Wednesday morning buffet

You’ll find something to nibble on from these:


Filed under Crime and Punishment, General Idiocy, Georgia Football, Georgia Tech Football, Nick Saban Rules, SEC Football, The Body Is A Temple

8 responses to “Wednesday morning buffet

  1. FLdawg

    File Under: The Elite Media Hates the SEC.

    He is pointing to 2008?
    Which conf won the nat’l champ in 2008?

    Which proves the SEC can dominate college football with one hand tied behind its back.

    SEC Rules!
    Georgia Forever!

    Go You Hairy Dawgs!


  2. FLdawg

    Mike Bobo has a message for his O-line?

    Here’s a message for Mike Bobo: Keep it simple.

    Run the ball. Ball control passing. Short passes. First downs. Eat clock.

    Our tight ends cant be covered. Balance with wide receivers.

    Running game cant be stopped. Balance with tailbacks and fullbacks.

    Opponents’ defenses must pick their poison. Balance kills.

    Dawgs offense will reduce penalties and turnovers.

    2010 will be a breakout year, championship season.

    Go You Hairy Dawgs!


  3. 69Dawg

    Every time I watch the Tech game and see Vance get that stiff arm I throw up in my mouth. If he is going to press, which he was doing on that play, he had better have grown a pair, because he looked like a little girl.


  4. Charles D.

    Anything free at sporting events is fine by me, even a snuggie.


  5. Dog in Fla

    “The University of Alabama will unveil its statue of Nick Saban in August.”

    “Emails sent by Fanblogs to confirm that resizing the statue’s head led to delays were not answered by the university.”

    Here is an unconfirmed shot of the veiled statue and its aura in which the head appears to be pointed:


  6. C. Thomas

    That KFC sandwich looks really good.


  7. Nice comments, Senator. I’m guessing the “dude” that runs that Tech site must not be in Atlanta currently? This comment brings me endless amusement:

    Until then, stay safe (away from Athens)…

    I guess that being verbally harassed over some brats equals unsafe in a Techie’s mind whereas having twelve armed robberies on and around your campus in the last year is safe?

    I currently live in the VA Highlands and I refuse to venture over to the other side of the Connector after dark because of the crime wave over the last two years. However, I don’t ever remember feeling unsafe the two years I lived near downtown in the neighborhood between the 40 Watt and Milledge Ave while I was in college (which is notorious for peddlers and homeless – I think I spoke with Jazzy J on a daily basis while walking to North Campus every morning). Pot, please meet kettle.


  8. Antbody who has ever played and was not made to look stupid or worse on more than one play was not ever really in where the action was going on.
