Today, in WTF

Never saw this one coming…

Screenshot_2020-06-04 AP on Twitter https t co uV7hGIhkgp Twitter

Screenshot_2020-06-04 AP on Twitter https t co uV7hGIhkgp Twitter(1)

And before you can say that’s got to be faked…

No idea where this is going, but Kirby’s got to be thanking his lucky stars it didn’t surface six months ago.



I guess that ends the Justin Fields snark.


UPDATE #2:  Ugh.

“Naw my boy,” Georgia defensive back Divaad Wilson tweeted in response to Fromm’s apology. “You should’ve just kept your thoughts to yourself.”

“This is showing everybody’s TRUE side,” former Georgia wide receiver Terry Godwin tweeted. “Even from a guy like Drew Brees and Georgia very own Jake Fromm. I’ve lost all respect for both of these people. #blm.”

I wonder if Kirby will have anything to say about this.


Filed under Social Media Is The Devil's Playground

184 responses to “Today, in WTF

  1. Debby Balcer

    He does not spell his first name Jakob.


  2. josh hancher

    Think anyone gonna bring up Justin Fields? Nah. Me neither


  3. josh hancher

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Admiral Sackbar

    It’s him. He has tweeted an apology from his official account. I really wish it were a hoax.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Debby Bakcer

      Just saw the tweet. I would like the context of the entire co versatile as well as know who he was talking to but it is a poor choice of words.


  5. Yurdle

    He just admitted that’s it’s him and he apologized.


  6. spur21

    I’m so exhausted by all this shit I really don’t care what someone says in a conversation and is just one more reason I don’t do twitter or facebook or any of that nonsense.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Jake Fromm is probably wishing right now he followed the same strategy.

      Liked by 2 people

    • HiAltDawg

      How exactly are you “so exhausted” if you “don’t do twitter or facebook or any of that nonsense”? Is it the heavy lifting of virtue signaling or your place as a noble Luddite shaking your fist at Social Media? While posting on a blog…


      • spur21

        WTF is with you. I’m exhausted by this nonstop coverage of our country going up in flames and the hypocrisy of our media and alleged leaders. Throw in Covid and yes I’m fucking exhausted.

        Thanks for you stupid fucking comment.

        Liked by 4 people

  7. Jdawg108

    Jesus. And the fact that he thinks using the phrase “elite white people” is the problem; smh. Fuck indeed.


    • Derek

      I’d pay very little attention to the context. It won’t help.

      I feel like I’m going to puke… Seriously.


      • Napoleon BonerFart


        Liked by 1 person

        • ASEF

          Jake, is that you?


        • Jdawg108

          Surprise surprise. Dude can’t even make up his own snarky comment.
          No inept use of hashtags, brah?


          • Napoleon BonerFart

            I thought the #JokesAreViolence pretty much covered it. Brah.

            Thanks for the outrage, though. I’ll meet you on the MSNPC forums tonight for tomorrow’s marching orders.


            • Jdawg108

              Npc. That meme is so current and relevant. I thought you could get through one post… but nope. The easiest thing about you is you don’t even pretend to have your own thought process. Just whatever the four Chan board tells you The easiest thing about you is you don’t even pretend to have your own thought process. Just whatever the 4chan board tells you… if you’re even that computer savvy.


        • Dawg1

          Titania, dang shame she isn’t real, “she” has the wisdom of Solomon!! 🙂


    • Classic City Canine

      What did he think he would do with a suppressor?


      • Napoleon BonerFart

        They’re very useful for helping avoid hearing damage. Also, some reporters find the noise so disconcerting that it gives them temporary PTSD. So suppressors could help with that as well.

        Liked by 1 person

      • spur21

        Save his hearing – it’s why most people want them.


          • spur21

            You are ignorant beyond words on some subjects Derek. Which is really a shame as some of your drivel has merit or is at least entertaining.


            • Derek

              No headphones for such purposes either. But you know that because you smrt.



