Best Florida offseason evah

Which is to say, not so hot if you’re a Gator.

If there’s a rake on the ground somewhere, Dan’s gonna step on it.


Filed under Gators, Gators...

23 responses to “Best Florida offseason evah

  1. 3rdandGrantham

    In other words, ‘hey Dan Mullen – are you against murder?’

    Dan: ‘Hmmm, that’s a tough one. What’s hIs 40 time? I mean, I don’t necessarily like it…but it worked out well for Aaron Hernandez for a while and all. I guess it would have to be a case by case basis really.’

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Milledge Hall

    That’s funny right there!
    I don’t care who you are!


  3. KingMackeral

    That quote has to be out of context. I cannot imagine otherwise due to the sheer stupidity it would reflect.

    If it is accurate, I hope Kirby takes said rake and .. (thinks but not types).

    Liked by 1 person

    • Context, you say?

      Florida coach Dan Mullen’s personal beliefs about violence toward women haven’t resulted in a zero-tolerance policy for his program.

      Although Mullen expressed disappointment in having two players and a staff member accused of violence toward women in the past month, he acknowledged Wednesday that he’d “be hypocritical if you look at my history to say to that is a 100 percent deal.”

      Mullen’s past experiences help explain why safety Brian Edwards and Otis Yelverton, an assistant director of player personnel, remain part of the program.

      He’s just saying the quiet part out loud.


      • Russ

        Jeez, Side Show Dan has his own Zach Smith? He really IS trying to build another Corch empire in Gainesville…just without the talent.

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Reverend Whitewall

    “As long as they do it before they’re on my team, we’re all good.”


  5. I get second chances in life…most reactions are learned or behavioral at which there is is zero change in the thought process…it’ll happen again and again and again…


  6. Derek

    “I try not to be the judge on what is 100% the truth. My job’s not an investigator. … That’s the best way to make a decision, once you have all the information.”

    Dan Mullen

    That quote is painful.


  7. sniffer

    No violence toward women is one of Florida’s “core values,” and it’s included on signs that hang in the team meeting room.

    Notre Dame- “Play like a champion today”

    Florida- “Don’t hit girls”

    Liked by 1 person

  8. TrumpDawgUGA

    Dopey Dan Mullett, 0-2 v Kirbs, built a big beautiful wall to keep 5 stars out of Gainesville and the rapers in. SAD! #MakeGeorgiaGreatAgain

    Liked by 1 person

  9. practicaldawg

    Side Show Dan was better off just trolling UGA. Now he’s truly playing with fire. But seriously, how do you convince an elite recruit to walk into an environment that seems to be one more incident away from meltdown. Why would you risk association with criminal activity?


  10. Doug

    Clearly Urban Meyer taught him well. At this rate, there’s a non-zero chance we’ll see Zach Smith on the sidelines in a Gator polo before the year is out.


    • That would be blogging manna.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Snoop Dawgy Dawg

        It seems like that’s just being selfish on your part. At this point, do you need more than Mullen at Florida to have blogging mana? It seems like you need Zack to go somewhere a little more circumspect usually. Maybe A&M? Vandy? Kentucky?

        Add some diversity to the entertainment.


  11. Harold Miller

    He is making Leslie Edwin Miles look like a deep thinker.


  12. Classic City Canine

    Geez Dan, all you had to say was there will be discipline any time someone commits violence against women and be done with it.


  13. Snoop Dawgy Dawg

    It seems like that’s just being selfish on your part. At this point, do you need more than Mullen at Florida to have blogging mana? It seems like you need Zack to go somewhere a little more circumspect usually. Maybe A&M? Vandy? Kentucky?

    Add some diversity to the entertainment.


  14. Bulldog Joe

    SNL, if you ever bring back the “Deep Thoughts” segment, Dan is your man.


  15. Comin' Down The Track

    File under: Son, I Don’t Believe I’da Told That
    He’s becoming the king of the overshare.


  16. ClydeBoogie

    Please tell me that Danny was never really seriously considered to be the head coach at Uga.


  17. Opelikadawg

    You can tell Dan studied at the feet of the master. If I didn’t know better, I’d say that was a quote from Corch.
