Cornpone shtick

I was in high school when Swinney was born and yet somehow he comes across like he grew up during the Depression.  I feel like we’re just a presser or two away from hearing how back in the day, he walked four miles to school barefoot.


Filed under Clemson: Auburn With A Lake

37 responses to “Cornpone shtick

  1. Morris Day

    …up hill, in the snow, both ways.


  2. TimberRidgeDawg

    He playing to the Clemson populists. They embrace their inner Green Acres.

    Liked by 2 people

    • practicaldawg

      This. I live in SC and I can tell you Dabo is on a pedestal only an inch this side of God. He could win any GOP political race he wanted at this point too. Maybe that’s what he’s prepping for.


  3. Derek

    Here it is. Start it around minute 8. He’s talking about why Deshaun and Lawrence and other true freshman QBs have had success and then goes a bit beyond the question I hate to admit it and was hoping for it not to, but he actually makes some sense:

    It’s a market theory of football strategery.


  4. Anon

    Shtick is getting old as shit. Little ole clempson. Little ole Dabo.


  5. Mike Cooley

    I love that Dani pisses the hipsters and transplants off so badly. He’s a cheese dick but that doesn’t mean he can’t serve a purpose.


  6. OrlandoDawg

    Well, he did grow up in Alabama. But yeah, you described him perfectly.


  7. Got Cowdog

    I read an article on him a while back, his back story. IIRC he was raised by a single mom and they didn’t have much. Football was his ticket and he walked on at Alabama? That’s pretty impressive, IYAM. He’s “aw-shucks” for sure, but Dabo ain’t no bumpkin. Every time I read an article like this I can’t help but laugh about the Senator’s “Everything’s coming up Dabo” shticks from back in the day. That picture of him hopping around like a puppy in a field of flowers cracks me up to this day, and I don’t even remember what the post was about.


  8. Navin Johnson

    I’m just a simple, country lawyer . . .


  9. Hipster Transplant

    I grew up in a military family that transplanted to the South. Sorry! I guess Old South snowflakes are still triggered by that? And I’m probably a “hipster libtard” to you.

    Dabo/Dani doesn’t piss me off at all. I’m just glad I’m not gullible enough to buy it. In fact, if anything, Dani/Dani makes me grateful for my education and upbringing, which help me see through overly contrived shticks like this one.


    • Mike Cooley

      Oh I’m the one who is triggered? Lol. Hokay. You’re a smart boy. Get you some mentholated pads for those inflamed tissues.


      • Macallanlover

        Yeah, I have seen this play out a few times. I am betting on the slow country boy, who may have gotten a better education than his attacker.

        Hard to understand how Dabo could piss anyone off, but there is a commonality to many of these attacks against people who seem to be fine, successful people. It is based in bigotry, and is usually found in those who pretend they are open minded, but only are when people see things their way. Three popular targets are Dabo, Tebow, and Richt….hmmm.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Hipster Transplant

        Menstrual product insults? Ha, alright…

        Like many other transplants, my family moved South on your (USAF) dime. Others are private sector transplants and immigrants. Then we beat out Old South kids for university admissions, scholarships, and jobs because we work harder and value higher ed.

        Now you’re triggered and take solace in Dabo’s “aw, shucks” schtick and other identity sales pitches. Hey, whatever eases your frustration with the modern day carpetbagging. Sorry for your resentment, but please enjoy wishing that the Old South will rise again.

        In the meantime, we the transplants will continue to grind and achieve more than the Old South whiners.


        • RangerRuss

          Come on in,sweetheart. The water’s fine. Hahahahaha!


        • Mike Cooley

          Oh that education you are so grateful for is on full display there. I’m glad that your online degree from Phoenix University makes you feel so good about yourself Mr. butthurt military brat. The fact that you felt as if you were being personally addressed by comment on the internet and have taken such great offense is not indicative of someone who has achieved anything that matters or an educated person. It’s funny though.


          • Hipster Transplant

            If I can’t get a menstrual product insult, I guess I’ll settle for your online university and military brat cut downs. Epic stuff, bro!

            But I unless you were a Rhodes Scholar (or got a Truman or one of a few others), I don’t think the “I’m smart” credentials pissing match is a great option for you. Perhaps that’s why you first opted for Tampax-level insults.

            Sorry things didn’t work out for the Old South! Better luck next time. Maybe try focusing on your work and studies rather than whining about transplants who are doing better than angry Old South snowflakes.


            • Mike Cooley

              Rhodes Scholar? Why not just tell me you have X ray vision and have the gift of flight while you’re making shit up and trying to sound impressive? The funny thing about guys like you who love to play the intellectual card is that is a dead give away that you’re a guy with slightly above average intelligence who never had anything else going for him. The internet was invented for people like you. You get to pretend that you are what you wish you could be. It would be sad if it wasn’t so funny. I’m not impressed.


              • Hipster Transplant

                Old South Mike’s reading comprehension grade for previous post: D+

                Try again — or, better yet, don’t.

                It’s a pity that the success of the transplant / carpetbagger hordes has triggered you so. Best of luck turning your Old South anger and resentment into something that makes your world better.


                • Mike Cooley

                  I guess “success” means something different to you. Bleating and crying because you were deeply wounded by something a guy you don’t know said on a blog doesn’t seem like the mark of a person with much going for them. But you crack me up with your incessant referencing of the “old South” which I suppose means the South before you got here. Lol. The South is just great if it just wasn’t for all the Southerners, amiright?

                  Liked by 1 person

    • Debby Balcer

      As an Army brat you are embarrassing all of us brats. You sound like a Tech student crowing about his SAT.

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Debby Balcer

    He was from the sticks in Alabama so he might have.


  11. Unfrozen Country Boy


  12. Mayor

    Will one of you young guys explain to this old guy WTF gen****us means please?


  13. Down Island Way

    Losing to bama in 15, winning in 16 against bama and scorching them in 18 will give the microphone the opportunity for the hc to say stuff out loud in front of other peoples who can’t wait for more dabo poopoo….UGA’s future can possibly be playing against bama (winning) and being squared up against awww shucks


  14. Know your audience/customer. Dabo does.


  15. Doyle Hargraves

    Should give you some insight into the level of intelligence it takes to relate to these recruits. JFC. They buy his huckster bs
