
Some people don’t appreciate the concept of an athletic department being part of the academic experience.

The union representing professors at Rutgers is suing the university over a $100 million transfer to the athletics department. The news was first reported by Bloomberg.

The union is not suing to stop the transfer — that’s already been done. Rather, the union wants the university to disclose details and documents related its financial support of the Scarlet Knights’ athletics department. The union says the school has not responded to open records requests.

“The amounts are just staggering,” said Rutgers associate professor and chair of the union’s budget committee Andrew Goldstone. “We’ve known for years about the subsidy to athletics that comes out of student fees and general appropriations from the university. That makes less and less sense in the era of COVID, when the athletics program will have an even harder time getting to the break-even point.

“But then there’s this loan book, which they call ‘internal debt,’ that ballooned from $45.4 million to $121.5 million in a single year. And the university refuses to release any information about it: where the money came from, whether there’s an interest rate, when it will be repaid, if it will ever be repaid, and, above all, what on earth they’re spending $76 million on.”

Why so glum, chum?

The university has laid off 20 percent of its adjunct faculty, applied furloughs to some remaining faculty and has declared a fiscal emergency in response to the covid-19 pandemic.

Yeah, that would do it.


Filed under Academics? Academics., Big Ten Football

18 responses to “Someday

  1. DawgStats

    Over/Under number of schools playing FBS football in 5 years? Currently 130


    • I think this whole thing is going to make the Power 5 (plus ND) realize they don’t need the NCAA. I could see the 65 plus a few others (BYU, Boise, Colorado State, UCF, Memphis, and Houston) telling the NCAA we’re better off without you.

      If the structure doesn’t change, I’ll go under (approximately 100).

      Liked by 1 person

      • DawgStats

        If NCAA would let P5+ football walk, get rid of one and dones – and govern the rest – it makes their job manageable. NCAA tournament is their money maker and that doesn’t need one and dones.

        NIL governance is doable without Football and 1 year basketball players


        • If the Power 5 separates, they are going full enchilada. Why split the money on a March Madness with the Butlers, Villanovas, and Gonzagas of the world when you may be able to build a smaller version on your own?!Think a 16-24 team event where the rounds up to the Final 4 are played as best of 3 on campus. The Final 4 stays in its current structure.

          Build your own version of the College World Series. Convince the Golf Channel and the conference networks that college golf is worth more than only a few TV slots with only the big programs. Reimagine how college sports are on the entire landscape. You have the backbone with the conference networks and the ESPN family.


          • DawgStats

            A P5 only basketball tournament would be a failure. Post Season Basketball needs UMBC, Fla Gulf Coast, Wichita State, Gonzaga as much as if not more needs UGA, FSU, Stamford or any school not named Duke UK UNC…

            Liked by 1 person

            • Agree to disagree. Folks don’t set their watching schedules to watch those teams. They watch for the large basketball schools. If the payout can be just as large with 24 schools as it is with 65 without the NCAA BS, I would jump at it.

              The NCAA truly adds no value to college sports. The whole organization is a bunch of grifters that are in place to keep the price-fixing cartel.


              • DawgStats

                There’s a lot we are saying the same. And, you’re probably right when you say P5 will walk away with everything.

                But, I’m not watching a 3 week glorified conference tournament especially not at 11:30 AM on a Thursday.

                And with the potential of second round games being the 4th matchup of the season for the two teams.


  2. DawgStats

    B10 Money has started rolling into Rutgers. Doesn’t get full share until 2027


  3. DawgStats



  4. Junkyardawg41

    So are these same folks who were ok with college tuition increasing twice as fast as inflation and no cost difference between online education and in person?

    Liked by 1 person

    • ThinkOfTheChildren

      Yup. Remember, think of the children. It’s all done for their sake. Something, something, white privilege.


  5. W Cobb Dawg

    Another example of why I think the P5 is going to drop a handful of schools that can’t generate sufficient income to justify their inclusion. Goodbye P5, hello P4.


  6. Normaltown Mike

    it’s ironic they are complaining about adjuncts getting cut when the tenured faculty are the ones that created tenure as a way to secure life long employment so they can do their pet research projects and then hire part time adjunct to do the teaching.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Sam Johnson

    Rutgers is the state university of NJ. So $100 mm in taxpayer dollars is going to college athletics? Presumably some of it for Schiano’s $32 mm contract? Meanwhile, faculty are being laid off? This is just nuts.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Down Island Way

    A union for professors….so much for readin’, writin’ and arithematic

    Liked by 1 person

  9. UGA '97

    nothing good ever happens after midnight, …and in new jersey.
