Welcome back, fans!

College athletic directors sure have missed you and your wallets.  First thing first before rushing back, though…

Only in college football do we have the privilege of shelling out thousands of bucks and assuming a pandemic risk.  And to think some folks claim we’re getting a diminishing bang for our hard earned bucks.

I wonder if LSU is going to make fans sign a consent waiver in order to attend games.  Wouldn’t surprise me.



Filed under College Football, The Body Is A Temple

44 responses to “Welcome back, fans!

  1. Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)

    Senator, haven’t you been paying attention to the media coverage of both the peaceful protests and the violent riots?

    There is no covid-19 pandemic. There is nothing to fear. If hundreds of thousands can gather to protest, why can’t 80K gather to cheer? 🤷🏻‍♂️

    Liked by 1 person

    • If you’re trying to bait me, that’s awfully weak sauce.


      • Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)

        I can honestly say it wasn’t to bait you. It was a direct shot across the bow of the media’s fear-mongering hypocrisy.

        Your continued perspective on covid-19 has been consistent. Even if we disagree, I can always respect consistency. Even in the face of available data. 😉

        Liked by 1 person

    • Besides, I’m sure this is no big deal, either.


      • Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)

        You really need to move beyond thinking positive tests are bad things. They’re good. Especially in regards to people who have the least to fear from covid-19. More positive tests are good because they give us a better understanding of the morbidity of this virus, which is not nearly as deadly as the media proclaimed for months, and now doesn’t seem to care about at all anymore.


        • I’m not passing judgment on good or bad here. It’s as it always has been for me: we don’t know enough to start taking victory laps as you’re doing.


          • Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)

            I’m not taking victory laps. I’m saying the coverage of this virus has been hysterical and poor on the part of the media, ginned up to drive up ratings through fear porn and fear mongering, and we shut down our entire economy for two months when there was absolutely no need to do so.

            That’s not a victory lap. That’s just common sense based on data.


            • Derek

              If we had done that sooner we’d have saved a bunch of worthless americans.


              If we had only followed the do nothing leadership of china we could have rid ourselves of far more so-called “lives.”


            • Navin Johnson

              Playpen, perhaps? (Even you, Senator?)
              Hysterical implies something less than cold rationality. Granting your point that the ultimate after-the-fact morbidity rates are going to end up lower than what we were seeing a few months ago (and let’s make sure you adjust the numerator for excess deaths that are almost certainly Covid even if not tested for it, if you are doing to adjust the denominator), does that make the coverage hysterical? Does the total number of deaths not matter if the morbidity rate is really, really low? Is it not rational (and therefore not hysterical) to be concerned about 100,000 deaths in just a few months, even if the morbidity rate of this disease is exceedingly low? So we should judge hyterical based on accuracy of initial morbidity rates alone? If accurate predictions are your test for whether a statement is rational, what do we call all of Trump & Co.’s predictions of hundreds or a few thousand deaths now that those are so wrong?
              Now do 9/11.

              Liked by 1 person

              • Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)

                Lol. What??? I know who’s hysterical here. “Now do 9/11.” 🤦🏻‍♂️


            • If there’s “absolutely no need to do so”, why does Woodward need to discuss risk assumption?


      • PTC DAWG

        Not surprising at all IMHO…I’m guessing very little to no symptoms…


        • Derek

          The fact that they are positive and could infect a coach or another player or a student who then passes it off to a child or elderly relative makes me just not give a fuck.


          • PTC DAWG

            You mad. Fact, people are going to continue to get this virus. You should stay home.


            • Derek

              No doubt. Smart people should be in charge of limiting that spread as much as possible, i.e., not you.

              I haven’t stayed home or worn a mask, but I try not to do anything stupid. You can’t avoid every possible risk but there’s no sense in being a complete idiot either.

              There’s a middle ground.


