“The most important point for me to be there is after the fact.”

If you’re a US Congressman, there will always be another hurricane affecting your district for you to lavish with your undivided attention, but a Georgia game at Notre Dame Stadium?  That’s a different story.

A Dawg’s gotta do what a Dawg’s gotta do.


Filed under Georgia Football, Political Wankery

98 responses to ““The most important point for me to be there is after the fact.”

  1. FisheriesDawg

    To be fair, I know a whole lot of his constituents who made the exact same choice. That’s representative democracy in action.


  2. Heyberto

    This is the BS that permeates politics these days. Feeding the idea that someone should disingenuously make a useless appearance to be doing something, versus actually doing something. He’s not a guy on the front lines of preparation and if he were would no doubt be a distraction rather than a help. Ridiculous.


  3. dawgtired

    If the president can play golf while Americans are attacked in Benghazi, I don’t see why a congressman shouldn’t take in a UGA game during a storm…


    • illini84

      Or lie us into a war that killed a couple of hundred thousand people including 4000 American. No problem there because he and his chickenhawk buddies are “conservatives”.


      • Normaltown Mike



        From the Junior Senator from New York

        “Today we are asked whether to give the President of the United States authority to use force in Iraq should diplomatic efforts fail to dismantle Saddam Hussein’s chemical and biological weapons and his nuclear program.

        I am honored to represent nearly 19 million New Yorkers, a thoughtful democracy of voices and opinions who make themselves heard on the great issues of our day especially this one. Many have contacted my office about this resolution, both in support of and in opposition to it, and I am grateful to all who have expressed an opinion…

        So it is with conviction that I support this resolution as being in the best interests of our nation. A vote for it is not a vote to rush to war; it is a vote that puts awesome responsibility in the hands of our President and we say to him – use these powers wisely and as a last resort. And it is a vote that says clearly to Saddam Hussein – this is your last chance – disarm or be disarmed.

        Thank you, Mr. President.”


        • Derek

          You’re right. Iraq had less to do with political ideology and more to do with stupid. I would ask that the anti-stupid take a look at the percentages of stupid on each side of the aisle on this issue and make a judgment on the degree and depth of the stupid.


          • Normaltown Mike


            That stupid UN with all their stupid resolutions!



            Cheney (evil genius) tricked the UN into passing all those resolutions in the 1990’s so that he could engineer an invasion and ensure that Haliburton sold sporks to the Pentagon for profits!

            NO BLOOD FOR OIL!


            • Derek

              If you’re suggesting that the UN favored an invasion then you’re too dumb to have typed anytging…at all.

              Btw: I thought part of the whole conservative mindset was personal responsibility. I know I heard that somewhere. We know who wanted the invasion. We know who ordered it. We know it was fuck-tarded. We know it’s execution and aftermath have been FUBAR. Own it. You know just like you’re supposed to own your personal decisions and not blame others for your position in life? Or is that message only for the “poors” and not for the rich and powerful?

              Liked by 1 person

              • JCDAWG83

                I’m pretty conservative but I agree the Iraq invasion was dumb as hell. I also can’t quite figure out why we are still in Afghanistan. Bin Laden is dead, isn’t that why we went into there?


                • Derek

                  The rationale is that if we leave the Taliban will take over again and give ISIS or something similar free space to train up another cadre of killers.

                  Whoever leaves owns what happens there next and that’s why its indefinite and unending. No one has the balls to risk being wrong.

                  There is no winning there. Its Vietnam with less body bags and at least a somewhat better rationale.


              • kfoge

                I believe you are suggesting that Republican’s in Washington are conservative. You would be wrong. As a broad statement, “conservative mindset” focuses on financial responsibility, not killing babies in the womb, small government, not growing government telling you how to live, etc. Its based more on my city and state know more about how I am living and what is best for us than someone in Washington. I would be more than happy to educate you on things other than name calling if you would ever like to talk.


                • kfoge

                  My reply was to Derek


                • Derek

                  Small government equals telling women what they can and can’t do with their bodies under threat of arrest and incarceration. Is that stupid or cognitive dissonance? Educate me.

                  Liked by 1 person

                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Again, you’re confused. Small government means allowing hot dog vendors to be free from being shaken down by cops. It means having few enough regulations that the federal government can actually keep track of how many regulations there actually are.

                  Protecting innocent children from being murdered is another thing entirely. If you really are dumb enough that you can’t understand why laws against murder exist, you probably can’t be educated in a thread on this site. Perhaps repeating sixth grade would be in order.


