-word. It’s fine when they do it. It’s racist when you do it.

      Now be a good white guy and get back to apologizing for things you never did.


    • SouthernYank

      I like it when Dems are unaware of the reality of their own party.


      • Derek

        Realities like getting 10 million more votes last month?



        • Napoleon BonerFart

          Democrats will probably win the popular vote in 2020!!!


          • ChiliDawg

            You’re right. Nothing to worry about.


            • Napoleon BonerFart

              Just the notion of watching you all be shocked at the electoral college again is reason enough to pull for another term for Trump.


              • ChiliDawg

                And this is the real reason why dumbasses like you support Trump. It has nothing to do with policy or what you think is good for the country – it’s about your juvenile desire to make other people angry. Spite. That’s it.

                Hillary was right about you.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  You’ve got to admit, it’s a better reason for supporting a candidate than Hope and Change or “because she’s a woman and it’s her turn.”

                  But keep on thinking that politicians really care about you, feel your pain, and can make the world a better place through violence. Orange man bad!


        • SouthernYank

          You now that’s not a thing, right?


  3. Derek

    “Our nation is indeed at a crossroads. Will we pursue the search for truth or will we dodge, weave and evade the truth? I am of course referring to the investigation into serious allegations of illegal conduct by the president of the United States — that the president has engaged in a persistent pattern and practice of obstruction of justice. The allegations are grave, the investigation is legitimate and ascertaining the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the unqualified, unevasive truth is absolutely critical.”

    Sen. Mitch McConnell in 1998 on the very serious issue of lying about blow jobs.

    “I don’t care.”

    Sen. Orrin Hatch in 2018 on allegations of campaign fraud.

    Obscuring the truth to a single litigant in a civil lawsuit by criminal means where the president was elected by a solid majority? IMPEACH!!!! Rule of law! Rule of law!

    Obscuring the truth to every single American voter by criminal means where the president was elected by a solid minority? Yawn.

    If you’re going to be transparently hypocrital in your craven desire for power at all costs, you might as well go all out, amirite?

    Oh and make sure to blame the Jews, the Muslims, the LBGTs, blacks and Mexican rapists for all the problems in the world while you’re doing it. Why not? It works!


    • Hogbody Spradlin

      So you’ve discovered that politicians talk out of both sides of their mouth? What a surprise.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Derek

        Being numb to the concept of proportionality is the worst sort of permissiveness that encourages the political hypocrisy.

        Thanks for being the guy that tells them they can say whatever they want without any consequence whatsoever.

        That truly is Jeffersonian democracy at work.


    • Every week is the same from you. The president lives in your head. He controls your thoughts. You live to love to hate him. What a sad existence. Bless your little heart.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Napoleon BonerFart

      Perjury traps for the win!!1!!1! Obviously Trump was in collusion with the Kremlin, Illuminati, Lizard People, and the Hillary campaign to win power. Anybody who can’t draw a straight line between Stormy Daniels and Putin is a goddamm idiot who doesn’t deserve to live.



  4. JoshG

    The Designated Hitter an abomination, and straight from the forked-tongue of Lucifer himself. If you like the DH, you don’t like baseball, and you’re probably a Nazi.


    • sniffer

      The DH rule change was the single, greatest policy change of two generations and if you can’t see that, well, I have nothing more to say to you.

      Liked by 1 person

    • CB

      I love watching pitchers bunt themselves out. That’s what I call entertainment.


      • JoshG

        Well, people who aren’t cavemen find strategy entertaining, so…


        • CB

          Are these the same people who watch chess tournaments on TV? Why doesn’t college football just mandate that qb’s have to kick all field goals? That would add strategy.

          Liked by 1 person

          • JoshG

            Pitchers hitting isn’t “adding” strategy. It’s been the rule of the game since its invention. Having washed up guys who can’t hack it in the field anymore play half the game because cretins need to see hits to be entertained…that’s the addition. Pick a different sport to watch. Don’t ruin mine.


            • Texas Dawg

              Anyone who thinks that the DH has not fundamentally altered baseball needs to look no further than the Harold Baines being elected to the Baseball Hall of Fame.


            • CB

              Sounds like you’re on the wrong blog. In any event, you’re wrong. Here’s a history lesson, qb’s actually used to double as kickers and punters (see George Blanda), so this would be more of a reintroduction than an addition if that was our qualm. I’m not sure they were required to handle those duties by rule, but either way there’s some “strategy” for you. Here’s some info on punting qb’s if you’re interested.


              If you were a real baseball purist I would think you’d be clamoring for the pitchers to get their ass in a batting cage like Babe Ruth or this new Ohtani kid instead of half assing it in the 9 hole. Or maybe you’d prefer bringing back the Baltimore Chop. That’d invigorate your base.


              • Russ

                I’ve never understood why pitchers were such dreadful hitters (in general). Growing up, the pitchers were always the best athletes on the team and were always great hitters. Derek Lilliquist set records at UGA as a homerun hitter, yet when he went to pitch in the majors, he didn’t hit. I don’t get it. I’ve always thought pitchers should carry their weight at the plate.

                Liked by 1 person

                • FlyingPeakDawg

                  They simply don’t get the reps batting at most a couple of times in the 9 spot every 5th game. BP is no substitution for live reps and BP is also limited due to their rest and pitching practice.


              • Texas Dawg

                The Brave at their prime with the big 3 on the mound would have loved the DH. How may times were they removed for a pinch hitter when they were in a tight game. Conversely, they they were up, they could handle the bad and get a bunt down. That art seems to have gone the way of the Dodo bird.
                (and by the way this whole thread of the above conversation is about the DH so no, I am on the correct blog).

                As far as Blanda, I am old enough to have seen him actually play, but that is football, and we are discussing BASEBALL.


