“Congratulations. Now, come with us.”

This is quite the story.

Who the hell came up with that?


UPDATE:  Maybe they were testing for this.


Filed under Georgia Football

36 responses to ““Congratulations. Now, come with us.”

  1. voxdawg

    My first reaction is that it was Sour Grapes Saban driving that bus.

    Someone convince me otherwise.

    Liked by 7 people

  2. Seriously WTF? That’s the best time for a drug test? I just will never understand the logic of the NCAA

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Illini84

    The only was I’ll take a drug test if it’s take-home!

    Liked by 2 people

  4. munsonlarryfkajim

    Would have been the most Georgia thing ever for him to fail and us to forfeit the victory on the spot…

    Liked by 1 person

  5. RangerRuss

    That’s some serious invasion of privacy right there. At least the cocksuckers didn’t wait a week after the NC to administer the test when the party had been in full swing.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. The Truth

    Wasn’t a drug test, it was a blood test.

    “Mr. Bowers, there are allegations you’re from the planet Krypton. We need to make sure your blood is red.”

    Liked by 12 people

  7. bulldogbry

    Not gonna lie, I would drug test Carter, Washington, and Bowers. It’s easier to believe their doping than to accept, “Jesus, that guy is a ball player”.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Castleberry

    Now I have to know….
    whether Metchie & Williams were tested

    Liked by 15 people

  9. uga97

    Probably the TSA did.


  10. Corch Irvin Meyers, Former Jags Corch (2021)

    Wouldn’t surprise me if Saban had anything to do with it.

    Liked by 3 people

  11. whb209

    That could be the most BS story I have ever heard. The NCAA is full of crap but I did not know how full. To hell with all of them. Brock would be the last player I would worry about failing a drug test.

    Liked by 1 person

    • MGW

      I mean he’s a fucking unit. A man among boys. Not saying anything about his character but physically I guess he’s the target if you want to throw rocks. Which is clearly what this was. Just some pure bull shit concocted by some angry Bama booster with connections.

      Liked by 2 people

  12. MGW

    Well there’s a story.


  13. Makes me admire Brock even more…very humble, aw-shucks type, even after that…no cynicism, no arrogance…his mamma and daddy should be very proud…and we are grateful they shared him with us…DGD

    Liked by 5 people

  14. originaluglydawg

    If true he should have told them no. Not unless every player, coach and Official is tested too. And then he should have taken a drug test on his own, kept the results secret until after he won that legal battle. Then, with the neg result, he could start suing all of the news outlets that would have openly been falsely accusing him. Test everyone or test no one.
    Random testing is required by US law in some industries. I can tell you that in a lot of cases it isn’t really random. The same “safe” people are “drawn at random” over and over. The companies want to avoid the drama, costs, lawsuits, bad publicity, etc for firing people. It’s much better for them to have people who meet the “safe” profile criteria tested. The same with the TSA. They go to extremes to avoid the accusation of profiling, which is bullshit. When you look out the window to see who’s knocking before unlocking and opening your door you’re profiling.

    Liked by 1 person

  15. RC

    He’s an outlaw, that one…you can see it in his eyes…

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Outraged, I looked up the NCAA policy. They claim to test year round and during championships. So…in theory…others got tested that evening on both teams but only Bowers has mentioned it publicly (which I’m guessing he probably shouldn’t have as protocol). Now we need Seth to FIO and find out who else got tested to tamp down the outrage.


    • And it was still a BS move. Test before, so if positive and eligibility lost, you suspend the player and not hand a free championship to the other team. My God the NCAA sucks.

      Liked by 1 person

      • Testing before would likely only tell you if the player had been using a long-term substance. After would tell you if the player used immediately prior, or during the contest.


        • Do PHDs work 30 minutes before a game? If so, then there is no choice. Hard to believe one can be clean, and then take a hit that has any effect just before showtime. Other than cocaine, of course, but that’s 80’s old school. 😜


    • I got randomly tested while at UGA. Laughed my ass off.


    • Catfish

      I’m sure he got Kirby clearance before he spoke publicly.


    • coastaldawg

      They have tested for PEDs for sometime during championship tournaments etc. I don’t think the testing includes weed just PEDs. If I remember correctly one of our women swimmers tallked about getting tested at the NCAA Championship a few years back.

      I get it for individual sports, but don’t know how it would impact a team sport or if they even test competitors from both teams.

      I agree that this would be a interesting story for Seth or some other sports journalist.


  17. RangerRuss

    Zaxby’s sauce is some nasty shit. Maybe it’s akin to Chinese mustard and needs mixing with a sweet sauce?

    Liked by 2 people

  18. Dawg19

    If Greg McGarity was still AD, we’d have the answer.