                • Derek

                  What if there is a disagreement on whether abortion is or isn’t “murder.”

                  If you think that going into a clinic and getting an abortion is the same as walking into a day care center and shooting up the place, you are welcome to that opinion.

                  If I saw someone about to do harm to children, I’d do something. I’d feel an obligation to do what ever was in my ability to stop someone from killing innocent children.

                  That you can sit there and do nothing while “babies are being murdered” at clinics as you say then you are exactly the coward I pegged you as being.
                  Either that or you really don’t mean the shit that you write. Either way you want it: coward or liar. One or the other.

                  The truth is that its probably a lot of both.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Well, reasonable people could discuss exactly when human life begins. Idiots will just call others names and insult them.

                  Dude, the “not man enough” routine doesn’t work on me. If you were someone worthy of respect, I would consider your opinion. The fact that you’re a child throwing a tantrum means you simply have my pity. Maybe you need a nap.

                  However, I invite you to take the very action you claim to be willing to take. American-led coalitions are killing innocent children in the Middle East right now. Why aren’t you on your horse heading to Syria, Yemen, or Iraq to protect these innocents? Is it because they’re brown? Is it because the Bush/Clinton/Obama foreign policy has condemned them to die and you can’t question your leaders? Come on! Don’t be a pussy! Get over there are put your tough talk into action.

                  As a thought exercise, try to differences between children who are born and unborn to determine why one is alive and deserving of protection and one isn’t and can be dismembered and thrown in the trash. And don’t simply state that Michael Moore said so. Try to use some consistent logic.

                  As for me, I can sit by while people are murdered because I’m not dumb enough to believe that the world should be a perfectly fair Utopia in the Marxist/Leninist model. People will die. I won’t be able to stop it. I don’t have to set myself on fire to keep the world warm. Even if you think I’m not “man enough” to do it. 😉


                • Derek

                  So you agree with Paul Hill and Eric Rudolph, you just aren’t committed enough to your beliefs to act.

                  How am I name calling? Isn’t that definitional cowardice?

                  Would you put yourself in harms way to prevent a 2 year olds death or not?


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  That’s weak sauce, Derek.

                  You believe that killing 2 year-olds is murder, right? So why aren’t you out every night playing Batman and protecting children? Why aren’t you hunting down their killers and murdering them? Why aren’t you in Syria or Yemen saving children by smuggling them to Greece and Italy? Why are you spending your time trying oh so hard to insult people on the internet?

                  As for me, I would protect a 2 year-old in my family. A 2 year-old in another family may be a different story. Maybe I would wait around for you to save him and save me the trouble.

                  But I also accept that this world is a world of bad things where people get hurt. I’m too well adjusted and humble to think that I can fix the world. That kind of thinking (yours) is psychotic.


                • Derek

                  Well if you know of a place where they are systematically killing 2 year olds five days a week for a relatively small fee, send me the address and I’ll look into it and we’ll see what happens.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Sure. Syria. Yemen. Iraq. Afghanistan. I’ll watch for your face on the news, hero.


                • Derek

                  Give me a street address and a business name.

                  I can do that for you in the case of those you call child killers.

                  Conflicts in Yemen and Syria aren’t the same as an abortion clinic. Nobody is systematically killing kids and you know it. Stop being stupid and either admit that abortion is not murder OR that you’re too much of a coward to do anything about it.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Jim Mattis
                  Secretary of Defense
                  1000 Defense Pentagon
                  Washington, DC 20301-1000

                  Go get ’em, tiger.

                  I know you don’t consider hundreds of thousands of brown kids to be any big loss. But some of us can look beyond skin color and have sympathy for innocent lives lost. We’re not all as bloodthirsty as you.


                • Derek

                  I checked and the pentagon is not killing 2 year olds for a fee. It’s just a rumor started by someone with a flatulent erection.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  So, just because they do it for free makes it moral in your book? Wow. Your depravity knows no bounds.


            • Ms. Emily Litella

              Yeah! And Cheny’s not a very good OC either! ……What? That’s a different guy?…..Never mind.


          • Napoleon BonerFart

            Thank God the genius constitutional scholar got us out of the Middle East, just like he promised to do during his campaign, and didn’t make things worse.


            • Derek

              Yep. It was so much better when we were fighting for the Iraqis instead of them fighting for themselves. Once again the things you say you are for at home – skin in the game, personal responsibility, reliance upon big government making one dependent, etc… but you lose that perspective at the border.