      • ugafidelis

        Like fouls in basketball.


    • Derek

      I think you’re being a bit hard on the Nazis here.


    • Yurdle

      I hate the DH! For all the complaints about pitchers bunting, at least a pitcher has to play all the phases of a game.

      I also think that outlawing the shift would be really dumb.


    • KornDawg

      What’s your stance on banning the defensive shift? I say if the defense wants to put seven guys in right field, let ’em. Hitters need to adjust to the defense.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yurdle

        This guy gets it.


      • JoshG

        Nailed it Korn Dog.


        • mwo

          So on a field goal or PAT, why is the play not blown dead when the holder catches the snap from the center? His knee is down so it should be dead, right?


          • RangerRuss

            Whoa! My mind is completely blown now.


          • It’s actually codified in the NCAA rulebook that the holder is not down when fielding the snap on a PAT or field goal:

            Rule 4 – Ball in Play, Dead Ball, Out of Bounds
            Section 1. Ball in Play – Dead Ball
            ARTICLE 3. A live ball becomes dead and an official shall sound his whistle
            or declare it dead:
            b. When any part of the ball carrier’s body, except his hand or foot, touches the ground or when the ball carrier is tackled or otherwise falls and loses possession of the ball as he contacts the ground with any part of his body, except his hand or foot [Exception: The ball remains alive when an offensive player has simulated a kick or at the snap is in position to kick the ball held for a place kick by a teammate. The ball may be kicked, passed or advanced by rule] (A.R. 4-1-3-I).


          • ugafidelis

            Why isn’t spiking the ball intentional grounding?


      • Russ

        Abso-frickin-lutely! If I’m a manager, and my player continues to hit INTO a shift, then he’s getting traded or sitting on the bench. When 7 players are on one side of the field, you hit to the other side. Full stop. Case closed.

        Cobb, Gwen, Rose, Oliva and other true hitters would laugh at something so stupid.


      • Damn straight. Those that feel strongly about banning the shift should teach their hitters to hit to the opposite field. There’s no other sport I can think of that has a rule regarding your choice of defender positioning.

        I feel the same way about people that get pissed about flipping bats or hitters admiring their homeruns. If you, as the pitcher, do not wish to see a player flip their bat or admire their home run – strike his ass out.


    • PTC DAWG

      Agree, the DH rule sucks.


  5. Texas Dawg

    Thank god social media was not around for most of us when we were teens!


  6. sniffer

    Cable news had one goal and that is to illicit an emotional response. Nothing more or less.


  7. Randall Adams

    Could not agree more. I actually took the time to send the latest idiot a tweet asking him what he thought he was accomplishing by calling out a 21 year old over tweets made when he was 15. God I hate this PC world…


  8. heyberto

    I’m probably more libertarian in my views, so I’m not really an ideologue… but certainly lean right. So believe me, I mean it when I say this – that woman is a stain. Even when she spouts facts it’s colored with pro active statements that just aren’t necessary or helpful. She does nothing to lend credibility to any discussion. We would be smart to not put her up as a bastion of the right.


    • PTC DAWG

      She’s an entertainer, playing to her audience. Nothing more, nothing less. Don’t watch News, you’ll be better off.


      • ChiliDawg

        “Don’t mind her, she’s just one of the charlatans that I’m happy to have my side trot out to attract the neo-Nazi vote. I’ll act like I’m not associated with her but I’m more than happy to have her whip up the racists into voting Republican.”


        • Napoleon BonerFart

          “As long as you are black, and you’re gonna be black till the day you die, no one’s gonna call you by your goddamn name. So no matter what you are called, nigger, you just let it roll off your back like water, and you’ll make it. Just pretend you’re a goddamn piece of furniture.” – post-racial liberal hero LBJ to his black chauffeur after he requested to be addressed by his name, rather than “boy” or “nigger”


    • ChiliDawg

      The problem is the Republican party was more than willing to have the likes of Ann Coulter batting in their lineup for the past 10-20 years. Rush Limbaugh, Ann Coulter, Alex Jones, it’s all just varying degrees of the same strategy. When’s the last time you heard a Republican condemn any of these people? NEVER. Because while they might not say it themselves, they know they’ve cultivated a voter base that they now rely on to win, because they damned sure haven’t done anything w/r/t policy that would attract normal people.

      There are two types of Republicans left in this world – white nationalists, and those in denial about the white nationalists.

      The US no longer has a “conservative” party. And it won’t until the GOP is reduced to a smoldering ash.

      Liked by 1 person

  9. Chopdawg

    Well, Ann, your own President is a longstanding member of an exotic sexual group: the one whose members constantly cheat on their wives, who grab women by their whatevers, who pay off mistresses with hundreds of thousands of dollars of campaign money to influence US national elections.


  10. Bill Glennon

    Trolling about Trolling for clicks. What is more pathetic, the cynical tactics of those with a web presence or those who take the bait?


  11. ASEF

    I live in WNC. Militia insignia and Confederate flags on trucks everywhere you look.

    Going to see my relatives over in Swain County is just aggravating. Bunch of old white people, basically 100% subsidized by Medicare and Sociap Security, bitching about minorities and the government being out to get them. They want to deport all the Muslims: “them or us.” And that’s not Nazi at all; Nazis went after the Jews, and God says we shouldn’t do that.

    I don’t hate Trump. Open political systems always have people like Trump, competing for attention. His audience scares me, though. They’ve convinced themselves of a very apocalyptic future, driven by not-white people coming to get them.

    They are Anne’s fuel. And they want to be that fuel.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Derek

      I don’t and the reason is that it won’t be long before they’re marginalized. With demographic shifts, appealing to that demographic with the worst sort of rhetoric won’t have any political advantage.

      In addition, the feds have an informant EVERYWHERE.

