As the swallows return to Capistrano…

… so, too, does Todd Grantham seek out his annual offseason leverage for a salary bump.


Filed under It's Just Bidness

19 responses to “As the swallows return to Capistrano…

  1. Siskey

    I don’t know what Gus is waiting for. I am sure that there are a couple of former Dawgs who would love to join him over there.


  2. Normaltown Mike

    oh please oh please oh please oh please


  3. WF Dawg

    Auburn players trying to learn the Grantham playbook. I foresee a lot of hands raised in confusion, pre-snap.


  4. Walt

    Grantham and Auburn brings back fond memories of time Grantham was yelling at the Auburn kicker to choke. The kid make, the kick, which won the game, and then gave Grantham the finger.


  5. charlottedawg

    There’s a valuable career lesson to be learned here….


  6. the "ChilliDawg"

    Todd knows where all the bodies are buried, particularly where Bobby P is concerned.


  7. 202dawg

    Maybe Shaq W would follow. I’m sure they would embrace his personality on The Plains…


  8. Go Dawgs!

    We’re potentially losing Willie from the schedule if he goes with Richt to The U, so we need a crappy former DC on the schedule. Go Todd!


  9. RugbyDawg79

    You boys are showing a lot of class on here this evening