              Why exactly should we be fighting an enemy that Iraqis have shown that they are perfectly capable of fighting themselves? Do you like dead US Marines? Is that it?


              • Napoleon BonerFart

                Nope. I’m completely consistent. I’m for peace. I’m for the US government leaving American citizens alone and also leaving Iraqi/Syrian/Yemeni citizens alone. I’m for keeping our armed forces as a deterrent against attacks against our sovereign soil, not to try to pick winners and losers in the game of Al Qaeda against ISIS against secular dictators.

                On the other hand, you’re the one constantly contradicting yourself. Dead US soldiers are bad, unless they were killed under the watch of a Democrat. Authoritarians are bad, unless they approve of high tax rates and homosexual marriage. Violence is good if a Republican Congressman is being shot, but bad if an antifa protester is killed.


                • Derek

                  Yeah remember when I endorsed shooting Scalise. Good point. I must have been black out drunk. Can you show me that so I can apologize?

                  Go fuck your straw man.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Dude, you’ve endorsed violence on this very thread. Don’t pretend that you’re peaceful when you’re just cheerleading for your own kind of thugs.


                • Derek

                  And I’m very, very specific about it. It doesn’t give you license to bullshit and not get called out on it.

                  People whose ideology is that other people are lesser than them AND they want to do something about it should be resisted by all means necessary including violence.

                  We began the country by resisting a King through violence who believed that he was endowed by God to be better than you and I. This country was founded on violence both in action and in words.

                  “The tree of liberty must be watered by the blood of tyrants and patriots.”

                  I, for one, am proud of the notion that all men will and must be free or die trying. It says just that in New Hampshire’s state motto,

                  Those whose ideology says that only they deserve God-given freedom and that others do not are in that path and must be removed by all means necessary. Those who are too cowardly to notice much less resist a tyrant or a fascist aren’t deserving of anything but contempt.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  People whose ideology is that other people are lesser than them AND they want to do something about it should be resisted by all means necessary including violence.

                  And in the same post …

                  Those whose ideology says that only they deserve God-given freedom and that others do not are in that path and must be removed by all means necessary. Those who are too cowardly to notice much less resist a tyrant or a fascist aren’t deserving of anything but contempt.

                  Congratulations. Rarely are your contradictions in logic displayed in the very same post. But you’re in rare form. So, people who believe they are superior to others must be violently resisted. Unless those people are Democrats who want to “free” all the inferior peoples of the world to live under American imperialism.

                  Even if we bought into your particularly evil foreign affairs morality, that only Americans can dictate how the rest of the world can live, from a practical standpoint, we just can’t do it. We lost Vietnam. We are losing in the Middle East. And you want to expand that to every nation and continent? Surely even you can see that ridding the world of non-American tyranny isn’t worth setting the world on fire. Live and let live is a much simpler, safer, cheaper, and more effective ideology.


                • Derek

                  Damn you’re dumb. I mean you’re setting records in stupid.

                  It’s got nothing to do with my superiority dumbass. It has to do with the fact that some people’s ideology is inherently dangerous to the world. I’d gladly join in with supply siders and socialists and hippies and anti-abortionists in beating the fuck out of a Nazi or a member of Isis despite the fact that I’d probably not have a lot in common with any of them, other than the “i hate Nazis too” part. We’re not disagreeing on taxes you shithead. We’re talking about basic human rights. You either believe they exist and are willing to fight for them or you’re an idiot and a coward.

                  We’re not talking politics we’re talking about survival of representative democracy. We’re talking about the the first sentences of the Declaration of Independence. Many people have died for that shit despite the fact you would have sat on your ass instead. Just suck on the teat of the freedom others fought for while you eat your Cheetos and be quiet. You have nothing to offer and you so state.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Damn you’re dumb. I mean you’re setting records in stupid.

                  Coming from you, I’ll take that as a compliment. I mean, when the Devil calls you evil, you’re doing something right.

                  It’s got nothing to do with my superiority dumbass. It has to do with the fact that some people’s ideology is inherently dangerous to the world.

                  You can’t even see it. Yes, some people’s ideology is dangerous to the world. Yours. You don’t oppose violence. You endorse violence. You love violence. But you want your kind of violence. You want leftist violence. You want Marxist violence. If we’re talking about killing an unborn child or some boob holding a tiki torch, great. If we’re talking about killing a Marxist/authoritarian sympathizer, not great. Whatever. I think violence is bad and shouldn’t be used to silence someone’s opinions.