      If you planned to meet in a cornfield in the middle of Kansas with one other person to discuss the overthrow of the US government, you’re meeting with a fed.

      One could argue that this is a bad thing. After all, our revolution could not have happened in today’s tech environment, but it’s reality.

      A side benefit of being protected from Muslim terrorists is being protected from domestic terrorists.

      All we’ve got is the ballot box IMHO.


      • ChiliDawg

        All we’ve got is the ballot box

        And that is precisely what makes the GOP’s tactics so infuriating. Overt voter suppression in Georgia. Election fraud in North Carolina. Wisconsin Republicans passing legislation to neuter the Governor and AG’s offices on their way out the door because they lost. Packing the judiciary with unqualified Republican operatives.

        Republicans aren’t trying to win votes anymore. They’re trying to consolidate their power and rig the system so they don’t need to win majorities. And they’ve already achieved that in many places. Republicans are still winning seats in government while losing a majority of the votes.


        • PTC DAWG

          I’d like to see a list of properly registered voters in Ga who were not allowed to vote in their proper district.


          • ChiliDawg

            “Properly registered” = white and Republican.

            Liked by 1 person

            • Texas Dawg

              Properly registered = Properly registered (no race or political affiliation)
              If Properly registered was/had been adhered to, then JFK is never the president and the Mayor Daley political machine in Chicago does not exist.


              • ChiliDawg

                If the criteria for “properly registered” is “the signatures have to match” and the person making that determination is the person who happens to be the Republican running, and it just HAPPENS to be that all the “signatures that don’t match” are mostly black and Democratic, are you seriously going to sit there and tell me that’s not voter suppression?

                Kemp openly rigged an election, and people continue to deny that what happened right in front of their faces didn’t happen.


                • Texas Dawg

                  All the more reason to have to present a valid picture ID to vote, not an electric bill with your name and address on it.


                • ChiliDawg

                  Nice side-step.


                • Texas Dawg

                  Not a side step just reality. Just because something affects one group more than another is NOT evidence of discrimination. If we suddenly cut D1 Football to scholarships to 50 from 85. That is going to disproportionally affect black athletes more than while athletes since they make up a larger portion of the teams. Now is that discrimination JUST because it affected one group more than another?


                • ChiliDawg

                  No, and that’s a dumb analogy, because you don’t seem to understand proportionality.

                  If you reduce D1 football scholarship from 50 to 85, and a team that was previously offering scholarships to 85 players, 65% of which are black and 35% of which are white, and that number gets cut to 50, but those percentages stay the same, you haven’t disproportionately affected anyone.

                  When you put several hundred thousand voting registrations on “hold” because they “don’t meet” your arbitrary criteria (set by the white nationalist candidate), and those registrations on hold are overwhelmingly from black voters, who are a MINORITY in the state of Georgia, THAT is “disproportionate.”

                  Care to offer any other contortions to avoid acknowledging the truth?


        • Cojones

          Can’t believe you left Fl out of that group, Derek. It’s been going on for years and right now the republican legislators there are ripping that state’s economy, education, environmental , and voter laws to shreds by ignoring what’s in their constitution and doing anything the Repubs want to, including suppression of voting with full help of that state’s governing administration.

          More volunteers there are needed to get communications to citizenry in other than a twisted form as is being fomented by the “Fox News” governance.


        • Napoleon BonerFart


    • etdf

      Product of Swain County right here…all though Im from the hippie part – Nantahala River.
      Youre right about Swain County. Theyre subsidized undoubtedly, however the gov’t also owns massive chunks of land (national forests/parks). That keeps them from being able to do much for a more stable economy.
      Stunning part of the country in many regards.


      • ASEF

        No argument on the nationalization of the forest lands. It’s more the laughable idea that all Muslims and Black People and Global Financiers are all sitting around plotting how to enslave Bryson City.


    • Napoleon BonerFart

      The difference is that the Democrats sold Social Security and Medicare as annuities. You pay taxes while you work in exchange for the benefits after you retire. That’s a big reason why those programs are popular with folks on the right. I have otherwise intelligent relatives who actually believe that sales pitch.

      If the Democrats had told the truth that the programs were just Ponzi schemes where current workers pay for current retirees until the demographics inevitably shift and the programs collapse, they probably wouldn’t have passed in the first place.

      Also, my history books have a very different picture of the Holocaust than the left, evidently. Enforcing border security is much different than extermination camps for current citizens. One is very bad and one isn’t.


      • ASEF

        You’re right, your history books have a very politically correct (from the right, at least) view of the Holocaust. On that note, please tell me what deporting all Muslims (not just immigrants – freaking citizens) has to do with border security.

        Border security has become a catch-all for Make America WASP Again. As a WASP, I’m not really bothered by that per se – it’s the underlying strain of purification running through that rhetoric that appalls me.


        • Napoleon BonerFart

          Deporting all Muslims that are legal residents or citizens isn’t really border security. So, like death camps, it has absolutely no chance of happening. So it’s a waste of time getting worked up about it.

          What I find more interesting is the argument over actual policy options. The right wants to restrict immigration to legal options only. They want to restrict voting to non-felonious citizens only. They want to deport illegal immigrants. The left is more of an open borders camp. Or at least open up immigration beyond what it currently allows, grant amnesty to those who manage to illegally sneak across the border, let everybody vote, and paint anybody who disagrees with manipulating demographics as a political strategy as a racist.


          • The right wants to restrict immigration to legal options only. They want to restrict voting to non-felonious citizens only. They want to deport illegal immigrants.

            Uh hunh… right.


          • ASEF

            I don’t care what you consider the chances of it being executed as a national policy are. I was discussing the people who would like to see it instituted as a policy and who are convinced (rightly or wrongly) that Trump feels the same way. Anne’s audience and fuel.


