TFW you don’t have results to sell

Thought this makes for an interesting contrast with the complaint from Chip Towers about player access.

Keep in mind Beamer coached under Kirby, so he knows how the other half lives.


Filed under 'Cock Envy, Media Punditry/Foibles

29 responses to “TFW you don’t have results to sell

  1. MagnusDawgus

    Beamer was probably the chattiest source in Seth Emerson’s book about the 2017 season. I think he genuinely likes to get the story out and is a fan of openness.

    Liked by 1 person

    • jwgiglio

      I was coming here to say the same thing! It seemed like the vast majority of the inside info in that book came from that single cross-country phone call with Beamer, lol. I love Emerson’s articles at the Athletic, but that book definitely showed the limits of his access.


      • Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2024)

        The best part of the book was Jed Blazevich ripping on Chaney for being an absolutely terrible offensive coordinator and play caller.

        Made me smile from ear to ear.


  2. Not sure how many people listened to the full podcast with Towers and the Clemson guy, but I was taken aback at Towers’ tone. I thought he came off almost bitter.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2024)

      Well, wouldn’t you be? Compare that to Chip’s relationship with the previous staff, where the coach let his coaches speak to media, where it wasn’t adversarial.

      Let’s be real clear about one thing: Kirby is a good coach with the possibility of become a great coach, however, he’s also an asshole to media.

      Liked by 1 person

  3. Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2024)

    You telling me there’s another way?


  4. argondawg

    We need to get to know Beamer’s staff quickly lest they be gone. Just sayin…. the expectations and the realities in South Carolina dont even remotely line up. They know they are down I just down know if they understand how far down they are.


    • One of the posters known as Mark

      And historically speaking, “down” for South Carolina is very far down.


      • Down Island Way

        Lets just see how that letting the staff/players chat after a couple of ass whuppins plus a 3/5 game looooosing streak….


  5. artistformerlyknownasbman

    To paraphrase a line in The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance: This is Columbia, sir. When the legend becomes fact, print the legend.


  6. classiccitycanine

    Reading through the comments on the last post, it was evident that a lot of people have axes to grind with the media. I get that there is a strong incentive to create clickbait, hot takes, and narratives (see Mike Griffith, Connor Riley, etc), but there are also the Seth Emerson’s who are trying to provide us with interesting and relevant stories.

    Frankly, I am 100% in support of Shane’s approach here. I understand the rationale behind limiting freshman access, but everyone else should be fair game. I think more access is good for three reasons:
    1. Sunshine is the best way to prevent scandals
    2. Cultivating a good relationship with the media (and by extension the fans) is a great survival strategy for the head coach
    3. Allowing fans to get to know the coaches and players increases our attachment to the program and boosts the fan support (I.e. money and attendance) that is the lifeblood of a strong program.

    Liked by 2 people

    • Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2024)


      What he said.


    • Biggen

      Beamer is the head coach of South Carolina, not exactly a national powerhouse. No one expects him to win more than 7 games a year and honestly no one expects him to be there more than 4 or 5 years maximum. He can afford to be as open as the legs of a $5 hooker because, well, who the hell cares anyway??

      Put him into a flagship program like Bama, Clemson, Ohio St, etc.. and see how far he is willing to open up the program to the media.

      Liked by 2 people

      • Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2024)

        Clemson and Ohio State ARE open.

        The only big programs that aren’t are Bama and Georgia.

        What exactly is the point you’re trying to make, given that?


        • Biggen

          I know that Clemson at one point outright banned players from getting onto social media. I’m not sure if that is even still a thing in today’s cancel culture and I’m not sure if it extended into media either.

          But my point is that Beamer can afford to let his players and his coaches be about as open as they want. I don’t think anyone is chomping at the bit to find an edge to beat the Cocks anytime soon like they would be trying to do with Bama.

          I’m not sure what Ohio St policy is.


          • Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2024)

            I don’t really think you’re making any point here, other than to say Beamer would do things different elsewhere, not realizing that Clemson and Ohio State is as open as Sakerlina has been in the past and still is now.

            I think a lot of us here don’t really seem to realize that Kirby is the one not doing it like anyone else outside of Saban.

            I’m not making a value judgment there, specifically, even though I’d prefer he not muzzle his coaches, but Kirby’s way and barely veiled antagonism with the media is not necessarily the best way. It’s just a way.

            Liked by 2 people

      • classiccitycanine

        South Carolina fans, supporters, and the beat reporters care I’m sure. That’s the primary constituency whether you’re at a USC or a national powerhouse.


    • Anon

      I make no distinction between liberal fuck sports reporters and liberal fuck Washington post reporters. The sports reporters happen to be able to live on a lower cost of living. Shit profession


  7. Sweet D

    Playerspeak = coachspeak. 99% of the time they toe the party line

    But I also think it’s a good idea to put faces and personalities in front of the fans, especially as we move into an NLI environment. I think it would profit all parties.


  8. I still havent gotten an answer to what we are missing. What exactly do y’all need to ask Todd Monken? Like I said, I watched every single one of Bobos deals and it was pretty terrible in general. And often resulted in fiery interwebs.

    But tell me – should monken give 30 minutes to the press a week or go get into the next weeks game plan? And, what do you need to ask him, I bet I can answer it for you, “We need to go out an execute better. I need to do a better job as a coach. Go Dawgs”

    Liked by 2 people

    • PTC DAWG

      Exactly, but you have to remember, this board is full of wanna be Coordinators, etc….


      • I think people have forgotten how entitled some of the folks were with Smart, and acted like asses, so he said “ok, got it”. They were given the privilege of attending practice, not the right, and they acted like they were so wronged. Maybe the reporters should work on their piece, those that do seem to get plenty of time and info. How many have actually called BM and asked for an interview? I bet few. They are lazy click bait hunters.

        Liked by 1 person

    • Well, hell, man, based on your reasoning, why do any pressers at all?

      Liked by 1 person

  9. practicaldawg

    I hope Beamer enjoys his honeymoon with the press for a few more months

    Liked by 1 person

  10. bigjohnson1992

    Translation – Since there won’t be any highlights or anything positive to discuss regarding our teams performance, let’s keep things cheery with quick hits about locker room pranksters, the players favorite video games, our gameday meal greatest hits, and fart jokes. The gamecocks will battle vandy for last place in the east for years to come. Coach Champ must be grinning from ear to ear counting his millions.


  11. godawgs1701

    I advocate strongly for Kirby to loosen the media restrictions and I always have.

    With that said, it’s a lot easier to be like that when you’re South Carolina and you know beyond the shadow of a doubt that you aren’t playing for a dang thing this year. No need to worry about a player interview screwing something up when there’s nothing to screw up. lol
