Musical palate cleanser, see you in court, buddy edition

In honor of the potential for The Rolling Stones v. Trump, I have to post this:

Were I the judge, I could have a lot of fun writing that opinion.


Filed under Georgia Football, Uncategorized

18 responses to “Musical palate cleanser, see you in court, buddy edition

  1. Macallanlover

    Wish I were writing it too, that way I could see that anyone who put something out for public consumption to those willing to pay the current royalties rate were not allowed to discriminate against anyone choosing to use that message. Is it any different for public restaurants, retail stores, real estate, etc, to be allowed who does business with them? Secondly, the ability for that group to grasp what is good for America (from either party) is laughable. But then, one side has a really large problem with tolerating freedom of speech to those who have ideas different from their own….and that is undeniable and easy. Dangerous ground being trampled on these days. Doubt I would ever choose a selection from their library, but feel they should have no way to limit me. I don’t listen to trump rallies so I wouldn’t ever know what is played, but this is getting really stinky. FTMFs.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Jdawg108

      You’re cool with someone using someone’s property in an unlicensed commercial format?


      • Macallanlover

        You would be cool thinking I would have to allow traitor pelosi into my restaurant to eat my food aren’t you? Law says I am open for business to the public and cannot discriminate on who comes onto my property. So I would have to, even if it hurts my reputation for a choice she made. I see little difference.

        Now, do I think trump should have to pay the required royalty fee same as anyone else. Sure. And should he have to negotiate a fee if he wanted to use it in an ad? Yes, that might be where the druggies could change the rules/rates. If they wanted to approve everyone who associates with their “property”, they should have made it a private release an not allowed it to play over the air waves for a fee. As much as I dislike trump, he is a better person than the stoners, egos are about equal I would say (which is saying both are pretty disgusting.)


        • Cynical Dawg

          “traitor Pelosi” is rich, considering President Trump is fine with Russians paying bounties on murdering American troops. You are a fucking lunatic.


          • Macallanlover

            I think it is obvious who needs to go see the wizard for a brain, wimpy one. As for the claim you make, neither of us have a clearance high enough to know what is true; but one of us waits for facts to emerge. Considering the source being the nyt, and the record their Russian contacts have posted in recent events, I would be cautious if I were you. How many times do you have to get hit on the head with the same brick? Facts don’t matter to emotional cripples, just a decent rumor. You may to follow the lead of those who are keeping their powder dry and see what develops. The old: Ready! Fire! Aim! isn’t a good tactic. LMAO


              • Macallanlover

                Then tell him/her. I responded to him bringing in a new issue, and representing his point as factual. That is the only reason I replied. And I don’t have any interest in The Playpen on this site, personally don’t go there. I respect the rules here, always have.

                My example was to show a similar situation where I have someone I regard as equally disgusting as trump being forced on me in a privately owned business. May not be legally valid to you but I feel it is an interpretation that I see as relative. Open shop, or closed shop? And I am not supporting a position where there property is being stolen/misused; they put it out there in hundreds of thousands of locations for all to see/here/interpret.


                • You brought up “traitor Pelosi” in the first place, so don’t come whining to me now.


                • Macallanlover

                  LOL, I am not whining. She is one of the top, easily recognizable despicable people to put against trump as someone I don’t want to be around, or associated with (although far more evil.) So no, it was “off point” at all. But I don’t care, conversing with someone like that tool isn’t what I come here for, and an example of why I don’t waste my time in the playpen or engaging with the simple in arguments,


                • Mac, the post has nothing to do with her, nor whether she’s a traitor. I really don’t want to keep arguing with you, so if you think the readers get to decide what’s off point here, let me dissuade you of that notion.

                  If you want to discuss Pelosi as a traitor, do it in the Playpen. If you don’t want to comment in the Playpen, keep your opinion about her to yourself, unless there is a post specifically about her.

                  That’s it. That’s the Playpen warning.


                • Macallanlover

                  Look, I long go accepted you have the right to draw lines where they need to be drawn, whether I like it or not. And I said at the time, I never started any of he political discussions here, but would answer what I felt were political comments that needed to be challenged, or at least identified as such….and usually wrongly. So I get labeled things so far off the mark, they would piss me off if they weren’t laughable, by people who have no clue who I am and what I have done in my life, or what I stand for. My preference is always CFB discussions.

                  You cannot be so dense as to not understand why I brought her up as an example. My adjective for her is dead-on, but let’s just say its accuracy is more defensible than calling trump a racist, or fascist. I see those labels applied here all the time by the leftists and that doesn’t turn into a threat, and even when it is applied to any, and all, who support conservative causes, it still is allowed. I think you were a pretty balanced guy when I first began reading this blog but honestly, at a time when some balance is needed, I think your bias has taken control of your judgment. Doesn’t matter, still your blog. But you won’t ever have to worry about me being the instigator of the attacks, but I won’t participate when things cannot be balanced.

                  trump and pelosi are horrible, unlikable people and unworthy of their positions. People run from being linked with either of them, both are pompous, egotistical, assholes failing at their jobs. (The only saving grace for trump is while an idiot, he does love America and what it stands for, while she is deliberately working to undermine this country.) I don’t care whether you agree with that characterization or not, but to say putting her in as a way to make a similar situation about the post subject, and other comments, was more inflammatory than what is the norm from the radical leftists here every single day is just wrong (still your blog). And that is why I have wasted time trying to make the point., since it is obviously not being seen that way for some reason. trump=pelosi and traitor pelosi no worse than idiot racist/fascist trump (in fact, far more accurate) One is called out, other is the norm here, so don’t be surprised when someone thinks your judgement is a little off the standard most expect as “fair”. Still your blog, and you will still not find me ever initiating the BS. Last comments on this.


                • Sir, this is an Arby’s. 😉

                  For the record, the only reason I “called you out” here is because you started it and I didn’t see it until this morning. Otherwise I would have given you the same message yesterday.

                  Also, this isn’t about my bias, or my balance, or whatever. If you want to rag on Pelosi, feel free to do so in the Playpen to your heart’s content. I won’t object in the slightest; that’s what it’s there for. All I am trying to do here is keep other posts from bogging down with political side issues. I don’t understand why you’re having trouble seeing my point, but please try. Thanks.


  2. Dylan Dreyer's Booty

    I don’t think restaurants, bars and stores use it without authorization. They usually pay a service that pays the license (Muzak back in the day, e.g.) or they just get it off a public radio which pays the license, like the place where I used to get my hair cut. Trump isn’t doing either, and he would be the first to sue if he didn’t get paid for what he was legally entitled. Let’s not be hypocritical.


    • Macallanlover

      Not sure who you mean by that but I clearly agreed whatever royalties are due, should be paid. If the campaign didn’t pay, send them a bill. But that is as far as I see them having any place/right in the issue…even if they were citizens of this country; that isn’t the issue here.


  3. chopdawg

    Damn, Donald, have you ever listened to the lyrics of “Rockin’ in the Free World”?


  4. Don in Mar-a-Lago

    I’ve got no expectations

    Many people are saying I made my break and big mistake, steeling when I should have been byeing


  5. RangerRuss

    Gotdamn old hippies.


  6. ASEF

    No Sympathy for the Devil: Stones Stiff-Arm Trump Over Licensing
