This aggression will not stand, man.

An abomination, plain and simple.

The weird thing will be next season, when they use the same theme music for both conferences.

Shame on you, CBS.


Filed under Big Ten Football

38 responses to “This aggression will not stand, man.

  1. Damn that feels weird watching it.


  2. Dawgfan1995

    Considering that they are getting perhaps the 2nd or 3rd best B1G game each week, just wait till that music is trotted out for a mid-season matchup between Maryland and Rutgers. Or Minnesota and Indiana. LOL

    Liked by 4 people

    • Dawgfan1995

      Also, I cannot wait for the first B1G fan to tweet, “Shut up Gary!” I’m guessing that happens sometime before kickoff of the first B1G game on CBS.

      Liked by 3 people

      • He’ll have the same attitude about anOSU that he does for Bama. Michigan and Ped State will be playing and he’ll be talking about the Suckeyes.

        I hate that we’re losing CBS. I don’t hate that I’ll never have to watch their lame pre-game show or listen to Gary Danielson ever again.

        Liked by 3 people

    • 81Dog

      THE BATTLE FOR THE OAKEN FEED BAG! Or what TF ever. I hope they totally NASCAR this whole deal. They can bury Kevin Warren in 100 dollar bills up to his eyebrows, but big 10 football still sucks.

      What did we hear the whole last half of the season last fall? “Ohio St (who lost at home to Oregon, btw) is so explosive, UGA couldn’t stop them and couldn’t score enough to keep up, probably!” So then Michigan (🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣) bully balls them into submission and all we heard for a month was “Michigan offense! They are versatlie and will beat you to death! And their D! Those DEs are unworldly, you can’t run on the They shut down Ohio St, they’ll kill Bennett!”



      Liked by 2 people

  3. That makes me want to puke. I couldn’t watch more than 3 seconds.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Let’s all give our “best and worst” of the video!

    Best: Maryland uniforms
    Worst: James Franklin

    Liked by 1 person

  5. David Chadwick

    I can’t help but think those leftover Big 10 games they’re going to broadcast are a huge step down in quality. I still hate losing that music for SEC games.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2021)

    Fuck CBS for this.

    Seriously, they refused to pay the SEC for the best game of the entire day of CFB, but they’ll pay a shit ton of money to the B1G for the second or third best B1G game of the day and use OUR MUSIC for it??? Assholes.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Salty Dawg

    I can’t roll my eyes hard enough, so I stopped watching 1.5 minutes in. What a joke. I’m sure all 548 tv viewers will love it.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. aucarson

    Not many crowd shots, too many empty seats perhaps?


  9. munsonlarryfkajim

    But isn’t this a tradition kind of like Jacksonville we should all be fighting to retain? I mean call Josh Brooks and threaten to withhold your Hartman donations is he messes with tradition. Am i doing this right?

    Liked by 1 person

  10. If you can’t have the on-the-field product, at least you can have the sound of elite football in your house on Saturdays.

    Liked by 2 people

  11. Damned Yankees ruin everything. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  12. RangerRuss

    I have reservations about voting for anyone willing to subject themselves to the shitstorm that is politics. Sort of like not wanting to be a member of any organization that welcomes the likes of me.

    Liked by 1 person

  13. moe pritchett


    Y’all know that 3:30 time slot is about to tank.
    That’s why.


  14. David D

    The only music that fits the B1G on CBS is a fucking polka.

    Liked by 12 people

  15. waterswv

    Any chance this speeds up the exit and we get and ESPN & OU/TX next year ?


  16. 3rdandGrantham

    Absolutely disgusting.

    But then again, we really should all just laugh. I mean, when they do that intro and pan a 1/2 full Ross-Ade Stadium on a miserable 41 degree day in West Lafayette, while touting the Purdue – Maryland affair set to start…literally everyone will shake their hand on how much CBS has fallen.

    Liked by 1 person

  17. This feels dirty. That’s the only word for it.


  18. Nil Butron is a Pud



  19. munsoning

    If there is a God, Gary will end his career doing color commentary on Indiana @ Rutgers on a gelid Thursday night in late-November. The quality of most big ten football is sub-Vandy’s spring game. And tOSU can feed itself to a wood chipper.


  20. williamcw865517


  21. Blasphemous, sacreligious and any other ous’s that may apply.


  22. ben

    I kinda think the SEC got pantsed this round.


  23. Dawg19

    It feels like I’m listening to Ohio State’s band play “Glory Glory”.