              • Napoleon BonerFart

                If a peaceful protester ever breaks into my house, my plan is to call timeout while I hunt down my earplugs and spend a few minutes seating them properly into my ear canals. Time in, and it’s on!


              • spur21

                I know what my experience is and it is based on facts not some feel good thought.

                Thirty eight years ago I purchased some acreage in North Fulton county and built ma home. I also built a small and SAFE 100 yard shooting range. I enjoyed shooting for a number of years (almost 20)then I was slowly surrounded by million dollar homes. My new neighbors complained about the noise so I was forced to stop using my SAFE range. I now have to drive for an hour each way if I want to shoot. A suppressor would likely solve the problem however (and this is where Jake is correct about elite’s) at the time it took 8 – 12 months to go through the process and the government requires purchasing a “tax stamp” of $200 for each suppressor.

                Most people that are against suppressors are completely clueless – they don’t make guns silent like the movies depict. They typically reduce the report by about 30 dbs. I put these uneducated folks in the same category as the anti gun group – clueless. Some of my rifles are deadly “black assault rifles” that the politicians and ignorant want to confiscate. Some are WW1 & WW11 bolt action relics – they also look evil to some.

                I’ll gladly discuss anything and everything about guns and suppressors but only if you get educated on the facts. And yes I am smart when it comes to guns and suppressors – something you are actually dumb about but you know we shouldn’t be allowed to own either.

                Liked by 1 person

          • Brandon M

            I’m going to safely assume the only thing you’ve ever hunted is for the remote between couch cushions if you suggest wearing earplugs while doing so.

            Liked by 1 person

            • Derek

              I kill as many live animals per day as time permits.

              And I agree that “elite white people” should have access to suppressors for hunting. Ear plugs and head phones designed for such purposes just won’t do.

              Just so long as thugs can’t shoot people undetected because of suppressors.

              Thats what’s important. We just don’t have rational, race-based regulations in this country.

              Its been my privilege to share this obviously reasonable viewpoint.

              Liked by 1 person

              • Brandon M

                I’m glad you enjoyed yourself. Because not once did I defend what Jake said, or touch on any of the other nonsense you’re rambling about.

                You sure do a lot of weekday posting on here. Maybe you should consider working instead of spewing bullshit on internet blogs for a living. Most jobs pay better.

                Anywho, my point was this since you clearly missed it. Ear plugs and head phones are designed for ear protection while target shooting (i.e. not shooting live animals in the wilderness. This usually occurs at gun ranges or sporting clay facilities where several rounds can be fired in quick succession which can be detrimental to hearing). You use all senses when hunting. Hearing is just as important as seeing. Ear plugs and headphones aren’t very conducive to that.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  You know what else people who can see can do? Shoot minorities.


                • Derek

                  Its a shame there are no options for hunters except for silencers:

                  This is the only way to hunt:


              • Napoleon BonerFart

                As usual, I agree with Derek. Hearing damage is a risk I’m willing to impose upon other people in order to feel safer. Gun restrictions make me feel like everyone is safer. And that’s what’s important.

                That’s why cities such as Chicago, Detroit, New York City, and Washington D.C. are so safe right now.


              • RangerRuss

                Only an ignorant asshole pontificates on a subject of which he’s clueless. Being a self-appointed expert on assholes and one who was called an asshole by his best buddy just this morning, I know these things.

                Liked by 1 person

              • Gurkha Dawg

                Derek, have you ever shot a pistol or rifle equipped with a suppressor? Do you really think anyone can shoot people undetected because of a suppressor? When you fire a gun with a suppressor, it doesn’t make a soft pfffttt, like on TV. Get a 2 x 4 and a hammer. Go outside and hit the 2 x 4 as hard as you can with the hammer. That is what a suppressed gun sounds like.


              • spur21

                For what it’s worth Derek I’m not a hunter. Got hunting out of my system about 50 years ago.

