Kicks like a girl.

Georgia special teams players say if Vanderbilt’s Sarah Fuller has to be blocked on a kick return, they’re just the guys to do it.

“You know, once you’re between those white lines, I think it’s fair game,” Georgia senior linebacker Monty Rice said Tuesday. “If she’s trying to tackle Kearis (Jackson) on a kickoff (return), we’re going to have a problem. We’re going to block her just like we do Rodrigo (Blankenship) if he was over there. We’re not going to go overboard because she’s a girl; we’re just going to do what we’re coached to do because that’s what we’re coached to do.”

I wonder if Blankenship would appreciate that comparison, Monty.  LOL.

I also wonder how Fuller being blocked, or, on the flip side, making a play on special teams might impact her NIL value, which has taken off since she appeared in last week’s game against Missouri.


Filed under Georgia Football, SEC Football

68 responses to “Kicks like a girl.

  1. mwodieseldawg

    My inner Munson tells me she will kick a field goal or an extra point so UGA will be noted as the first she scored against. Can you imagine if UGA shits the bed and plays down to Vandy’s level and she kicks a game winning field goal?


  2. Kevin’s Missing Pinky

    Let’s hope Vandy still fields a team this weekend. I won’t go into the specifics because it’s paid for material, but I’m a member on both pay sites, and there are credible rumors that her continued presence on the team is causing a player revolt, with multiple high profile (as far as Vandy goes) opt outs. Hopefully the coach can get it all under control and send enough dudes and dudettes to play us.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Assuming that’s true, I wonder if this is why:


    • stoopnagle

      Aw. Those poor babies. None of them can kick as well as the soccer goalie and she called their sorry asses out for being sorry. So sorry they got their coach fired. Now their feelings are hurt and they don’t want to play anymore?



    • For our seniors’ sake, I sure hope the Vandy players get their collective heads out of their asses. I want them to get to play their senior day game even if it won’t be what it should be.

      As for the players throwing temper tantrums — they can whine all they want about whether she “deserves” to be out there on the field, but she’s the one who has practiced and played hard enough for her university to earn a conference championship. And, we’re not talking about a chess team here. Around here we think college football is king, but ask the rest of the world if soccer is a tough sport.


    • Tony BarnFart

      a recent former captain went on nashville radio and pretty much confirmed this. Don’t let a player on the team for a week give the halftime pep talk… man, woman, martia.. i don’t give a damn.


  3. RangerRuss

    There’s minimum fifty male former HS soccer players on the Vanderbilt campus that could do a better job than that girl. It’s simply a distraction and a nuisance and disrespectful to players who have earned the privilege of suiting up.

    Liked by 8 people

  4. Ran A

    I have ‘0’ problem with her kicking off or attempting FG’S. But you would think the Vandy coaching staff would say, kick it off and get off the field as quickly as possible.

    Liked by 1 person

    • mddawg

      If she’s on the field, she has to be held to the same standard as the other players. Any other kicker is expected to be a willing tackler, so she should be too. Anything less only feeds into all the criticism you’re seeing online.

      Liked by 4 people

      • Ran A

        I get that… If I’m the coach – “kick it and get off the field”

        Liked by 1 person

      • Derek

        Why doesn’t Vandy respect the long and storied history and tradition of having only manly, athletic and highly skilled players as fg kickers?

        Liked by 2 people

        • mddawg

          I’m not exactly sure what your point is here. Perhaps I should’ve said “she needs to be held to the same standard as any other kicker“, is that fair? I get that kickers usually aren’t the biggest or most athletic guys on the team. No one is going to mistake Podlesny for a tight end or running back. But how many times have you seen a kicker make a tackle on a kickoff return, often as the last line of defense to prevent a touchdown? If she’s being told to kick off and get off the field as quickly as possible as Ran A suggested, then she’s being held to a different standard.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Derek

            My point is that she’s likely as unqualified a football player as practically every fg kicker out there and at the same substantial disadvantage should the need arise to momentarily pretend to be one.