            • Napoleon BonerFart

              I guess that’s one difference between us. I don’t get much worked up by the reparations crowd. It’s never going to happen, so watching them agitate for it doesn’t bother me. If you get worked up by the corresponding right-wing groups, knock yourself out.


              • ASEF

                I’m not surrounded by reparations people arming themselves to the teeth and crafting fantastical justifications for using said armaments.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  So, you’re surrounded by people who worry about Muslim terrorists and arm themselves to defend against that threat? Are you scared the guns are going to become self aware and go beserk like a Terminator movie? It’s quite ironic to dismiss terrorists as a threat, yet simultaneously believe that an armed population who want to defend against such is the real threat.


                • ChiliDawg

                  You, and every other MAGA fucktard thinks everyone who doesn’t support Trump is the enemy. We’ve already seen your kind sending mail bombs and shooting up churches full of women and children. Muslim terrorists aren’t the real threat to America. White, right wing evangelicals are.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  You’ve got to pull your head out of Rachel Maddow’s ass and think for yourself. Look at things called crime statistics and facts. If you think white Christians are a violent threat to you, you’re either stupid, or willfully ignorant. Either way, you can’t be helped. But you’re fun to mock.

                  Hope this picture of a white girl isn’t too terrifying for you, Chili.


                • If you think white Christians are a violent threat to you…

                  Tell that to the folks in Pittsburgh who were slaughtered.


                • Napoleon BonerFart


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Oops, wrong link.


                • ChiliDawg

                  You’ve got to think for yourself says the guy who does nothing but post memes from 4chan and Gab.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  I certainly can’t expect you NPCs to understand multi-syllabic words. Pictures are the best option.


  12. Yurdle

    I think Payton and Eli Manning are remarkable for being genuinely funny people. Eli’s new “mind game” ad is excellent. But Payton’s nationwide series needs to end yesterday.


    • Napoleon BonerFart

      Payton was at his best in the SNL skit teaching children to break into cars and throwing a football right into the gut of a 10 year-old, and his sketch about moving to a retirement home in his forties.


  13. I finally realized that I could put the WordPress app on my phone, because this site has been heck to read in desktop on mobile.

    Go Dawgs!


  14. 3rdandGrantham

    I noticed the comments above and what typically circulates on social media in regard to race, race relations, etc., and I must say that I guess I’m insanely fortunate, as I have little to no experience with any of this muck you guy are arguing about. I work with a slew of very smart people and also have a litany of friends, neighbors, etc. from myriad backgrounds (white, black, Hispanic, Muslim, gay, atheist, Jewish, etc.) None of us ever refer to or categorize each other based on their race or any other affiliation. Instead, we merely treat each others as individuals only and thus, the relationships are totally harmonious. Hell, we tease each other all the time based on our various backgrounds, and it makes for some really funny conversations.

    For ex., I don’t view my Muslim cybersecurity engineer colleague as a black Muslim; I simply view him as Samir – a good dude who loves the Redskins, Arsenal, and good Brisket. Same for my Asian, Jewish, gay, etc. friends. I’ve said this before but it bares repeating – if everyone would treat everyone else on an individual basis only, instead of by their group identity of affiliation, the world would be a far better place.

    Liked by 1 person

    • ChiliDawg

      I, too, plan to vote for Beto O’Rourke in 2020.


      • HiAltDawg

        Robert Flynn only flees the scene of a car accident when he’s likker’d up. Doesn’t he have to kill a woman before he’s an electable Democrat? Asking for my Massachusetts friends

        Liked by 1 person

        • ChiliDawg

          I look forward to Republicans trying to find fault with Beto O’Rourke’s car accident as a younger man after four years of defending Donald Trump’s lifelong criminal activity. That will be fun.


          • HiAltDawg

            Will be fun? It’s been hilarious since the Correspondents’ Dinner circa 2011.


            • Chris


              Obama’s only lasting legacy: the rise of DJT’s political career


              • HiAltDawg

                Lol, exactly, a sitting United States President mocked a crazy billionaire to his face. Were those jokes worth it?


                • Derek

                  Nope. Obama forgot that no one ever went broke underestimating the gullibility of the American people and pissed off a guy who is a master at taking advantage of it.


              • ChiliDawg

                That might be true if not for the fact that Trump and his GOP majority were unable to repeal the ACA. Obama’s legacy is holding up just fine. In fact he’s become MORE popular since Trump took office.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  A U.S. president becoming more popular after leaving office? That’s LITERALLY never happened before. Why, this is as momentous a development as a sitting president’s party doing poorly in mid-term elections. I CAN’T EVEN!!!11!!1

                  Liked by 1 person

  15. Mad Mike

    We’re rapidly approaching peak insanity in the world. Read an article the other day about how lesbians that don’t want to date transsexual women that still have their “man parts” are being called oppressive Nazis, and even attacked, by those more “woke” than they.


  16. 92 grad

    Maisel = great stuff. I’m not Jewish or from New York, but damn if it’s not a great series. I’m forcing myself to only watch 1 episode at a time because I don’t want it to end. I do, however, fear that the greatness is fading towards the end of the season. I’m due for episode 8 tomorrow and I’m kind of worried the series will fade out.


  17. Jared S.

    Kasich/Haley 2020


  18. Texas Dawg

    Maybe it is just a slow day in UGA news, but it seems that on Wednesday when the playpen is active, activity on the other treads drops considerably?? Any correlation??


  19. JoshG

    One day I read “No Treason” by Lysander Spooner and I couldn’t make a logically-consistent argument with his contentions. That’s when I left politics to the rabble-rabbling hoople heads. The pundits say jump, the public asks how high.


    • Napoleon BonerFart

      If you’re not going to vote for one overlord or the other, the terrorists win. Or something.

