The UT game won’t be at night.

Georgia versus Trash Can U makes to the CBS 3:30 time slot.


Filed under Georgia Football

22 responses to “The UT game won’t be at night.

  1. Anything beats a noon game. What’s the odds on the LSU game being at night next year?


  2. Got Cowdog

    3:30 will be tougher than years past for me. In a desperate attempt to thwart the Karmic Bitches during the 3rd quarter of the ND game, I broke open a local craft bourbon, and it worked. Just to prove my theory, when the offense stalled in the second quarter against Samford, I tried it again with the same results. I have no fear of the 7 o’clock games, but being into the firewater at 4:30 on a Saturday could spell trouble.


  3. The 984

    I have a wedding to attend that day. Service starts at 1:30. Reception starts at 4:30. The things we do for love.


    • AusDawg85

      It would be so tempting to speak up when the minister asks if anyone present doesn’t think this union should go forward…


    • 81Dog

      Is it yours? If not, just because the bride and groom cant go to the game doesn’t mean YOU cant go. If they really wanted you there, they wouldn’t have gotten married on a game day.


    • just sayin

      Hope she’s hot…a 3 hour ceremony?


    • CBS Sports app, fully charged phone and earbuds should take care of it especially if the church and the reception spot have good wi-fi.


    • Uglydawg

      Wouldn’t do it. A man has to draw the line somewhere.


    • Macallanlover

      Service will be over before kickoff. Nice of you to attend that, but after that is just a party. If they aren’t courteous enough to provide a TV, just plead/fake a stomach virus and return to your hotel room, or take Uber to a sports bar. You can only be bent over so far…. And if your girlfriend can’t see that as a reasonable compromise, there may be storm clouds on the horizon that need to be considered. Life goes on a long while and women have some silly ideas about how to spend weekends in the fall; it ain’t just about one game.