            And, that the hand wringing by the 19th century wannabe retrogrades who are complaining about her participation is shrill, stupid and misplaced.


          • stoopnagle

            If she had the balls to call them out at halftime for being defeatist, then I’m guessing she’s at least willing to try to stick her nose into a tackle. Maybe we’ll all get to find out?

            Honestly, I don’t see why anyone has their drawers in a wad over a female placekicker in college football. Who cares? Just play.

            Liked by 6 people

            • mddawg

              Maybe she’s 100% willing, she’s probably taken a few hits on the soccer field before. But the original comment above suggested that the coaches wouldn’t want to test that theory, and they would instead give instructions to her that they probably wouldn’t give to a male kicker. In my opinion, that’s not the correct approach to take.


            • I agree Snoop, just play. As in, after the kickoff don’t run off the field to protect anyone. If you do, you’ve counterfeited your argument. A family relative of mine is in med school at Vandy now, along with Vandy’s previous kicker, who still has eligibility. Why didn’t they ask him? They didn’t. And he volunteered.


            • roterhals

              I’d say allowing any kicker who JUST JOINED THE TEAM to give a “call out” speech at halftime is just a wee bit problematic.

              Liked by 2 people

  5. spur21

    The world continues down the road of madness.

    Liked by 4 people

  6. D as in Dawg

    If she has to get hit, it’s gonna be ugly. That will be meme material for our rivals. UGA hitting girls.

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Faltering Memory

    Best game I ever watched at Vandy was Tenn State vs, FL A&M. The place was packed (literally standing shoulder to shoulder) at halftime for battle of the bands.


  8. debbybalcer

    Some of you act like soccer is like flag football it is not. She is a competitive soccer player and I am sure she would stay in a tackle someone.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Ozam

    Power 5 college football is not the place for a publicity stunt. How would the girls soccer team like it If a 6 ft 4 in 225 lb striker wants to be on the girls team. What a joke. Welcome to the new world.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Got Cowdog

      I get your point but the analogy isn’t accurate. it’s more like a 5’5″ 210lb member of their SEC championship men’s golf team wanted to play on the girls soccer team but only play during penalty kicks.
      If she was a 6’6″ 265lb bruiser highly recruited OLB out of high school maybe those team members skeptical of having a female on the team might have a more favorable opinion of her playing football.
      Or, we could just make all sports transgender. We could do away with title 9 anyway…

      Liked by 1 person

  10. Greg

    I’m just wondering if she dresses with the team…

    Liked by 1 person

    • Got Cowdog

      It is possible that seeing Kathy Ireland in a pair of football pants and a cutoff jersey had a considerable impact on my young and impressionable psyche.
      If she gets the opportunity I hope she successfully kicks for 3, If she gets one blocked or gets involved in a return I hope the Dawgs will be chivalrous in their responsibilities.
      2020 is a weird ass year.


  11. Idlewild Dawg

    I’ll go out on a limb & say there’s a damn good chance we find out how good of a tackler she is this Saturday.


  12. A few random thoughts:
    I’ve read she was already cleared for the Covid protocol and that made it easy to take an athlete from another Vandy team. That makes sense given they were shorthanded. You would have to assume they brought in the best person they could to kick.

    It’s doubtful all the Vandy players were excited about having a woman join their team. I’m sure some didn’t care or were happy for her but out of 60 dudes you have to think many weren’t.

    I would bet the halftime speech was awkward to watch. Kickers typically don’t have a lot of credibility with a team and she was also brand new. And, she literally didn’t do anything in the first half so I doubt it came off real well unless she is a great public speaker.

    The SEC giving her player of the week is ridiculous. She didn’t do anything to deserve the award. Now, if she has a good game and makes a field goal or 2, then award her.

    Liked by 4 people

  13. 123 Fake St

    Some of you are so open minded, your brains have fallen out.

    Liked by 3 people

  14. archiecreek

    I think Coach Cochran will say, “Let’s find out if she wants to play football!!”
