“Grantham discusses philosophy”


“The worst thing to do is to put someone in there and they’re not ready and they don’t have success, then you have a confidence issue,” Grantham said. “So I’ve always been a guy that I’d rather play them a week late than a week early from a developmental standpoint to make sure they’re ready, so we’ll continue to do that based on what we see in practice.”

It’s as if he’s excised the 2013 season from his mind.

If only Georgia fans could do the same.


Filed under Gators, Gators..., Georgia Football, Strategery And Mechanics

28 responses to ““Grantham discusses philosophy”

  1. Wolfman

    Why did you actually embed the video 😦

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Greg

    Can’t believe he keeps getting hired….and it seems like it is always for more, to the highest bidder.


  3. originaluglydawg



  4. mddawg

    Aaron Murray deserved better in that game. Hell, in that whole season.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Russ

      And yet he STILL was one blown targeting call away from winning it even after the Trigga/JHC/Grantham clusterfuckery.

      Liked by 2 people

      • 79dawg

        I think you are confusing 2012 and 2013. Immediately following the 2013 Auburn game, he hurt his leg against Kentucky and didn’t play against Tech or in the Gator Bowl, where another famous Third and Grantham occurred that kept us from winning that game as well…

        Liked by 1 person

        • mddawg

          I think he’s referring to our final offensive series in the 2013 Auburn game. Aaron led the team down the field and we were in striking distance of scoring. He got hit while throwing an incomplete pass to end the game, and the refs easily could’ve called targeting but failed to do so. No telling if it would’ve changed the outcome, but if it had been called I think it would’ve resulted in one final untimed down on top of moving us 15 yards closer to the end zone. Cue the video below up to the 3:04:00 mark if you’re so inclined.


          • 79dawg

            Maybe its just having seen how many cheap shots Aaron took from Auburn in 2010 that numbed me to it (at one point I thought my brother and I were going to have to fight our way out of the upper deck on our way out), but I’ve never thought that could’ve been targeting. It was a(nother) heroic effort to get us down the field and give us a(nother) shot though…


  5. Granthams Replacement

    Grantham made a mint on having an all NFL defense in 2011-12.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. NotMyCrossToBear

    Dammit, I watched it again.


  7. poetdawg

    Still makes me want to puke. Classic 3rd and Grantham.

    Liked by 2 people

  8. Upside is he thinks this year’s defensive players were ready


  9. MagnusDawgus

    Why does no one talk about #47 being held AROUND THE NECK on the pass rush? Play should never have allowed to stand.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Down Island Way

      “If only Georgia fans could do the same.”…Bluto, why would any UGA fan want to be/resemble/think/look like a barner fan…..#AUBURN SUCKS! Friends don’t let friends go to the barn….

      Liked by 1 person

  10. siskey

    The worst part of Grantham is not this clip. This clip is terrible but the ball bounces in weird ways and you would assume that the player should know what to do in this situation. The worst part of Grantham is seeing our DBs that year looking over at the sideline in confusion and panic in Game one against Clemson (maybe excusable- first game of the year, good team, hostile crowd) and seeing the same guys making the same confused expressions against Nebraska in game 13. That and the 99 yard TD pass that I saw coming.


    • Jack Klompus

      I actually noticed Bama’s DBs doing that in the first half. And Florida’s DBs have been doing it since he arrived.


  11. cowetadawg

    I keep hoping that clip ends differently.

    Liked by 2 people

  12. Harold Miller

    One thing among many that galls me about that play is the Nick Marshall acted like he had thrown some really great pass.

    Liked by 1 person

    • 79dawg

      Saw Nick Marshall play in the State Championship in H.S., he acted like a spoiled brat the whole game, getting chased around by a bunch of small, slow, private school kids, but the one thing he could do was chuck it up in the air….


  13. Jack Klompus

    After 7 years it doesn’t seem to hurt as much. Maybe it’s because you were mocking TG.


  14. Russ

    RIP to Dawgs and NFL legend Jimmy Orr, 1958 NFL Rookie of the Year after leaving Georgia.


  15. Connor Norman was never ready.
