Thursday morning buffet

There’s always something to put on your plate.

  • From the nice-gig-if-you-can-get-it department:  Kansas AD Lew Perkins makes Mike Hamilton look like Jack Freakin’ Welch.
  • In a related matter, Jason Whitlock hyperventilates“Goldman Sachs has nothing on the NCAA”?  Dude.
  • The Florida Gators, a team in search of an affront.
  • This isn’t exactly what Vanderbilt needs now.
  • Patrick Garbin views the Dawgs through the lens of one of my favorite metrics, yards per point.
  • In the second quarter of last season, the SEC had eight teams among the top 20 merchandise  sellers.
  • Ivan Maisel takes a look at recruiting the Rust Belt in an era of economic decline.
  • John Pennington defines Dennis Dodd’s “bubble”:  “A horrific year and some boosters would call for Richt’s head.” Gee, John, by that standard every coach in America is on the bubble, no?


Filed under Gators, Gators..., Georgia Football, It's Just Bidness, Media Punditry/Foibles, Recruiting, SEC Football, Stats Geek!

12 responses to “Thursday morning buffet

  1. Bulldog Bry

    So the Gators are using a loss as motivation for this year. That’s fresh, I wonder if other teams have thought of that.


  2. kckd

    That Garbin YPP thing makes me beg this question: How the hell do you finish seventh in the league in YPP, but end up plus 20 on the turnover scale?

    That would suggest that LSU’s defense was much worse than it looked that year.

    It makes sense that UGA’s defense gave up the least YPP with out turnover ratio last year, but that LSU 2007 rank is mind boggling. Tends to say the turnover ratio had more to do with their NC than anything else.


  3. kckd

    Of course those two OT games didn’t help. Wonder what it would’ve looked like minus the OT stats for LSU 2007?


    • ConnGator

      I hate that they include overtime stats. Totally warps the numbers from what really happened on the field. The only stat they should use is the winner gets one point added to the score.


  4. JC in Powder Springs

    Garbin’s article really nailed it. You can’t overstate how vital it is to have a top D in the SEC. Makes you wonder if 4 coaches on D is enough (vs. 5 assistants + CMR on O). Considering Garbin’s results, perhaps the Dawgs should shift more resources to D. Would that mean shifting another coach to D, or a higher emphasis on D recruiting vs. O recruiting? Finally, Garbin’s article was a reminder that Gary Gibbs did a pretty good job with the D in his only year with the Dawgs in 2000. I for one, was sorry to see Gibbs go, though BVG was a terrific replacement.


  5. Hobnail_Boot

    With regards to the article on merchandise sales.. you have to take it with a huge grain of salt because the CLC doesn’t represent all of the major universities. Ohio State, for example, uses a different company for its licensing deal.


  6. Dog in Fla

    “Kansas AD Lew Perkins” was only getting $85,000.00 per week.

    If KU expected him to be responsible for five of his AD employees and one of their spouses for $1,000,000.00 worth of ticket scalping, they should have known that they would have had to pay Lew at least $100,000.00 per week to micromanage something like that.

    Or maybe they were just scared of him…


  7. Mayor of Dawgtown

    Forget the $85K/wk BS. The guy is the supervisor of a department and had his subordinates stealing $1,000,000 on his watch without him knowing. Apparently he is clueless about what is going on in his own department. What do you think would happen to you on your job in that situation? He should be fired instanter. By the way, that would be for cause, too. No golden parachute.