                But since you feel no one needs a suppressor I offer this. I’ll assume you have a smartphone and use it frequently and most likely use the texting feature. So how essential is it that you be allowed to text? Do you know how many folks die every year from texting while driving – almost 3,000 which is probably 3,000 times the number of people killed with suppressed weapons. But I doubt you care about that since you are intellectually superior to the rubs that enjoy sport shooting.

                How about we get congress to pass a law that requires a background check that at best would take a year (shear numbers) before your phone would have the texting mode activated. Then compound that with having to buy a “tax stamp” (say $200) in addition to the background check. How about they require a device that completely disables your phone if moving more than 5 MPH but if you have some extra cash you can get the “tax stamp” in as little as 4 months for an additional $200. Of course if you have more than one phone each one requires the same “tax stamp” and every time you get a new phone you have to go through the process again.

                Liked by 1 person

                • Derek

                  Its law enforcement who insists upon the suppressor regulations, not me. I know. They’re stupid. I wouldn’t protect them from suppressors either. Fuck ‘em.

                  I can’t even own or make a pipe bomb in this country. And they call that freedom? What gives?

                  Improvised explosive devices are great for fishing.

                  Not that any of you city folk would know about that.


                • spur21

                  Once again you show your ignorance – stop digging Derek – you are fucking clueless. But you are pretty good at moving the goalpost and using deflection when your point is pointless.


                • Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)

                  If Derek actually ever had a point, he wouldn’t be a useless tub of goo. He’d have a point.


                • Derek

                  Once again you can’t defend your bullshit.


                  Neither can Corch. He says people use racism to get chicks but won’t give us one example.

                  Its like you’re both too stupid not to say shit you can’t defend when called on it.

                  But you can get frustrated and angry and name call. You argue like chimpanzees argue. Lots of noise signifying nothing but your own impotence.


                • Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)

                  Show me where I said people use racism to get chicks you useless tub of goo without a point.

                  If you can do that, you have my permission to not have to go fuck yourself.


    • JS

      This. I really just can’t get over his apology. If he’d said it was a horrible attempt at a joke, that’s not how he feels, he recognizes that kind of joke contributes to systemic racism, etc., then I would imagine that more of his teammates might have retweeted it and expressed some support (unless of course they always thought he was racist and don’t feel he deserves their support regardless of how the apology went).


  8. Classic City Canine

    Damn Jake, I don’t believe I would have said that if I were you. Undoing your sterling reputation in a moment’s notice.


  9. Gurkha Dawg

    Holy shit Jake, I thought you were supposed to be the most intelligent QB in the draft. Joe Burrow has schooled you again.


    • RangerRuss

      DammitGurkhaDawg! Now Jake is an asshole.


      • Gurkha Dawg

        Why don’t we all just agree that everybody’s an asshole sometimes and we can all go have a beer.

        Liked by 4 people

        • RangerRuss

          You got it, pal. It’s as if everything I was taught about forgiveness,maturity and not sweating the small shit has been discarded. I’m grateful that my clients and friends are hard folks with thick skin. Bunch of assholes I reckon.

          Liked by 1 person

  10. WIll (the other one)

    He’s taking his Drew Brees comparisons way too far…


  11. It’s gotta be a young woman he’s talking to….. she called him “silly billy”. I don’t think a dude would do that.

    I think he was trying to be funny.



    • I kinda get that. A native American that taught me cars and motors in home park, once used the phrase ” respectable white peoplr.” in its total context of the moment, it was utter satire and hilarious, and I still use it to this day. But it could easily be misunderstood, and I’m not a public figure. I also know better than to trust anything on media.

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  12. The Dawg abides

    Yep, dude will never take a snap in the league. A marginally talented 5th rounder isn’t worth the bad publicity in the current climate. I predict he’ll be released by tomorrow with a statement from the Bills saying how they in no way condone racist speech and they wouldn’t have drafted him if this had come out earlier. Guy is radioactive now. I’d be surprised if Kirby doesn’t release a statement condemning it also.


  13. Russ

    Jeebus. I don’t know what to say, but that’s just idiotic.


