Dawgs dig the long ball.

What do you get when you cross a precocious true freshman quarterback who’s accurate, an offensive line that’s third in the conference in sacks allowed and a running game so good it makes the play action an easy sell?  Well, this:


Filed under Georgia Football

13 responses to “Dawgs dig the long ball.

  1. sniffer

    So, you’re sayin Eason is toast?


  2. Got Cowdog

    No, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see him succeed elsewhere. Wouldn’t blame him either.


    • J-Dawg

      Careful what you wish for. Remember that he took an official visit to the Gayturds before deciding to stay with UGA. I would not want to face a more polished version of Eason at UF>


      • rchris

        Kirby would not allow that.


      • Got Cowdog



      • W Cobb Dawg

        Not sure Eason would leave to join the developing dumpster fire that is fu’s future. Even if he had an amorous attraction to sharks, their’s no opportunity for that as long as McElwain is shark-blocking all other suiters.


        • sniffer

          Isn’t Miami the logical destination if he leaves? I guess there are other programs in need of a qb, but I’m guessing his relationship with MR is pretty strong. Besides, he looks like a South Beach guy and (rumor alert) has proclivities for some of what can be found there….



    Bama’s QB is AWFUL when he tries to throw it.


  4. Reinmart

    If this is 15-yard completions, a lot of those are passes that were initially less than 15 yards becasue Chaney has done a fantastic job of using some of the talent around Fromm this season.

    That being said, I still worry about our ability to throw the ball against a non-Missouri defense. I fully expect this team to be seriously challenged in these last 5 games.


    • DoubleDawg1318

      Definitely concerned about our ability to throw against real defenses (MU doesn’t count). I was hoping Eason would win his job back in practice precisely because at his best, he can fit balls into windows that even some NFL guys struggle with. I think we need more than a game manager to beat Auburn, Bama, and beyond. That said, it increasingly looks like Fromm fits into Kirby’s conservative offensive philosophy of “first do no harm” better and I think he will continue to hold onto the job.


      • Macallanlover

        Based in what? He has been accurate to open receivers, and those who were covered well. He is just more accurate, long, short, or intermediate. Not saying we have played a great coverage secondary yet, but you have a better chance if you are able to hit them when they are open.

        I don’t get the “arm” discussions, I saw Fromm hit a receiver in stride with a 55 yard rope against Vandy. Not disputing he would lose a “long throw” contest against Eason, but exactly how many times do you need him to throw it 65+ yards? Give me the accuracy and I might not need him to throw the 68 yard Hail Mary Franks threw against TN. last month.


  5. DoubleDawg1318

    I see this is another area where Georgia laps UF. Statistically we should beat these guys down. I wish I felt as confident as the stats.
