The law, in all its majesty

The Alston oral arguments are underway right now.

Question:  if you had to pick the Supreme Court justice who would be the first ever to mention the transfer portal, whom would you choose?

Answer in comments.


UPDATE:  I just…


Filed under See You In Court, The NCAA, Transfers Are For Coaches.

22 responses to “The law, in all its majesty

  1. Liked by 2 people

  2. godawgs1701

    Look, I’m not a lawyer. But neither are these idiots the NCAA has representing them. LOL

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Gaskilldawg

    I would have guessed Kavanaughhad I not read the Senator’s post first

    Liked by 2 people

  4. mp

    If you had told me one of the judges would define the NCAA labor market conditions as a monopsony, I would have been bowled over. Beautiful to hear that word (correctly used).

    Liked by 1 person

  5. geez, I am not a lawyer, nor on the bar, but I could put forth better arguments for the NCAA. Give me that $500 an hr and let me put forth some argumentation already.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. beatarmy92

    Learned Hand

    Liked by 3 people

  7. Derek

    You may not like the argument and while it may be the most hypocritical self serving nonsense uttered since chutzpah, it ain’t bad.

    For conservatives justices who see human behavior as a product of incentives/disincentives it may sell.

    Liked by 1 person

    • junkyardawg41

      I agree Derek. I see the NCAA argument along the same lines as job incentives. For instance, let’s say I hire you as a lawyer to my firm. I then tell you the job requires you to be and to win cases. However, if you win 70% of your cases, you bonus 200% of your salary. Do you think you will focus on the ethics or on winning cases?


  8. Gaskilldawg

    I wonder if any Justice asked the lawyer. “Why doesn’t the NCAA reduce the allowed practice time?” if protecting study and class time is the main objective.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Truth

      Well you can’t do that. As a completely amateur, non-profit enterprise you have to do something to protect your ROI.


  9. TripleB

    Thomas is from the south. He knows about football. Not sure about the others. Do they have transfer portals in the Ivy League?

    Liked by 1 person

  10. cowetadawg

    Ouch – both liberal and conservative justices giving NCAA a hard time (deservedly). Brilliant legal campaign NCAA.
