Man with the plan?

That was then.

… Did Alabama unlock the key to breaking down the Bulldogs’ touted defense? Lewis Cine doesn’t necessarily think so.

“I felt like we were doing a whole lot of different things,” Cine said. “We switched up a whole lot of different things for Alabama that we didn’t do the whole season. But we’re going to what we know and what worked for us the whole season and to say I know what’s going to happen in the game, I can’t see in the future. But I do know that we’re really in our comfort zone of doing the things we’ve done the whole season that’s worked for us.”

This is now.

“There is a huge significance in every game. Just making sure that we are clear on that because I know there are people that think the bowl games don’t matter, but they matter,” Smart said. “Certainly, being in the CFP heightens the attention to it. We have a really solid plan.”

And, just remember, campers…

“We have different game plans for each game,” Dean said. “You know, not every game you’re going to play the same. If we came out on top, we probably wouldn’t be saying too much about how we played the game plan so I just feel like we need, if anything, just need to get the game plan and execute it the way we see it. If we execute it, we’ll be good.”


Filed under Georgia Football, Strategery And Mechanics

29 responses to “Man with the plan?

  1. Oy…where was the adult on Kirby’s staff to tell the HC he was outsmarting (pun intended) himself and psyching-out his own team? Kirbs…you fell into the trap. You built a juggernaut, dance with what brung ya and just let them loose.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Derek

    Personnel wise I saw differences. Other than that I’m not sure what Cine is talking about. I would think that you’d have some different strategies given the deviation Alabama represented from the offensives we’d seen.

    Seems to me the biggest thing is the dbs need to “stop cutting guys loose” as CKS says and when we get a hand on 9, finish. When he fumbles maybe we get a better bounce next time.

    Liked by 1 person

    • junkyardawg41

      The one that jumps out to me was how we employed our NT the first half+ of the game. People kept saying JD99 was tired but I didn’t see a tired effort I saw a NT spy effort. Without pushing the pocket inwards, we gave Bryce all day long to pick us apart.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Derek

        Maybe the idea was that his mere presence would make them more predictable (not running in either A gap) and they were trusting the other guys to finish?

        I was, as is typical at a game, fairly inebriated but what I saw wasn’t so much a failure on our part but 9 being superhuman and his teammates responding to that truly special performance.


        • junkyardawg41

          I think both things are true. I think Bama played their best game offensively — 9 certainly was a huge factor and I also think our defensive game plan, while good coming in, didn’t adjust as fast as the Bama offense.

          Liked by 1 person

          • Derek

            That was obvious. My hope is that if we get the chance we’re either super aggressive or super conservative. Trying to match up with 1 or chasing 9 with 4 doesn’t look like a winning strategy.

            I’d like to see us lay off in quarters or send more than they can block.

            Seems to me if you double up on 1 and take away the run, you can hope to keep a lid on their side of the ledger.

            Cheap first downs and explosives are killers.

            If they can be patient and win with 10-15 play TD drives without making mistakes, hand them the trophy. But don’t them them beat us with what they want to do.

            To me that’s been the magic in what Belichick does. Take away what they want to do. If they’re going to win its going to he out of their comfort zone.


      • Migraine Boy

        Yeah it reminded me of the way teams used to scheme Mike Vick : no rush, keep him in the pocket, if he gets by you you’re dead.

        Problem being, Auburn had just shown THE WEEK BEFORE that disrupting Young was the key to slowing them down and we went the exact opposite. I’ll be baffled by it until I die.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Derek

          I think there’s a bias for doing what you’ve been doing.

          We’ve never just lined up everyone within two yards of the LOS like that. As far as I know Auburn didn’t roll that out for that game only.

          I also know that Auburn didn’t go into that game thinking they could match up in terms of speed and athleticism. I also think Bama was was more locked in for us having been told all week they were about to get their ass beat. I don’t think they had much respect for Arky or Auburn and that’s why they struggled more than scheme.

          Who knows?

          There is a reason those guys get the big bucks and I post worthless opinions and comments on a blog.

          Liked by 1 person

    • Jack Klompus

      Crazy how those fumbles have usually gone Bama’s way. Like the fumble on the goal line that just bounced right back into the RBs hands.


      • Derek

        I know. For that reason I keep getting caught between thinking the outcome was an anomaly and thinking we have to change everything.

        Liked by 2 people

        • californiadawg

          They played their absolute best game offensively a week after almost losing to a team we demolished. I’d like to hope we’d see some reversion to the mean if/when we face them again. I worry about over-correcting but mostly I just hope Kirby makes adjustments sooner when needed. Anyway, got to focus on Michigan first and shake off this SEC hangover once and for all.

          Liked by 2 people

  3. Russ

    I want to hear that they have a plan for Michigan. I want to hear how the players can’t stand maize and blue and want to hammer them.

    Liked by 10 people

  4. Plan:

    Show Up
    Beat That Ass
    Party In South Beach

    Liked by 3 people

  5. D as in Dawg

    One things for sure, Saban will have a game plan for your game plan so you’ll need a game plan for his game plan for your game plan.

    By the way, Bryce Young’s new nickname is Game Plan!

    Liked by 3 people

  6. rigger92

    Anyone watching the Independence bowl? How in the hell did we spank UAB so bad? (I know how but where did that SBIV go?)

    Liked by 1 person

  7. classiccitycanine

    Sounds like Cine came the closest to telling the truth and it will be coach speak from here on out.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. stoopnagle

    Beat Michigan

    Liked by 3 people

  9. uga97

    Fingers in ears….na-na-na-na-na. At this point do it on the field. Talk is nonsense. GATA.
