Stay classy, Geoff.

Coach Collins showed his ass last night.

Yeah, the game was chippy and the refs sucked, but that’s no excuse for Coach Waffle House to take it personally.

Afterward, Tech coach Geoff Collins had a terse meeting at the center of the field with his Panthers counterpart, Pat Narduzzi.

Collins extended his hand for a shake but quickly snatched it away and left Narduzzi looking befuddled.

“I told him, ‘Hey, you’ve got a great team,'” Narduzzi said. “He said, ‘Baloney,’ or some other nice words, and walked off. I don’t know. I thought it was a good game.”

Collins insisted that he didn’t intend to get into it with Narduzzi.

“I was just focused on getting our guys over to the band to celebrate,” Collins said. “I don’t even remember what I said, to be honest with you.”

I’ll bet.

Needless to say, the outrage on Stingtalk is so thick you could cut it with a knife.

Damn, I wish COFH were a thing this year.


Filed under Georgia Tech Football

41 responses to “Stay classy, Geoff.

  1. What a dick. Say what you will about Fish Fry, but he’d never have pulled that shit.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. aucarson

    Celebrate a loss with the band?
    I call baloney.

    Liked by 4 people

    • Biggen

      I didn’t watch the game so I had to look up the score because I assumed they lost. When I saw they did in fact lose, I asked myself the same question. Celebrate a loss? Only that joke of a team.


      • PTC DAWG

        I watched it, they didn’t play bad, just couldn’t stop the RB Pitt had. He was about 5 foot nothing and weighed around 170 lbs…looked unstoppable. GT is woefully slow on D.

        Still don’t understand what was under 404’s craw.


  3. Hogbody Spradlin

    Reminds me of the handshake between Corch and the Kiffin Kancer back in 09.


  4. If it was about the 2 point play at the end of the game, it was the right call according to the chart. If Pitt doesn’t go for 2 and Fech does something odd in the final minute to score 2 TDs to win by 1, Narduzzi gets roasted.

    Sure, probably doesn’t happen, but at a 2-score game, it’s still in doubt.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. ApalachDawg aux Bruxelles


    Liked by 5 people

  6. siskey

    Tech does not seem to be getting any better. I really wish that we played them this year. Tech is one of the worst tackling teams I’ve ever seen. It’s like they all learned how to tackle watching our 2008 game against them.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Maybe instead of pissing and moaning about Narduzzi and the refs, they should ask why their team gave up two and a half bills to a 5’8” tailback? Dunno, just throwin’ that out there.

    Liked by 8 people

    • Russ

      That was glorious. The announcers were falling all over themselves about some Tech LB that hurt his hand, but he was toughing it out to get back out there. They ignored the three consecutive missed tackles the guy then had to basically seal the game for Pitt.



  8. RangerRuss

    No class. That’s tech in a nutshell.
    They are so easy to hate.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. Ran A

    Tech had a game last night?

    Liked by 2 people

  10. 79dawg

    Geoff wasn’t the only “Tech man” to show his ass last night, I mean the whole electrical engineering department basically showed theirs during the second quarter….

    Liked by 2 people

  11. theorginaldawgabides

    Cut him some slack. Geoff the elf was running late for his shift at the North Pole.

    Liked by 1 person

    • DawgFlan

      Haha – This reminded me of The Santaland Diaries by David Sedaris. Now I have to go read/listen to it again. Hilarious.


  12. barneydawg

    Tech is very consistent…..they continue to hire asshole HCs who went to Western Carolina and yet brag about academics.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. stoopnagle

    Just want to shout out to Sinclair Broadcasting for making me dig around for an illegal stream last night just so I could hatewatch tech. As if eroding democracy wasn’t enough, they have to overvalue regional Fox Sports networks too. A real nice group of people them.

    Liked by 7 people

  14. NotMyCrossToBear

    DICK move.


  15. dman2020

    JJacket said:
    We started walking out from our seats in the UN almost as soon as the ball turned over on downs. By the time we got to the stairway, the refs van was already headed out from the north endzone with a police escort. Maybe the world record for refs leaving a game. They must have dove into the van and screamed “go! Go! GO!!!!”
    The refs absolutely know they screwed GT over last night. They should have plenty of CYA explaining to do to the ACC, bit the ACC is a öööö conference that will not do a damn thing.
    SuperJacket21 said…our 10s of fans must have scared them off.

    Classic self insult!


    • W Cobb Dawg

      I was switching back and forth between the Rams-Patriots and this game. I don’t recall seeing any significant bad calls by the refs. My take on the game was that if Pitt had done better in the red zone they could’ve put up 40+ and won by 3 TDs.

      Maybe Collins was under the impression it was a close game. No class chump!


  16. What a bitch! Just don’t even go out there at all if you’re gonna act more like a child than an adult. He’s perfect for #the404.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. archiecreek

    Those capris pants must’ve tightened around his scrotus!!

    Liked by 2 people

  18. Teacher Martin

    You’re asking a GT coach to stay classy? Bahahaha!


  19. Ace Harris

    Have you noticed, Geoff has no neck, none, nada. AND he always wears a turtle neck which makes it more obvious. Strange looking dude!!!


  20. practicaldawg

    My guess is that he was pissed he would have to wash his hands again at Waffle House.


  21. I’m gonna throw a whole nother wrinkle into the CGC discussion.

    Is he in “the lifestyle”? Wearing a black ring on right hand is an indicator.

    Not that there is anything wrong in making that your choice, but would piss off a few mommas on the recruiting trail.

    Surely he’s not that sloppy.


  22. 69Dawg

    What stream did you find the game??? Youtube TV has dropped both Fox Sun and Fox Fl from our locals.


  23. bigjohnson1992

    What a d—khead. Win or lose, shake hands and move along. Everything you do on the field is on film, and will be used against you.