      ORANGE MAN BAD!!1!!!1


  20. RangerRuss

    Competence,efficiency and accountability have been replaced in government and business by feeeeeeeelings,waste and overpaid bureaucrats. We’re all gonna pay for electing sniveling chickenshits.


    • Texas Dawg

      The way the internet, the media, and the candidates themselves destroy anyone who dares to run, what good person would want into politics? Look at the last presidential election. It was not vote for who the best candidate was, it was hold your nose and vote for the least reprehensible. If Hillary had won, we would be having the same level of hatred/animosity. I can not stand Bernie Sanders, but the Dems screwed him. Would he have won? Who knows, but they made sure he did not have a chance.

      Class going around telling what their parents did. Suzie stands up and says my mom is a surgeon. Larry-my day is a policeman. Wendy- my dad is a pilot. Tony-my day is a male prostitute. Teacher clears the room. Tony, you know good and well that your father is a Senator. Tony looks at the teacher and says I know, but I was too ashamed to admit it.


  21. Red Dawg

    dam…I guess politics does make for strange bedfellows…here I love reading your comments about the dawgs…and then some bedwetting ah (lets just call him derek) starts chirping about how great he thinks dems are and I discover all of the great dawg talk Ive been enjoying is from a bunch of white guilt, pearl clutching yella dawgs…shut up and talk football!!! We lived in your Obama run world for 8+ years it was alot like living under CMR… you knew we were better than that but some people are content in there misery…get your popcorn and dream about beto and hillary…I like winning !!! so as far as I’m concerned you all can suck it for the next 6 years!!!


    • Texas Dawg

      Nope, I will only discuss the Dawgs with Derek, because there is probably noting we would agree on. Can not stand Obama. Would turn of the TV every time he was on so my blood pressure would not spike and cause a stroke. I can not stand Trump the person. i think as a person he is an egotistical asshole. I do support a lot of his policies (ie border security) however. Conversely if I was to go out drinking and skirt chasing, I’m sure Clinton would be a lot of fun but I would never vote for him for president. I personally would have preferred Ted Cruz (and voted for him in the primary)to Trump but given Trump or Hillary, Trump was the better choice.


    • Derek

      Black man bad.


  22. DugLite

    Pop up ads are gone on my desktop.


  23. Obama was a shitty president. Trump is worse, by a lot. Hillary would not have been any better. I like having guns. Nobody will ever heard my family into a gas chamber before I kill a couple of them first…because I have guns. If you want them, come try to take them. I don’t feel any white guilt so fuck anyone who wants to make me. You want to vote? Get an address mother fucker. You can’t “stay” wherever, avoid taxes and civil responsibilities and expect to show up once in a while to be heard. Fuck you. The wall is a dumb idea. Reminds me of communist East Germany. Send the troops down there to turn the hoards back. They need to get in line with everybody else.


    • Cojones

      You probably never saw Obama’s words to the effect that he shoots and has nothing against people having weapons to hunt and to defend their home, did you? One of his campaign videos had him hunting pheasants(?)with someone else. He and many others of us who have grown up all our lives with guns see no reason to have assault weapons in your possession unless you have an army and want to take over the country.

      If you want to play soldier, sign up in Pahrump, Nevada and you can shoot anything you want and take training just as if you have a reason to have such weapons and can pretend to be brave because you can shoot an assault gun. If you want that so much, go join the Army or Marines and do your thing with real people shooting back. That way you can feel patriotic without threatening the rest of us with your paranoia and your need for assault weapons that are illegal for hunting purposes. Those are the guns that Obama and many of the rest of us want off the streets.

      Otherwise, how safe do you feels with nut jobs running around the country trying to take out your kids to satisfy your pretentious needs that should never fall under 2nd Amend rights. The Russians have chummied right up to the NRA-lovin’ Republicans by simply identifying with your rant.

      Of course your gun rant could have been dick-pullin’ fun on your part. If so, I apologize.


      • RangerRuss

        What part of “Shall not be infringed” is so hard to understand? Don’t give me any shit about militias and nukes and muskets and all those other cowardly arguments. Bunch of fuckn fascists trying to tell me what weapon I can own. Gotdam hippies.


        • Isn’t “militia” specifically referenced in the 2A?


          • RangerRuss

            I am the militia. You are the militia. Gun up and practice. Yeah Derek. You can have a machine gun. Any idiot can have one as long as he fills out the required paperwork,passes the background check and pays the taxes required by the unconstitutional NFA. I don’t want an MG or need one. But it ain’t none of my fuckn business if you have one.


        • Derek

          Can I have a machine gun?


          • HiAltDawg

            Yes! Please get one for every day of the week! No Sally Mae bumpstock, either, please get a full belt fed machine gun!

            and OSHA approved eye and ear protection! (I don’t want to be irresponsible)


      • Well, it was somewhat of a tongue in cheek rant. That said…guns don’t kill people. People kill people. The entire point of the 2nd amendment is to maintain a well armed population. Not to help us hunt deer and ducks.


        • Oh, and I already served in the Armed Forces from age 18 to 25.


        • Derek

          If that’s the case then why didn’t Heller say that ALL government regulation infringed upon the second?

          Instead they said that total bans violate the second.

          Do you have to completely ban speech to violate the first?

          I don’t think so.

          One is not like the other and the 5 vote majority in Heller did not adequately explain why the first is a complete right while the second is limited.


      • Napoleon BonerFart

        Scary looking guns bad. Also, since magical “gun free zone” signs have been so good at preventing mass shootings, we obviously need a lot more of those. Good points.