                  But you really need to think beyond the R/D worldview that you have. Right wing people deserve to be murdered while left wing people deserve to be the murderers. That’s stupid. True freedom isn’t about jumping on the winning bandwagon in whatever war. Might doesn’t make right. True freedom is about being free to behave in whatever way you want as an individual. That’s what you continue to fail to grasp. And until you do, you’ll continue to be a useless idiot who believes that morality is whatever the politicians with the guns tells him it is.


                • Derek

                  That’s just a lie you invented to make yourself feel good. I’ve never endorsed death for people I disagree with on policy. I’ve only said violence is an acceptable means of protecting personal and political freedom for all. Those who think only whites or only Muslims (or only blacks or Hindus or buddhists or asians or purple or green) should be protected by the law and the rest are lesser people deserve what they get.

                  The rest of your rant is some fever you invented because everyone who disagrees with you must be Che Guevara. That conclusion, like most of yours, is dumb.


        • Macallanlover

          Agree Normaltown, don’t expect the hystericals to get the mood permeating the country at that time, nor to consider all the factors involved. I am also tired of us saving the world and spending lives and money at every turn around the globe.

          But I will say that the generation before us wished they had acted much earlier in Germany before the millions of Jewish lives were lost, not to mention the additional millions from the war. At the time we brought about regime change in Iraq, the estimated murders attributed to Saddam Hussein was put at over a half a million. How many is enough for some to feel action was needed? Not saying it should have been a US responsibility, but some hystericals should note how little help we were given in stepping up the problem, not to mention enforcing a UN decree that was being completely ignored. Saddam had already used chemical weapons (included in the definition of “weapons of mass destruction) on the Kurds, and was clearly not complying with UN resolutions for inspections deemed necessary to protect the lives of millions of Europeans….not Americans. Everyone should applaud the effort in taking down that evil monster, and offering a chance for a normal life to those under his dictatorship. I just don’t like what it cost us in lives and money when many of the countries that were at risk stood by and did nada. Screw France, Italy, and the other UN affiliated nations who should have stood shoulder to shoulder with us. Don’t tell me you are concerned about human rights when you feel Saddam should have been allowed to continue slaughtering, and mistreating, political enemies and innocent children. God Bless the US military for the number of times they have saved people’s asses around the globe when they no one else to rely on.

          If the leftists want to join a movement to reduce our intervention when US lives are not at risk, I am there with you. But you might not like my idea to redeploy many of those frred up troops along out southern border to stop not only the enormous leak in the security dam, but also the drugs flowing in there and the crippling cost of the illegals entry. We have our own crisis, we will send proportional help around the world when we are able, and it makes strategic/moral sense. America first is every US president’s primary job.


          • Napoleon BonerFart

            The problem is, stopping a dictator from killing people results in killing more people. Estimates of the sanctions during the Clinton years put the deaths of Iraqi children at 500,000. And Madeleine Albright stated that those deaths were worth it to try to harm Hussein. So it’s not entirely clear which set of mass deaths is worse.

            As for World War II, I don’t know exactly how much good we did. In 1933, there were around 9.5 million Jews. If we assume that Germany would have killed every single Jew in Europe, the war saved 3.5 million Jews. At the cost of 60 million lives. And it also surrendered Eastern Europe to Communism for fifty years.

            So, using military force to try to stop bad things from happening, while sometimes morally satisfying, is frequently a bad idea from a strategic viewpoint. I think it’s more sensible to accept that bad things sometimes happen in this world and it’s the next world that’s supposed to be perfect.

            Liked by 1 person

            • Macallanlover

              As I said, I am generally in favor of keeping our troops home, but there are strategic uses of American troops, only in conjunction with the army/citizens in the country we fight in, along with other regional allies, where we can help. That would preclude Vietnam in my mind where we never knew where the citizens were shooting from, nor did it have the strategic significance to justify the US support. Basically, I am against being the world’s policeman. Humanitarian work to stop situations like Iraq, Syria, Bosnia, etc., can be accomplished one off, much like we do with Israel. Fortify them, train them, but stay away and let a committed government fight their own battles.

              My point was that Iraq was a mini-Hitler situation for humanitarian reasons as well as the strategic reasons of not having a nutcase with weapons of mass destruction loose so close to our traditional allies. But with France, Germany, Italy, etc., on the sidelines, fuck them, save the American troops’ blood and spend the money building up our ability to defend our homeland.