  14. Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)

    A dumbass 20 year old man says something stupid and shocking in an attempt at saying something funny or shocking to a girl in whose pants he wants to get. News at 11.

    Unfortunately for him, his career is over. Let that be a lesson. Or something.


    • Gurkha Dawg

      I thought he had a serious girl. Wasn’t that a private conversation? I wonder how it got out.


      • Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)

        Literally nothing surprises me. We were all dumbass 20 year olds once. Anyone who’s in their late teens or early 20’s with a “serious” girlfriend, especially an athlete, is a liar or an idiot.

        The thing that takes the biggest hit here is his Jesus preaching. Yeah, yeah, no one’s perfect and we’re all sinners. But it sounds like he’s been sinning knowingly while portraying himself as something better. That’s pretty much why, as much as I do believe in Jesus, I stay away from church. I love Jesus. I’m not a big fan of Christians.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Admiral Sackbar

          I once met a kid who played against him in high school. He said, “he’s not the Christian goodie goodie everyone makes him out to be…” I tried pushing him for more but he wouldn’t go into specifics. Well, here we are.


          • Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)

            When it comes to your religion and politics, the less people know of what you think or believe, the better off you tend to be. For an example of how not to do it, Jake Fromm is up there. For those of us here, Derek also provides an example of how not to be.

            Liked by 3 people

    • Probably what happened. And probably what will happen.


    • Derek

      Nothing attracts a mate more than being a racist asshole.

      I’ve never tried it.

      Since you have experience in the matter what was the most racist thing you ever said to get laid?


  15. Derek

    Kirby needs to get out in front of this.


    • The other Doug

      Nope. He needs to say absolutely nothing. Jake Fromm is the former UGA quarterback.

      Liked by 6 people

      • Derek

        These texts were sent while he was the current qb at UGA.

        Given the Sasser situation and these texts and the current environment, silence is not the best choice imho.


      • ASEF


        “I was not aware of anything like this or heads anything along those lines. Done. Next.”


        • Argondawg

          Fromm is not a member of Kirby’s team and he is under no obligation or expectation to say anything. The less people say the better. There is no improving this situation even if Fromm made a heartfelt apology it is not gonna matter.


    • Napoleon BonerFart

      He can’t. He had to have known about Fromm’s obvious white supremacist views. Ignorance is no excuse.

      I mean, he let a white kid play QB ahead of Justin Fields! And one of the 93k fans shouted the n-word. How much more evidence of racism does it take?


      Liked by 1 person

  16. Malcolm X

    Enough of the “he was a dumb 20yr. Old defense “. Racism is real at any age, even in 2020, duh. If he was just a “dumb kid” isn’t the purpose of college to give your ass an education? Yeah, we all fuck up and are sinners.
    But racism ain’t acceptable…again, duh. How can you be a white 20 yr old in America AND NOT KNOW THAT SIMPLE FUCKING REAL FACT?


    • Cue fuckface and his meme’s/


    • Argondawg

      I am just glad I wasnt on blast at 20. I can’t imagine the crazy shit that was probably coming out of my mouth. No excuses for him. He shouldnt have thought it or said it. He doesnt have the benefit of wisdom. One of the problems I see is when a guy does something like this there is no way back. There is no level of apology or contrition that brings people back. No chance for redemption. You royally fuck up and society just buries you. I am not saying racist assholes should be given quarter I am saying someone that makes a joke or says something offensive should be able to rejoin society at some point when they truly see the error of their ways. Cancel culture doesnt really allow for that.

      Liked by 2 people

      • I definitely agree with you on this — I’m glad someone’s not publishing some of the stupid crap I said/wrote on the internet at age 20.

        Liked by 1 person

      • Admiral Sackbar

        Weird juxtaposition of emotions for me surrounding this… on one hand, I’m confounded by the stupidity and lack of awareness in which he’d issue those remarks (all the while just trying to score with a coed), compounded by apologizing for his choice of words rather than the assertion that black people (and poor people) are unworthy of exercising their second amendment rights. On the other hand, I can’t help but feel sorry for him as #cancelJakeFromm trends on social media. Some of these people who are dunking on him have probably said some egregious stuff to their friends in texts, too; but because they’re not famous, they don’t have to worry about getting ratted out on social media.

