It was a good day.

If you’re a Dawg fan, yesterday was hella good.  First, there was news from Mount Olympus:  Zeus is cleared for takeoff.

Georgia running back Zamir White’s recovery from a second torn ACL in a 10-month span is coming along well according to Kirby Smart. So well that the fourth-year head coach says that White will be cleared well before the start of preseason camp.

In a meeting with reporters at the Hargray Capitol Theatre in Macon prior to a Bulldog Caravan stop on Monday, Smart made it known that being released for contact is the only hurdle left to clear for the former five-star running back, and that should come in the near future.

“He will be past the time to come back (when camp begins),” Smart said. “He will be cleared for that. Obviously, he’s got to be cleared through the protocol, testing, go see the doctors and get cleared. But based on ACL repair, he will be past the time for that.”

That in itself is major cause for celebration, but it just gets better from there.

Ten of Georgia’s 2019 signees will have the opportunity to arrive this summer plus a couple of graduate transfers. Kirby Smart can’t yet comment on those graduate transfers because they don’t sign letters of intent, but when it comes to the 10 incoming freshmen, the fourth-year head coach expects all to make their way to campus in the coming months.

“We’ve got full expectations that everybody will be there in the summer to practice, to compete,” Smart said. “All of those guys are finishing up, right now they’re in their finals depending on what state they’re in or where they are. I know they’re looking forward to getting into our place and start working.”

Considering there have been whispers about a certain five-star wide receiver recruit, that’s awesomely reassuring.

This is what steady grinding looks like.  No flash, no drama, no chest pounding in front of the media, just small, positive steps building towards being great in the fall.  As Seth Emerson ($$) put it, that’s just how Kirby wants it.

Okay, in and of themselves, yesterday’s events are no guarantee of success, but I’ll sure take Kirby’s day over Dan Mullen’s.  Wouldn’t you?


Filed under Georgia Football

12 responses to “It was a good day.

  1. Throw in the Carter commitment from Dopey Dan’s backyard … just beautiful. I wonder if Mike Bianchi will have something to say about Kirby taking a blue chip from Apopka.


    • Texas Dawg

      Hey, at this rate Sideshow Dan will close if not erase that recruiting gap in not time. Right Bianchi??


    • Comin' Down The Track

      Right? Apopka is about 100 miles south of FU. This is roughly equivalent to a blue-chip from McEachern committing to Florida. Coming from Apopka, he will literally have to drive through Gainesville to get to Athens. Regardless of what Dan Mullet claims, this is a very BFD.

      Liked by 2 people

  2. DC Weez

    Love that video. Ice Cube’s a pimp!


  3. MDDawg

    Fun fact: someone actually went through the effort of figuring out the date of Ice Cube’s good day based on the lyrics in the song.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Cojones

    Read somewhere that our new DL commit, Jalen Carter, bench presses 365 lbs (second in Fl competition) and pretty much manhandles people as someone else did at that position at UGA and who now announces for ESPN. And he isn’t yet a senior in HS.


  5. ugafidelis

    Good Lort August 31st can’t get here fast enough.


  6. Morris Day

    I will not be going up to the blackboard to work any problems for the time being… I’ll just take the zero.


  7. practicaldawg

    It’s probably coming into focus for Fla fans who they hired in Mullen. He’s basically building a MSU type roster loaded at 2 and 3 star and trying to coach them up. He seems completely out of touch with the elite recruiting market—even in his home territory—and this is fine with me.


  8. stoopnagle

    And that’s one more way to #ftmf