      • Faulkner

        Agree on both counts dawgtired and illini.


      • Normaltown Mike


        Did they have a live feed of CNN in that class?


        • Derek

          You’re right. The president of the United States can only be informed if he’s watching the “fake news broadcasting station.” Otherwise he’s devoid of all info.

          You walk into the “Situation Room” and its a 32″ b/w tuned to CNN and the channel changer has been ripped out.


          • SEBdawg

            Surprised you have time for a football blog with all the preparations you have to be making for the Bernie 2020 campaign. You and the Bern should be huddled up trying to figure out how much more of my papermill paycheck you can take to pay for your single payer system instead of hanging around here with the deplorables.


            • Derek

              I won’t vote for Bernie in the primary. Might not in the general depending on the opponent. Not an ideologue. I only oppose stupid.

              As far as deplorables. Yes. The guys (trump voters) holding tiki torches and yelling “Jews will not replace us!” are deplorables who could use a baseball bat upside the head. I’m for Inglorious Basterds II right here at home.


              • JCDAWG83

                I guess you’re fine with the Antifa terrorists?


                • Normaltown Mike

                  he is. He fantasized about smashing people in the head with hammers.

                  Very progressive.


                • Derek

                  Once more for the morons:

                  August 16, 2017 at 10:56 AM
                  Fuck you too. You’re the speech police today. You’re the ones who feel compelled to verbally coddle the enemies of freedom and democracy. I won’t and I could give a fuck about their damn fee fees.

                  If your ideology has demonstrated that you wish to (and will) cleanse the planet of those who don’t look like you or believe as you do, I say call them what you want and bash thier fucking heads in with bats.

                  Free speech ain’t free and among the costs is that your speech and your symbols will cause unrest, anger and violent outbursts. It’s illegal and ought to be but it is NOT morally inferior to physically challenge and confront hate. As long as anybody is willing to accept the legal consequences they should confront that ideology by any and all means necessary. Make the cost too high to do anything but for them to sit in their mother’s basement on stormfront but stay out of the public square.

                  I initially thought Il Douche was a clumsy fool on Saturday who agreed that it was better to say the right thing on Monday. Then came Tuesday and I am angry. The truth is that he’s a sympathizer as are you.

                  Either you think you’d cheer for the people challenging the terrorists I described above OR you think nazis and the klan is simply a better, more favored ideology. You can’t have it both ways. You have to choose. I’ve made my choice and you and Il Douche have made yours.


                • JCDAWG83

                  Sounds like you’re OK with one side using violence against a group they don’t agree with as long as the violent side has your opinion. Life doesn’t generally work out that way. One day, both sides are going to show up in equal numbers and the bloodshed will be real and people like you will be responsible for it because you decided one side has a right to their opinions and the other side has the right to get violent in their disagreement. Unfortunately for the folks you back, one side is generally better armed and it ain’t yours.

                  How about the govt defend everyone’s right to express their opinion equally and not “pull back” when the opinion isn’t PC? You and those who share your political/social leanings seem to think violence is OK as long as it’s against the “bad people”, as long as you get to decide who’s “bad”. I guess the concept of “equal protection” only comes into play when you are in the minority?


                • Derek

                  I agree with Bob Marley:

                  Until the philosophy which hold one race superior
                  And another
                  Is finally
                  And permanently
                  And abandoned
                  Everywhere is war
                  Me say war

                  [Verse 2]
                  That until there no longer
                  First class and second class citizens of any nation
                  Until the colour of a man’s skin
                  Is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes
                  Me say war

                  [Verse 3]
                  That until the basic human rights
                  Are equally guaranteed to all
                  Without regard to race
                  Dis a war

                  [Verse 4]
                  That until that day
                  The dream of lasting peace
                  World citizenship
                  Rule of international morality
                  Will remain in but a fleeting illusion to be pursued
                  But never attained
                  Now everywhere is war – war


                • Derek

                  And this too:

                  August 16, 2017 at 7:26 AM
                  Let me set this shit straight:

                  If a bunch of fucking rag heads get a permit to hold a rally in downtown Athens where they burn the American flag and chant “death to America” I expect 1) the police to make an effort to protect those idiots and 2) Good Americans will show up to try to rip them to shreds.

                  After these fuckheads get their asses kicked, if a president said “both sides”, the terrorist supporters and the people trying to shut them the fuck up are “bad” he’s a fucking shitbag who isn’t fit to serve. He’s not to be acknowledged as anything but on his way out.