  24. Cojones

    Missed posting this to last week’s Playpen concerning Peta and the fried bacon controversy, so here goes after a week of some simmering in that hot grease. Years ago Buddy Hackett was on Johnny Carson’s show and credited this joke to Shekie(?) Green who was appearing in Vegas at that time:

    Farmer was leaning on his pig pen when the feed salesman drives up.
    “Came to take your orders for next year”, he said as he joined the farmer.

    “That’s a great looking bunch of pigs you have there this year…and what’s that I see on the far side?” he said as he watched one pig girating and squealing angrily. “My God, that pig has a peg leg!”

    The farmer replied, “Yep.” matter-of factly,” That’s the greatest pig I’ve ever had. When I got him last year as a piglet and put him in his pen, you could see the love in his eye as he looked at you intelligently – you know they are really smart, right? Well, the first night, our kitchen caught on fire after we went to bed and as the fire began eating it’s way towards our bedroom, the pig saw it, dug out of his pen and came to our bedroom window and beat on the window with it’s snout to awaken us just before the fire got there and we escaped.”

    “What a great pig!” the salesman said ,”and he got burned and you saved his life as well ! ”
    Farmer replied, “Nah. Nothing happened to the pig.”
    Salesman: “But why does he have a peg leg?”

    Farmer said,”That ain’t all. One day I was plowing my field with the tractor, hit a soft spot in a low place and the tractor turned over on it’s side , pinning my shirt and arm with the seat. The tractor was still running and was digging a hole further such that it was slowly turning all the way over and would have crushed me. The pig saw it happen, dug from under his pen, ran to me and began digging under me. Just before the tractor rolled over, the pig grabbed my shirt in his mouth and drug me out.”

    “That’s a sensational pig! ….and you fixed the pig’s leg when the tractor injured it! That’s great!”

    “Nah, nothing happened to the pig.”

    “Why does he have a peg leg?”

    The farmer replied, “Hell, man…a pig that great?… you wouldn’t expect me to eat him all at once, would you?”


  25. Derek

    Apparently they got more than just Cohen. They got David Pecker too:

    U.S.Attorney’s Office in New York states that: “As a part of the agreement, AMI admitted that it made the $150,000 payment in concert with a candidate’s presidential campaign, and in order to ensure that the woman did not publicize damaging allegations about the candidate.”

    Trump will appreaciate you all putting money in his books at the FCI.


    • Chris

      But Muh Russia!

      President is cleared. Now just wait for the FISA Desclas counter punch. Trump said if was so damaging he doesn’t even know if he should release it to the public.

      Can’t wait.


      • Derek

        Sure. Every big bomb that was coming, has been a big bomb.

        They lied about the playmate and the porn star over and over because innocent. It’s what innocent people do.

        Sad thing. He has to resign to get a pardon.

        So sad, too bad…


        • Napoleon BonerFart

          BJ’s from porn stars are treason. Lying about porn stars is treason. Hooray for perjury traps!


        • Chris

          The President is cleared, why would he resign? Muh Russia is officially over when the fake news has to rely on obstruction and campaign finance reaches lol

          FISA Declas going to expose the swamp that you seem determined to protect. I guess for you weaponized and corrupt govt agencies are OK as long as it’s your party in charge. Sad!


        • HiAltDawg

          Better than Trump resigning to pardon himself: President Pence replaces RBG to SCOTUS in 2020 ignoring the Biden Clause. HAHAHAHA


      • ChiliDawg

        President is cleared



      • dawgtor

        Cleared of what? Initially, there was no contact by anyone around him of contact with Russia during the campaign. This was lied about repeatedly. Over a dozen now have been cornered into contradicting their memory lapses.
        Trump says he believes despots over our numerous intelligence agencies multiple times.
        I don’t understand how this doesn’t arise any suspicion or at least suspension of certainty for you. I can’t say that I know anything to be true at this point other than people are lying for some reason. I suspect that Trump isn’t actively trying to screw the country as much as he is actively trying to enrich or empower himself with little regard to the consequences of his actions…this is consistent with his behavior, but I don’t claim to know this as fact.
        Let’s assume you are Mueller and you know that a large number of people (including the POTUS) will aggressively attack anything you release. There is an active struggle in the media to either attack or defend you. People like you will rush to clear him every step of the way (I am referring to your post here). Should he be cautious and deliberate? Should he simply rush straight at the most protected targets? Would it be wise to be slow and deliberate, closing escape routes as you close in on the truth?
        My point is that it isn’t known yet. Evidence is accumulating (though the direction is seemingly debatable). The number of lies and obstruction warrant attention, right? Do you really think that none of this is abnormal or worth looking into?


        • Napoleon BonerFart

          “Over a dozen now have been cornered into contradicting their memory lapses.”

          The problem is that most of the memory lapses are insignificant. Some got the dates of the conversations wrong. Guilty! Some got the content of the conversations wrong. Guilty! But nobody has alleged that the conversations themselves were illegal. It’s just intentional lying, or mistaken memory, when being interviewed that creates the crime.

          And I don’t blame Trump for being skeptical about the deep state. We know of conversations from very high level officials that expressed dismay about Trump’s election and resolve to do something about it. How far will they go to get him? Probably a lot farther than most of us would think.

          Mueller has a reputation as a vindictive prosecutor. He wants his scalps. If he has to resort to perjury traps and expand his investigation beyond any semblance of his original warrant, will he do so? Of course.

          Is Trump a narcissist who is looking out for himself more than he is looking out for the American citizenry? Of course. He’s a politician. That’s what they do. That’s who they are. Does that mean he deserves to be taken down by the system for not being one of the pre-approved presidential contenders? No.