        Liked by 2 people

      • Classic City Canine

        Agreed. We shouldn’t excuse it, but we shouldn’t bury people forever for these kinds of things. Nobody’s perfect. Cancel culture can’t deal with that fact of human existence.

        Liked by 3 people

    • Classic City Canine

      It’s not an excuse Malcolm, but it is a reason to give grace.

      Liked by 1 person

  17. Wow, so this was March of 2019. Someone saved it to use it. Cold. If it dropped on the heels of Fields leaving…..oh my.


  18. Huntindawg

    Guys, do you not think he was being satirical? As in “here’s a really stupid idea that some idiots would actually believe.” Put it in context, where he said later in the text chain he was NOT saying he was an “elite white person.” He was clearly making fun of and laughing AT racists, not BEING a racist.

    That’s the way it comes across to me. Hope I’m not later proven wrong.

    From everything I know about Jake, he is definitely one of the good guys, and I have a really hard time believing he is a racist.

    Liked by 3 people

    • User name checks out


    • WIll (the other one)

      I think a lot of folks are done with the Schrodinger’s Racist Joke though (where if the wrong folks see it, “I was just joking” but otherwise they just keep thinking that dumb shit).
      And like George Foster said in an unrelated Twitter thread, (paraphrasing) “you can work on yourself here, and apologize, and that’s good, but no black person has to accept that apology, especially right away.”


    • Napoleon BonerFart

      It’s not the point. Satire is racism. If you truly believe in white elitism, you have to phrase it in acceptable terms, like advocating making it easier for minorities to get into college in order to offset their inherent disadvantages. Or you have to advocate for heavy gun restrictions in large cities so that, instead of protecting themselves, minorities will have to rely on the elites in government to take care of them.


  19. Texas Dawg

    If he has not already signed that contract with the Bills, he may want to start looking for employment elsewhere else like Outer Mongolia. Satirical or not, that is going to sting a lot.


  20. Huntindawg

    Here’s a hypothetical for you, and I’m not trying to be an ass, I’d just like your sincere thought:

    If I am mocking Trump and his tone deafness by saying “I love the black people,” does that mean I’m a racist? If not, why not, and if so, why?

    Maybe I’m just clueless, but I wouldn’t know if I’m actually clueless.


    • Depends, are you also a birther who settled a racial discrimination housing lawsuit and called for the death penalty for 5 black teens who were later proven innocent by DNA evidence. If yes, then yes.


    • Napoleon BonerFart

      All sins are forgiven in the service of opposing Trump.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Comin' Down The Track

        Fair play timeout:
        The Babylon Bee
        Fake news you can trust.

        The Babylon Bee is a satire site.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Someone recently posted a similar “story” about Obama from the Babylon Bee on FB and the MAGA folks were flippin’ their lids. So funny when people would rather be outraged than go to the trouble to realize they’re being punked.

          Liked by 1 person

    • Jackson

      Hypothetically, what is your definition of racist?


      • Huntindawg

        I would say a racist is someone who hates others because of the color of their skin. Is that not correct?


        • Napoleon BonerFart

          It’s also someone who thinks taxes are too high.


          • spur21

            Actually the term racist has been so misused and overused we may need to come up with a new word.

            Liked by 2 people

            • Derek

              The most pressing concern we should all have when dealing with issues of race should be proper word usage.

              When this was called racist:

              my sole concern was that the word “racist” was being grossly misused.

              Like you, I had no other concerns.

              Liked by 1 person

              • spur21

                Congratulations derick your deflection tactics are stellar even if mindless. If you don’t think the racist label hasn’t been overused and misused you are beyond help – good luck in your perfect world and don’t neglect feeding your unicorn.


                • Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)

                  Point of contention:

                  Unicorns have a point (horn). Derek never does.

                  Therefore Derek could never have a unicorn.

                  [cue NBC’s “The More You Know”]


                • Derek

                  Please share some racist pick up lines.


                • Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)

                  Seriously son, as a useless tub of goo who never has a point, I know concepts are difficult for you to understand. You have nothing to say to me until you’ve gone ahead and fucked yourself. Do that, and we can talk.


                • Derek

                  You said this above: “A dumbass 20 year old man says something stupid and shocking in an attempt at saying something funny or shocking to a girl in whose pants he wants to get. News at 11”

                  Why can’t you defend your statement dad?

                  Is it because it was really fucking stupid?


                • Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)

                  Where did I say “racist” you useless tub of goo that can still go fuck itself?


                • Derek

                  So your excuse for fromm was inapplicable to what he texted the girl? I agree completely.

                  You should have just owned that and stopped being so defensive.


                • Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)

                  You should follow your own advice and have YOUR words mean something, instead of being a libelous useless tub of goo who never has a point. You’re so ready to label everyone with whom you disagree as a racist, bigot, homophobe, misogynist, whatever, that these words literally have no meaning. You actually convinced yourself I said “racist” when I didn’t. If you actually thought before you spoke and not rush to label someone something so hateful because you run out of arguments, we could’ve had a discussion.

                  If you just would’ve asked, “What have YOU ever said to a girl that was shocking to try to make a joke?” we could’ve had that conversation. Instead you’re more interested in labeling me a racist. Given that, you can still go fuck yourself.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • Derek

                  I’m sorry. Give us your best pick up line that approximates the nature and quality of what Fromm texted by whatever definition you choose to give it.


                • Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)

                  Well, when I was in my early 20’s and still in the Marine Corps, texting wasn’t a thing. If you were hitting on a girl, it was face to face, so things like context clues were much easier to pick up on. Also, when I was in my early 20’s and still in the Marine Corps, I wasn’t looking for a wife. Just a good time.

                  So you’d talk to the girl. What do you like? What do I like? Oh, this band is great. Flirt. Tell jokes. After an hour or so, depending on how the night is going, you tell a ribald joke that has a few different punchlines depending on how she takes it. “So, how often do you masturbate?”

                  You’d know pretty quick what kind of girl you have then. Some would be shocked and then laugh. Some would be shocked and get mad. Some laugh right away and answer. Some wouldn’t answer and turn it back on you.

                  For the ones that’d answer, the punchline would be something like, “That’s not nearly enough. I’d be happy to help!”

                  For the ones that turn the answer back on you, there’s a few different punchlines, “Not enough” would mostly get a big laugh. Or “I have carpal tunnel. I could use some help,” could go either way.

                  Whatever the response, there’s an answer you can give. The object is to get a reaction, even if it’s a slap. Because you’re a 20 year old moron with a 20 year old moron brain that’s not fully developed, whose hormones still drive everything you do with a need to get laid, so you get to the point.

                  People like me understand that, Derek. I don’t condone what Fromm said, just as I’m sure there’s a bunch of people living in today’s awful world who wouldn’t condone that attempt to shock and titillate when there are actual dumbasses who think Baby It’s Cold Outside is a date rape song. Fromm may very well be racist, I don’t know what’s in his heart. I do know what’s in his mind, though. Chemical imbalances and an immature prefrontal cortex that makes it hard for him to think about anything else than getting laid.

                  So I sympathize with him without condoning what he said, because we’ve all said stupid shit in our lives. Maybe not racist stupid shit, but stupid shit nonetheless. The point is, in a normal world not gone made driven by ridiculous people like you, he could make his mistake and be allowed to learn from it to grow to be a better person. But the one thing that doesn’t exist in your ideological Neo Progressive secular religion is the capacity for mercy and forgiveness. So instead he must burn as a heretic and forever be cast out into the void. Because assholes demand it.