                  The only difference here is that some (YOU!) and Il Douche are sympathetic to the cause of the klan and the Nazis and the white nationalists and antisemitic and thoughts racial purity and supremacy.

                  It’s obvious. It’s apparent. You’ve been clear. And I’m done with the bullshit that this “both sides” is anything but coddling of people I hold in the same contempt as ISIS and the Taliban. Go fuck your self nazi.


                • YOU GO GIRL!!! Clap….Clap…..Clap……Jamele Hill everyone….lets giver her a big round of applause!


                • Derek

                  Truth hurts don’t it Nazi?


                • Odd. Why can’t I reply to Derek’s last comment?


                • Anyway, only a complete moron would call someone they don’t know a Nazi on the internet. Derek…if the shoe fits there buddy…..


                • Derek

                  Its a simple problem of literacy dude. If you would gladly find yourself physically attacking pro-Isis, anti-american protesters burning american flags, or wouldn’t sympathize with them if they were under physical attack or would be pissed if POTUS equated the people beating the fuck of of pro-ISIS sympathizers with them, then essentially you are saying that Nazism, White Nationalism and the Klan are a superior viewpoint as compared to Islamic fascism.

                  I think they are essentially the same ideologies in that they say that some people are good and some people are bad, should die, be chattel or less than citizens, etc… because of the way they look or what they believe. If you think nazism is better than Islamic fascism, then in truth you’re a Nazi. Get it Nazi?


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Dudemankind, you just don’t understand his definitions. Anybody to the political right of Al Sharpton is a Nazi. If you would like the highest federal marginal income tax rate decreased from 39.6% to 35%, you’re a Nazi. If you believe that freedom of association should extend to business owners, you’re a Nazi. And if you think that tens of millions of illegal immigrants may negatively impact American politics and culture, you’re an uber-Nazi that should be shot in the head and buried in a shallow grave. Understand?

                  Liked by 1 person

                • Derek

                  If you call yourself Napoleon Bonerpart you’re a liar who makes up shit because he can’t argue the facts.

                  I can fight his way though: To Napoleon anyone who won’t hold a 6 year old down while he brutally rapes them is a liberal. Get it? That’s who you’re dealing with. A person whose political ideology is based on his need to rape children and his opposition to those who have the temerity to try and stop him


                • Napoleon BonerFart


                • Not sure where I said anything pro-Nazi on here. Not sure why I am feeding the Senator’s pet troll either. Somebody explain why you can get kicked off of this blog for spouting stats and making dumb football arguments, but Derek gets to call everyone names not just some days, but all day – every day.


                • Derek

                  Would you like some whine with that?

                  Not sure that the host is real keen on protecting the fee fees of nazi sympathizers.


                • Yeah well fuck you too Derek. Don’t let yo heels slip out da back a yo shoes, ok?


                • I’m sorry… you can’t control yourself and somehow that’s my fault?



              • Napoleon BonerFart

                Good ideas don’t require force. If you can’t oppose Nazis using words and you have to resort to violence, your ideas are inane and you’re no better than they are.


                • Derek

                  Tell the guys buried near Omaha Beach.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Not that Omaha Beach was a good idea, but do you seriously think that millions of Nazis killing millions of people are the same as a few dozen idiots carrying tiki torches and chanting slogans? Why am I not surprised?


                • Derek

                  Have you heard of Kristallnacht you fucking retard? You can wait until you are on Omaha Beach or you can nip that shit in the bud. I say never again should we allow Nazis a foothold even if they’ve yet to construct the ovens, idiot. Beat their brains out now and then you don’t have the “same” later. Why am I not surprised that you’re too dumb to get that?


                • Hogbody Spradlin

                  Dreck, Kristallnacht was government sponsored and supported, kind of like how today’s left wing congresspersons urge on the pissants in the black outfits who are too cowardly to show their faces. Different from a few drunk redneck haters who latch onto nazi and KKK logos.

                  You paint the rednecks as blessed and sponsored by republicans. Republicans are contemptible for many reasons, but you’re drunk on MSNBC Kool Aid. How mediocre and cliche you are.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  So you really can’t divine the difference between the rise of a national political party and a few dozen bozos holding a rally.

                  For what it’s worth, according to the SPLC, the KKK currently has around 5k members in many splintered groups who often fight amongst themselves. And that number is trending downward steadily.