          • dawgtor

            Well, I think that it is significant that we were told that there was no contact between the campaign and Russia and now it has changed to it simply not mattering. I am unaware of other presidents or politicians who have actively undermined our intelligence agencies…certainly not to give a greater amount of credulity to a hostile foreign power. This whole deep state thing is Trump’s last bastion of innocence as the lies and connections continue to be exposed. The fact that he has been actively trying to alter public opinion about Mueller is also significant to me. When Mueller was selected, he was praised by Republicans and Democrats alike. His job is to follow leads and connections to Russia. This necessarily includes money trails. I see it as important to know whether or not there are financial or other connections to anyone or anything that could be used to influence or leverage policy. I can’t see how his finances wouldn’t come into play once ties to Russia were established. I think that the level of certainty you have about this is too high.


            • Napoleon BonerFart

              I know they denied discussing hacking the election with the Russians. I don’t know that they denied having the actual discussions they did, whether about building a hotel, or later during the transition. The former kind of conversation would matter, but it hasn’t been proven. The latter kinds of conversation wouldn’t matter, except as a perjury trap when somebody gets the time frame wrong, etc.

              As I said before, the animosity of government insiders towards Trump has been established. Why should he be obligated to shut up and let them try to bring him down? Why not follow the Clinton playbook when dealing with a special prosecutor and deny, deny, deny until you’ve been proven guilty and then argue that it doesn’t matter and we should just It worked before. It will probably work again, assuming Mueller even gets as far as Starr did.

              And sure Mueller should follow the money. But are you really suggesting that Manafort’s 2005 finances impacted the 2016 election? Even the judge ruling on the case saw through that BS and admitted that Mueller was just trying to nail any of Trump’s team on anything he could in order to force them to give him something (anything) on Trump. And a motivated prosecutor with unlimited budget and time can certainly nail anybody for something. There is a difference between following the evidence on Russia and trying to criminalize payments to porn stars.

              Maybe Mueller is keeping his powder dry and he’s got the smoking gun proving Russian collusion. If so, we should promote him to head of the CIA because his operational security is off the charts. The indictments and leaks from his office so far haven’t implicated Trump in anything. So I’ll be surprised if Mueller’s investigation hurts Trump politically. And I’ll be amazed if the investigation results in Trump being convicted or resigning.


              • dawgtor

                Here is a link about the denials…it was a very quick google search:


                Trump actively antagonizes and berates the media multiple times per week. Are they supposed to back down or not fact check our president’s public comments? I don’t see it as evidence of a deep state conspiracy as much as a reflection of Trump’s own attacks. He is the one who keeps bringing up the investigation by saying something inaccurate, they pick it up and rehash the issue, then he whines about being a victim.

                I’m glad that the investigation has been rooting out criminals. I hope we can at least agree on that. The connection to Trump isn’t really what I care about. I want to know when and how Russia has attempted to influence our country. Russia interfered. Trump is interfering with the investigation. His campaign had a number of contacts with Russia. It’s possible that Trump wasn’t aware. Even if it is just the people around him, it is significant because those bad actors would be influencing US policy on behalf of Russia. To me, this is legitimate and important.

                Liked by 1 person

                • Derek

                  Talking to morons is a waste of time.


                • dawgtor

                  I don’t think he is a moron, I just think he gets his information from a different place than I do. I know he disagrees with something that seems pretty clear to me. I’m trying to understand why and see where there may be common ground.


                • Derek

                  Trust me. He’s a moron. He’s incapable of any sort of honest debate. On the way down the rabbit hole, it will get weird.

                  You’re welcome to try. Wish someone had stopped me before I figured it out myself.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  You have no idea what honest debate is, son. You’re a precocious child who can’t handle the possibility that the world operates outside your NPC programming. That’s why you pitch fits rather than discuss issues. You should pay attention to the current discussion. Dawgtor and I disagree, yet we’re both adults and can handle a disagreement without embarrassing ourselves. It’s something for you to aspire to when you grow up.


                • ChiliDawg

                  He is most certainly a moron.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Ever get tired of being wrong, Derek? Bless your heart. It’s a school night. You should get some rest so your overmatched brain has a chance in hell at middle school tomorrow. Dream of orange man being bad.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  I’m familiar with the denials. But those were from 2017. It’s almost 2019. And what has Mueller been pursuing since that article was written? Finances and payments for BJs. Mueller hasn’t connected the campaign to Russian interference, let alone Trump himself.

                  And I draw a distinction between the media and the government. Of course the media is hostile toward Trump. The media is hostile toward everyone to the right of Bernie. Trump’s just giving as good as he gets with them. Big deal.

                  What is a big deal is high level FBI and DOJ officials being hostile towards Trump. Bureaucrats should be detached in serving whichever party and politician is elected. That’s where the real collusion to affect the government is coming from. Within the government.

                  Did Russia affect the election? Probably. But that’s what governments do. The UK affected the election. Israel affected the election. The US affects all of their elections. No big deal. Did Russia partner with Trump to affect it? Probably not. At least nobody has produced evidence of it deemed compelling by anyone outside of the NPC crowd.


                • dawgtor

                  I’m glad that you now remember the denials. It bothers me that all of a sudden it is normal to identify Russian interference in our election. Beyond that, it is so commonplace that we shouldn’t bother to investigate it when we find it. Personally, I don’t accept this as normal. We, as a nation, spend exponentially more on defense than every other country for a reason. As an American, I don’t think that we let this sort of interference slide or accept it as normal. I don’t understand why you do. To me, the recent Russian escalations are evidence that our sanctions against them after Crimea were painful. Obama probably emboldened them when he didn’t enforce his uncrossable red line in Syria. The Manafort conviction from the past is comforting because I believe it is evidence that the investigation will thoroughly look at those doing business with and making massive amounts of money off of foreign oligarchs, especially Russian ones.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  As I said, I discern between talking to Russians and illegally colluding with them. So does Mueller. That’s why he hasn’t prosecuted anybody for talking to Russians.

