Roll, Bravos!

Well, this is a beaut.


The truly great thing about this is that he didn’t even manage to use the right font for the “A”.

That’s the Braves’ font.  Bless his heart, as we like to say in these parts.


Filed under Political Wankery, Whoa, oh, Alabama

76 responses to “Roll, Bravos!

  1. Uglydawg

    Big deal.


  2. Normaltown Mike

    Does this mean he has to do the Tomahawk Chop on the Senate floor?


  3. Pawwwlll – everybody knows the Tahd’s A is the one with a mullet.


  4. Go Dawgs!

    It’s not quite the Braves’ “A”, either. The Braves’ logo has the cross on the A going up on the right side and down on the left side. That’s basically the Alabama “A”, minus the mullet on the top.


  5. ChiliDawg

    You don’t have to stereotype the trump wing of the party because they do it for you.


  6. simpl_matter

    [grabs foam tomahawk]



  7. Chopdawg

    AlaPubs, I feel your pain, having to choose between Luther & Roy.



    Not as good as a Libertarian vote, but much better than a Dem vote…


  9. SEBdawg

    Maybe given the way the 2 teams are playing, the licensing for the Braves “A” was much cheaper!


  10. Otto

    He does love the poorly educated


  11. Cousin Eddie

    Some Barn fan will get the idea to make Saban a write in candidate, this way he will be forced to leave Bama.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Derek

    When will we know America is great? Personally I’m sick and tired of America being so much less than great that its a popular political slogan that it ain’t. Remind me: which side is running the shitshow in this shithole?


    • Chris

      People already know when they check their 401k/IRA portfolios. Not to mention 3% GDP growth after 8 years of 1%. And all this in only 9 months! What an absolute Madman.

      I’m still not tired of all the winning. No naps.


      • Derek

        First I’ll assume that you hated Bush cutting the Dow in half during his term.

        Second I’ll assume that you were impressed by the markets tripling under both Obama and Clinton.

        Third, given that absolutely nothing has passed in terms of policy what is the cause of the 10% increase? (I note that 10% is far from tripling but it is early.)

        Fourth is the difference being great and not great 10% on the Dow?


      • cali_dawg

        You can thank Obama for that bump. Trump hasn’t passed shit. No budget, zero legislative wins. Let’s talk in a couple years.


    • MLB2

      Kim Jong In. 😉


      • Derek

        Fire and fury! Trust me.

        Just fire a missle over Japan. Try it. Ok. That’s the last one. I’m warning you.


        Listen, we will not accept a third missile fired over Japan. I said “fire and fury” dammit!!!


        • 81Dog

          good point. He should just present KJU a cheesy “reset” button and proclaim victory.


          • Derek

            I just think it’s important not to make threats you’re unwilling to back them up…unless you’re Kenyan. If you’re Kenyan then no you can’t do that. Otherwise empty threats are totally cool.

            I think it’s written the GOP platform that way. It’s the Kenyan/Red line exception rule. Passed unanimously.


    • Jack Klompus

      Y’all go play on Facebook


  13. AusDawg85

    It can’t be they knew to not copy the UofA trademark exactly?


    • Don in Mar-a-Lago

      I only hire the best IP lawyers and weather girls


      • Derek

        He’s got a good brain and he watches a lot of tv.

        Who knew health care could be so complicated?

        Bernie 2020: single payer health care and the Canadians are gonna pay for it! Trust me.

        That sort of bs has worked before.


        • Don in Mar-a-Lago

          America First always works when Luther calls Alabama the Crimson Tide with a Roll Bravos! hat in English that honors me, myself and my other self.


  14. No Axe to Grind

    All this political bullshit is rubbish. In 25 to 30 years the US government will not exist in its present form. If you think I am unrealistic, wait and see. As one blogger on a political blogsite recently stated, “Invest in gold, silver and lead.”


    • Greg

      “Liquor and Whores” IYAM:


    • Derek

      The interesting thing is that literally nobody said anything like that 25, 30 or more years ago. The theory that the government is in the verge of collapse is totally new.


      • Irwin R. Fletcher

        Every part of the US government and society will collapse…yet there will still be a way to cash in gold in some sort of free market system?

        Is that because we are going to be taken over by benevolent Pirates who rather than plundering will exchange goods and services for precious metals?


      • No Axe to Grind

        I don’t recall that the the US government had a deficit of 20 trillions of dollars 25 or 30 years ago. Think things are going to improve genius


        • Derek

          And our annual GDP is how many trillion? How many trillion are the assets of the country valued at?

          When you look at the big picture, the USA will certainly survive beyond all of those currently living in it, even with Il Douche in charge.


  15. No Axe to Grind

    Time will tell.


  16. Jared S.

    You know, I’ve been looking at that “A” more closely….

    I’m not forensic expert on these things, but if you look closely it looks like the tail or “mullet” has been photoshopped out of the picture…. Where the mullet should be the red is a different shade than all the other red around it.

    I’m almost thinking whoever did the ad purposely removed the mullet so as not to infringe on a copyright?

    Just a thought.


  17. Roy

    I love it! If we could just fix the G!


  18. Seriously this is the Bama A-just photo shopped and as Jared pointed out, not a good job. Now i would love to see the U of A go after Strange. Maybe a casino deal can be made, or maybe Bentley can intervene, maybe Moore can pray the A away. So many choices, but two REALLY shitty candidates. Hey then again it is Alabama.
    Their ads are appealing to the lowest common demoninator(spelled incorrectly on purpose). Once again alabama.