                  Nazis can’t even begin to compete with those paltry numbers. The last neo-Nazi summit in Kentucky attracted 150 people (although the organizers claim to have 600 members worldwide).

                  And those are the numbers that keep you up at night. You can’t rest until we murder every single person in these organizations. And we’re not even talking about the ones who partake in violence. Maybe some of them just want the wall built, or to end affirmative action. Should we murder them too?

                  Tiki torches aren’t that scary, Derek. The next time you see one, just climb into bed with your parents and it will pass.


                • Derek

                  Kristallnacht was government sponsored and Charlottesville was government condoned and coddled.

                  Little difference in my view.

                  As far as cowards with masks so long as their target is fascists…yawn. They get what they get. I’ll cry for them about as much as I’ll cry over the next drone strike on an ISIS stronghold. Meaning, I won’t.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  Your absolute refusal to grasp reality, however tenuously, is absolutely hilarious. The KKK that you’re so worried about has (according to the SPLC) around 5,000 members. And that’s most likely an inflated estimate. And that number has been trending downward for decades.

                  The latest neo-Nazi convention in Kentucky attracted 150 people. The Bronies convention, where grown men dress up like My Little Pony characters to fuck over Bronies, drew over 7,000.

                  And you’re worried that we haven’t murdered every single Nazi/KKK member? In 1938, the Nazis were the controlling party in German politics. Practically every post was staffed by Nazis. Can you see the difference between then and now? A one-party government controlled by Nazis compared to a few dozen dudes holding signs and chanting slogans? 🙂


                • Derek

                  Who said I was worried? I know they’re outnumbered. I just said they needed their asses kicked.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  It’s much more effective to deal with them by engaging and debating ideology, rather than simply saying, “My violence can beat your violence, so I’m more moral.”


                • Derek

                  I’m not saying either. What I’m saying, which you’d know had you paid any attention, is that there is no moral equivalence between Nazis and anti-Nazis. The anti-Nazis are correct. Those who say both are bad or are equally bad are stupid, lost and/or sympathetic to Nazis. I’m not sympathetic to Nazis. I am sympathetic to those who would do them harm even if I agree that it should be illegal to commit such harm.

                  Violence does not make one moral, it simply is a means of winning so your morality will endure and not perish. If you believe in your morality you should be willing to do what is necessary to protect them.

                  I am not an ideologue. I believe in representative democracy where every man is equal under the law regardless of what he looks like, who he prays to and who he sleeps with. To some that makes me Karl Marx. I think it makes me Jeffersonian. I believe in and would die for the ideals which founded this country upon no matter how distant their promise has been from our grasp. We’ll keep reaching and one day we’ll fulfill the promise of our forefathers who were the pioneers of government of the people, by the people and for the people. I will do my part to see that their vision does not perish from this earth but will endure so long as man endures.

                  Don’t take it from me, take it from Merle Haggard:

                  “I read about some squirrely guy,
                  Who claims, he just don’t believe in fightin’.
                  An’ I wonder just how long,
                  The rest of us can count on bein’ free.”

                  You can’t count on being free if the Nazis have their way. I believe in fighting’ em.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  You’re just too dumb to look beyond labels. Just because Communists will fight against Nazis doesn’t mean they’re the good guys. They’re still Communists. They’re still authoritarians who want to violently oppress people. The only difference is, you’re against violent Nazi oppression and in favor of violent Communist oppression.

                  I’m just the messenger pointing out that differences in reasoning of violently oppressing people don’t matter much to the innocent victims of oppression.

                  So, keep believing that you’re moral and Jeffersonian. Neither Jefferson, nor Jesus, nor Gandhi, nor probably your own mother would claim you.


                • Derek

                  I’m virulently anti-communist but appreciate the fact that you need me not to be.

                  In communism everyone is poor and the power lies in those in government. It’s just the other side of a bad coin.

                  I am little “d” democrat. All power to the people. I want a government of the people, by the people and for the people. And I want all people to enjoy equal benefit of the law but certainly not equal benefit of the country’s wealth. However, as I am able to keep two competing concepts in mind at once, I don’t think that a healthy democracy can can have both extremely rich and extremely poor in great numbers. It is destabilizing in many respects and it needs to be addressed.


                • Napoleon BonerFart

                  As usual, you’re full of shit. Antifa are communist thugs. They want to assault whites, racists, and capitalists. They want to use government force to steal property from the rich and redistribute it to the poor. So do you. You’re one of them.