                  Liked by 3 people

                • “So I sympathize with him without condoning ” that’s grace. Or just having the ability to have nuance, which is dead, being able to believe 2 things at once.

                  Without that, we have tribalism, which is literally playing out as tribal warfare right now. And in tribal warfare, there are no winners. What happens is you burn down the very house that provides for you, which is what’s happening on the streets right now.


                • Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)


                  It’s scientifically proven that adult males have moron brain until about the age of 25. They literally have a diminished capacity for rational thought and impulse control. IT’S SCIENCE!!!

                  But for the people that always seem to care so much about what they say is science (climate change! covid-19!), they have zero mercy or forgiveness in their hearts for young men who makes stupid mistakes with their words.

                  There are few things in this world that should be unforgivable if true contrition is offered, especially when it comes down to words and not actions. He didn’t sexually assault the girl. He tried to say something shocking to a girl who is an anti-gun nutter to get a reaction. Was what he said racist. Without context it sure is, even with context it probably still is. Does that make him racist? I don’t know. Does that make him an idiot? Yep.


                • Derek

                  Far longer than necessary. I just don’t think all dumb or obnoxious statements are equal. If fromm was adopting a temporary persona for such a purpose, he should have addressed and explained the substance of what was being said. After all he’d have been knowingly acting wrongly but with a purpose right? As he avoided the substance, my strong impression is that he was acting as a typical entitled white man who believes intuitively that equal rules for all is less than optimal. The troubling thing about the texts isn’t that it shows racial bias (most have fallen short on that measure from time to time), but that it embraces the concept of different rules for different people based solely on race that even the most fervent racists deny exist while the burdened doubt there is a sincere desire for equality, but only for a state of culpable deniability. The texts in and if themselves don’t make one a racist or a white supremacist, but it does suggest being part of the underlying problem we face in this country.


                • Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)

                  You asked, and as you’re prone to taking what people say and twisting them to reflect your preferred narrative, I went with long form instead of long story short.

                  And while I disagree pretty much with a lot of your answer, I understand where you’re coming from even then. I think it’s misplaced and prone to emotion over reality, but you’re not alone in this.

                  See Derek, is this not better? We disagree, but we can exchange those disagreements without the need for the kind of ad hominem labels that don’t apply.

                  Have a good night.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  More from Derek’s library.


                • Derek

                  I’m simply saying that you’re focused on what matters:

                  Proper word usage.

                  Can we march on Washington to protest improper word usage? We should. You lead the way.

                  After all wouldn’t have been better to say “I can’t respirate?”


            • 3 white women got chastised and told they were using their white privilege in DC for scrubbing BLM graffiti off a federal building. So apparently add “cleaning up vandalism ” to the racism list.

              Liked by 1 person

        • Jackson

          A lot I have read in the past week would point to that being an incorrect assumption. To quote an article from the Atlantic from last year “Today, racist means not only burning a cross on someone’s lawn or even telling someone to go home, but also what feels unpleasant to someone of a race—as in what I as a person of that race don’t like. It has gone from being mean to someone to, also, what feels mean to me.”

          Liked by 1 person

        • Classic City Canine

          Huntin, it can also refer to people who support policies (from governments and organizations) that have a disproportionately negative impact on minorities. You can also do or say things that are racist without having an explicit hatred for that person’s skin color. You don’t have to hate a person because of their skin to be complicit in institutionalized racism. Racism isn’t so much a category that you are in or not. It’s a set of beliefs, words, and actions that discriminate against someone–even if they aren’t explicit.


    • Napoleon BonerFart

      Read the story from yesterday about the Clemson assistant coach who overheard a player using the n-word on the practice field. To try to discourage that, he repeated the word to the player using it.

      His intent didn’t matter. He committed the unforgivable sin by saying the worst of all the words.

      So if you want to be sure that you’re cool, I suggest getting on your knees and apologizing for your white privilege whenever you encounter minorities.

      Liked by 1 person

  21. Here’s what Jake needs to be worried about: there is no way in God’s green earth that his girl is the only person he’s sent something dumb to.