  2. assume the risk or don’t…. buy the tickets or don’t . It’s a free country. You can skip a year without losing your priority points, right? If you don’t want to re-up your tickets sit this year out ……I’m going. Don’t over think this. Are the plaintiff’s lawyers really going to able to convince a jury of 12 that their client was the only person in America who didn’t understand that they might be taking a risk going to a stadium full of drinking, yelling, spittle spewing fans. Everyone else knows its an increased risk that you don’t have to take but this one plaintiff, who was clearly living under a rock, blames their individual illness on UGA. Don’t put me on that jury and in all likelihood the case does not survive a Motion for Summary Judgement. Admittedly,not my end of the pool but what am I missing?


    • Derek

      All the people with sense who may end up exposed on Monday to idiots who don’t take it seriously by cramming into a stadium on the prior Saturday. You’re completely missing that.

      Not that you’re alone. Thats a pretty consistent blind spot among the “hoax” crowd.


      • Corch Irvin Meyers, New USC Corch (2021)



        • lighten up ,Derek/Francis/Karen, you get my drift. You’re as predictable as the tides…lie about what I said and then argue against your own made up lie. Where the F… did I say covid was a hoax? Thanks for wasting your breath(figuratively speaking) and my time though.

          Liked by 1 person

    • ATL Dawg

      If you skipped this year, you wouldn’t lose your points but you would lose your seats.

      However, the personal seat license fee (aka “donation”) deadline was mid-February. So the decision on whether or not to get tickets this year had to be made before the pandemic exploded in the US in mid-March. Not sure why you’re acting like someone can just call an audible on this.

      I’m also not sure why you say you’re going. You obviously don’t buy season tickets based on the fact that you don’t understand the basic fundamentals of the buying process.


      • Damn Dawg
        That is terribly presumptuous of your part. Do you judge or prejudge everyone with that little information? You are either lacking in insight or just virtue signaling. I was probably a season ticket holder before you were born but certainly before you jerked off for the first time. If you petition the sports/ticket office for your money back I bet you get your money back based upon either a desire not expose yourself to the risk, or if they won’t let you in, failure of consideration. This could actually be a helluva class action suit but I won’t be a member of the class unless I don’t get to sit in my seats on the 25 for all the home games. If my number of games are restricted I’ll still be going to Athens to tailgate but then I will be seeking a refund for my missed games.In short Dawg, We all know what you do when you assume….you make an ASS out of U and ME both…..but mostly you.


        • ATL Dawg

          You went from this…

          “You can skip a year without losing your priority points, right? If you don’t want to re-up your tickets sit this year out ……I’m going. Don’t over think this.”

          to this…

          “If you petition…I bet you get your money back”

          LOL, nice scramble. And somehow managing to force in the phrase “virtue signaling” was the cherry on top.

          If you want to learn more about the mechanics of how the season ticket process works, you can do so here:



  3. Debby Balcer

    I imagine they will. You have to sign one to use our hoa pool. I don’t know that I will be attending unless it is felt to be safe by medical doctors.


  4. sniffer

    Let me be the first. I’m offering to buy anyone’s tickets for UGA/Bama in TTown. No joke, serious offer. I will comport myself as if it is you sitting there. Need two or more. Senator, is this ok?


  5. ATL Dawg

    “I think everybody is really itching to support the business that I make my living from. They’re willing to accept risk so that I can keep making the money that I’m used to. My opinion on this matter is not distorted in any way. Please listen to me.”

    Scott Woodward, CEO of LSU Football Inc.


  6. Go Dawgs!

    I don’t know about signing a waiver, but I would be very surprised if there isn’t some disclaimer on the back of sporting event tickets from now on that the team/school hosting the game can not be held liable for the contraction of any disease while at the event and that the ticketholder enters the arena at their own risk, just like the disclaimer at football games about batted balls entering the stands rapidly.


  7. FlyingPeakDawg

    on the back of your ticket stub
    NOTICE TO TICKETHOLDER: Person assumes all risk and liability of attending and agrees to hold harmless organization from all legal responsibility for acts of…well, fuck…anything. We’ve got pandemic, riots, killer hornets, weather climate change…so yeah…we mean anything. Ain’t our fault. Don’t like it…tough.


  8. chopdawg

    I’ll be happy to sign the waiver. I’ve signed a waiver to ride with someone else in a golf cart, no problem signing to attend a CFB game.