                  And no, I don’t think our elections are so special and sacred that nobody should try to have an influence on them. We don’t even give a shit when other countries do illegal stuff. Bill Clinton took illegal campaign contributions from the Chinese. Hillary built her war chest by selling access to the state department. They weren’t the first and they won’t be the last to get in bed with other governments. But if Russia buys some Facebook ads that’s where we should draw the line? Whatever.

                  If affecting other countries elections is a cardinal sin, the USA should probably stop doing it before freaking out about other countries doing it.


                • dawgtor

                  I agree with your discernment and agree that Mueller knows the difference. I disagree with the idea that interference with our elections is ok. I dislike our prior interferences and ongoing interferences, but am not informed enough to speak with force about them. I think that when you mess with another country’s governmental process, you risk an entire generation of people radicalizing against you if it doesn’t go well (perhaps no matter what). As I said before, we spend too much on security for this to be acceptable IN OUR country. I do not want our country to operate illegal clandestine influence operations in other countries. I believe in transparent diplomacy and respecting the laws and sovereignty of any given nation. If anyone in our government has been illegally influenced by foreign powers, then I believe that they should be investigated and prosecuted. Party or identity has nothing to do with this. This investigation is important and warranted. In my opinion, Trump has been aggressively pushing a narrative that the investigation is only about “collusion” because he struggles to see beyond how things directly affect him. Again, he may be ignorant of everything going on around him…this really wouldn’t be surprising. That being said, Russian interference is a bigger deal than that. Certainly a bigger deal than destitute asylum-seeking migrants at our Southern border…


                • dawgtor

                  What are your thoughts on these numbers?

                  Since 1965
                  Democrats; 25 years in power
                  3 indictments
                  1 conviction
                  1 prison sentence

                  Republicans; 28 years in power
                  120 indictments
                  89 convictions
                  34 prison sentences
                  and counting

                  My guess is immediate denial of their veracity. Here is a link that substantiates some of it. I really don’t want to link all the sources, but can if you are really that skeptical.
                  This is old (6/17) and the numbers have changed, but it underscores a pattern that I find concerning. Is this why there is so much attention being given to packing the courts right now? It’s a good argument for term limits regardless of your politics.

                  Investigative reporting is extremely important to our democracy. Do you see this as democrats being hypercompetent at investigations? Is it just cheating with the judiciary? Can you at least see why people may not see republicans as the more credible party?


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  I have a few quick thoughts. First, while Republicans controlled the presidency for most of the time, Democrats controlled Congress. And you won’t be shocked to know that political parties are reluctant to investigate presidents of their own stripe.

                  Second, the sample isn’t credible. You’re talking about 24 Congresses between 1969 and 2016 and 8 presidents. Ideally, you would use hundreds, or even thousands, of data points to draw credible conclusions.

                  Third, politicians are rarely held accountable for wrongdoing. Huey Long was a Democrat who typified corruption. But he was never convicted of anything. Was he of higher moral character than General Flynn? Of course not. Even if one expanded the study you linked to to include state and local politicians, it would be more credible in terms of data points, but it would still be lacking in terms of truthfulness. Bill Clinton committed perjury and obstruction. There is no doubt. But he was acquitted by the Senate. And every politician of either party is similarly protected by the system they inhabit.

                  The rarity in politics is a politician being caught, prosecuted, and convicted. I’m not here to argue that Democrats are crooked while Republicans are virtuous, or vice versa. I will argue that both parties are crooked. Individual politicians may be more crooked than another, like say comparing Nixon to Carter, but it’s probably a wash across the entire nation.


                • dawgtor

                  I agree that the numbers realistically can’t be generalized. I don’t agree that politicians are crooked by nature. However, I do think that we invite corruption when we allow campaign money to flow the way it does right now. I think the Citizen’s United decision and the now unlimited corporate spending on SuperPACs is a major contributor to our country’s current state of polarization. What do you think?

                  Any thoughts on my points that Trump is keeping the spotlight on himself through his tweets and that he is the one who has framed the investigation as being only about his collusion and not about Russian interference in our election?



                • dawgtor

                  The other thing I wanted to point out with the numbers is that Mueller has already gotten more indictments, convictions and prison sentences than would normally be found in an entire presidency. He has done this in ~1.5 years, a rapid pace when compared to other Federal investigations. More information keeps trickling out. I think that these numbers mean that he is doing a good job finding connections to Russia. If Trump wasn’t actively and aggressively trying to sway public opinion against the investigation, do you think he would be in the spotlight the way that he is? Do his tweets convince you that he is telling the truth and merely a victim? For me, they point toward the opposite, but, again, I remain uncertain.


  26. buddyblog

    Lefties can’t even keep it out of sports.


  27. dawgxian

    I’m sure the Senator will be just as quick to condemn this as Coulter


    • Oh, FFS, you really want to play this game? Anti-Semitism on the left is just as bad as it is on the right.

      Just be careful not to confuse being opposed to Israeli policy with anti-Semitic bias.


      • dawgxian

        No, actually I didn’t want to play that game but you posted that stuff about Coulter with the implication being conservatives are racists and antisemites. Why don’t you attempt to discuss policy or morals or ethics or economics instead of cynically dismissing your readers’ opinions and using straw men( or women in this case).


        • My post was about holding Coulter accountable for her vile opinion. Period. I didn’t imply anything about conservatives in general. That’s on you.

          If you’ve spent any time reading my comments, you should have noticed I’ve delved into all the subjects you raise there. I believe you’ve even challenged me on occasion about them.

          As far as cynically dismissing my readers’ opinions goes, insulting your readership is a really stupid way to go about blogging. I don’t do that, at least not as a conscious exercise. If I’ve done that without realizing it, and you’ve taken offense, I apologize.