    • FrozenDawg

      Jake and every other athlete, coach, comedian, actor, b list celebrity…start purging your phones, social media, photo’s before the woke mob comes for you…because everyone else is virtuous and self righteous…they clutch their pearls and shriek…but once they “catch” you they love to denigrate and destroy you…this kid may have just lost millions of dollars and his entire future today…all over a stupid private text from over a year ago…lord knows we’ve all fallen short of the glory…be it texts, photos sent, conversations, web browser histories…my guess is we’d all wilt under the bright hot spot light of exposure, unless of course if you’re one of the virtuous ones…which I am not

      Liked by 2 people

  22. jt10mc (the other one)



  23. TN Dawg


    Miss me yet?


  24. RangerRuss

    Sticks and stones may break my bones
    so please don’t throw sticks and stones
    or kneel on my neck for eight minutes
    but words will never harm me.


  25. Jesus Christ. Enough of this shit. You guys are acting like a bunch of ten-year olds. Go find something useful to do with yourselves.

    Liked by 1 person

    • chopdawg

      So we agree, Fromm referring to himself in a Jokey Smurf kinda way as an elite white boy does not mean he’s racist.


  26. Sides

    He is clearly not racist. He proved that It’s not just AA QB’s at UGa that can blow their Heisman chances playing SC. Really broke the color barrier this year. Definitely not an elite white. Sad!


  27. I’m not going to assume Fromm is racist based on one dumb text to a girl. It’s disappointing, sure, but so is Terry Godwin publicly stating that he’s lost all respect for Fromm and Drew Brees. Brees, the same guy who did a hell of a lot for the majority black communities after Katrina. Fromm was his close teammate but he’s all of a sudden had this epiphany?

    It’s times like these when I feel more people should have served in the military where you’re forced to be closely involved with people from many backgrounds. Where you’re forced to find a way to work out differences and not just sit on opposite sides of the fucking tracks. White, black, Asian, Hispanic..I consider some to be family and we often said all kinds of dumb shit to one another and had our differences.

    Maybe Fromm is racist, and that would be very disappointing, but Godwin publicly calling out a former teammate without talking to him really points out the other major issue- poor communication.

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    • Union Jack

      First, Godwin is under no obligation to talk to Fromm before he speaks publicly. They are no longer teammates. Perhaps they were never friends off the field. Godwin was on campus 2 years ahead of Fromm. They had different majors. It wouldn’t be unusual that they had different circles and they only had football in common. What Godwin basically said is that he lost respect for Fromm because what Terry did know and think about Fromm didn’t exactly correlate with what Fromm was saying privately.

      As far as Drew Brees goes, two of Brees’s high profile teammates called him out too. Michael Thomas catches a lot of those Drew Brees thrown passes and Michael Jenkins who has been his teammate twice and has discussed social justice/BLM/NFL protests with Brees for four years.

      Brees did do a lot for New Orleans that doesn’t mean he gets a pass for stances on other issues. Is he a good guy that did something bad once or twice? Sean Penn did a lot for New Orleans too. Is he a bad guy who did something good once or twice?

      The whole focus of the ESPN two part 30 for 30 about Lance Armstrong is he a good guy that did something bad or a bad guy who did something good? After watching it, it didn’t change my mind about what I had thought about him from back in the early 90’s. I was friends with some folks who knew him or about him because they were on the fringes of pro triathlon, cycling, the Olympic movement etc. They all said he was a bad guy back even when he had survived cancer and started Livestrong. While that organization did so much for cancer patients and research, Armstrong was basically destroying other lives to fuel his obsession for winning and perpetuating this myth about his miraculous recovery etc.


  28. Cosmic Dawg

    Do elitist white racists actually refer to themselves as “elite white people” or is that just somebody trying to be ironic and sarcastic? The “ha ha” at the end of that text kind of gives it away. This country needs to power down the outrage machine for a year or two.

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  29. So, Fromm is getting eviscerated all over.