                  Classical, Jeffersonian liberals don’t use government force to pick economic winners and losers. They don’t use government force to decide which speech can be allowed and which speech deserves a trip to the gulag. Jefferson believed that individual liberty trumped government power. He was in favor of secession and nullification in pursuit of self-determination. In no way should you consider yourself a Jeffersonian.

                  You’re simply an Orwellian using words that you don’t understand to try to lend legitimacy to your abhorrent and evil morality. Innocent brown children and the unborn should be murdered with no repercussions. American imperialism should rule the world. Eat the rich. But because you refer your version of Maoism as democracy, that must make it OK. It’s not. You’re just a member of the Antifa mob. You’re unthinking and simply egging on violence. You’re like a toddler playing with a gun.


              • Hogbody Spradlin

                So you oppose stupid Dreck. What makes your opinion more worthy? What makes you so smart you can throw ad hominems at other opinions?


    • The Dawg abides

      (This goes at the top of thread)

      Liked by 1 person

  4. Russ

    A fellow Young Harris College graduate. 😉

    And yeah, while I don’t agree with Buddy’s politics, this is B.S. Is he supposed to drive around and help board up houses or something?


  5. Borodawg

    He was just following the mandatory evacuation order for Chatham County. The order did not state where they had to go.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Just show the Coastal Empire folks the Krypton video from last Saturday. They will get it. Video gives me chills and has made me realize I blew a once in a lifetime experience.


  7. Go Dawgs!

    I’m a journalist, so I understand why these questions need to be asked. Constituents do deserve to know where their representatives are.

    However, I certainly hope that people aren’t going to make a big deal out of this. The man took his cell phone with him. I’m sure he had a laptop. That’s really all he’d need during the storm. He’s not the mayor. He’s not the police or fire chief. He has no position in the emergency operations center. His only role is to secure funding for disaster relief. He’s right: he’s not really needed until after the thing blows through. Had Irma hit Savannah directly, the guy really should have evacuated anyway as a good example to his constituents. So where is he more effective? Safe and sound in South Bend? Or sitting without electricity in a motel in Macon, Georgia with all of the other evacuees?

    Plus, come on, miss that game? Heck no.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. Thatguy

    I mean, exactly WHAT was he supposed to be doing on the ground before-during the storm? Shooing it away with the threat of congressional sanctions?


    • Just like the majority of politicians, if not all, I doubt he did anything of any significant consequence before, during or after the hurricane. It’s the ol’ promise everything. deliver nothing and blame someone else. That’s how the politicians on BOTH sides of the aisle roll.

      Liked by 1 person

    • Napoleon BonerFart

      He could have made burnt offerings of cash to appease the gods of climate change. Or do you want children to die, Nazi?


  9. CPark58

    I live in his district, once the storm shifted west it largely became a non event. By the time it got to this latitude, the outer bands of the hurricane were only slightly worse with a bad spring or summer storm. Tybee experienced flooding but it wasn’t devastating. Had it stayed its course as of last Thursday, and made direct landfall in Savannah as a category 3, the area would’ve been toast but thankfully that didn’t happen. The only reason it is such a big talking point in this area is due to Harvey and Irma’s impact in Florida.

    I hate politicians as much as the next guy but not near as much as I hate superfluous outrage.

    Liked by 1 person

  10. PTC DAWG

    Typical AJC BS….and these comments didn’t take long to get off track either..Bless Y’alls Heart.


  11. Napoleon BonerFart

    I don’t care that he watched a football game. I just want to know what kind of shoes he was wearing. Then I can be appropriately outraged.


    • 92 grad

      Superfluous outrage pretty much sums up every print and television news agenda over the last 20 years. Otherwise known as entertainment news channels,


  12. Funny. I might have gone too. Reminds me of Marion Barry heading to Pasadena for the Super Bowl when D.C. got its teeth kicked in by a huge snowstorm.


  13. Will Trane

    Optics is not good.
    This was a massive storm. It was initially to track the Atlantic. Even all the geeks at the Weather Channel rushed to that side, only to try to get over to the Gulf.
    So here is the issue. One game. Set it aside. Is the Congressman willing to set another situation of this magnitude aside to attend some other event. That is where his voters have him parked now.
    Easy to campaign against him. “You rode it out, but you Congressman bailed out to higher ground and you in your time of trouble”.
    He had better have his ass on the ground delivering more than that Congressional “winching”.
    Times have changed Congressman.
